
Bronze Member
Aug 5, 2008
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Hi everyone, I've been working on this story for a while and after enjoying Scort's story I thought you might enjoy this one too. All constructive critique is most welcome.


Chrissie shows she can take it standing up and lying down on her toughest job ever.

I’ve been a fetish and bondage actress and model for more than two years now. When I look back over how it all came about I can almost believe it was always meant to happen; not that I believe in destiny or fate or any of that stuff.

Everyone always said I was a bright girl, but I was hopeless at school – I guess I was the wrong sort of bright – and I left without taking any exams. After several years of dead-end jobs I decided I wanted something better. So I enrolled at the local college and began making up for everything I’d missed out on at school. But even with government assistance it was hard to make ends meet on what I could earn from waitressing and bar work. I was always the black sheep of my family and I’d not seen or spoken to any of them since leaving home years before so I knew I’d get no help there.

I started with telephone sex. Then I tried stripping, but I didn’t get far with that because, as I got fed up with being told, although I had plenty in the personality department I was sadly lacking in the boobs department. But through the telephone work and the stripping, plus a few months of street work and advertising myself in phone boxes, I managed to build up a small portfolio of trusted clients.

Mark was one of my best clients and when he invited me to be one of his featured ‘artistes’ in his porn videos and photo shoots I jumped at the chance. Not that I found it easy at first. For some reason I found it hard to loosen up in front of the camera and do the things I could easily do for my clients without a second thought. I was terrified the first time I got naked in front of a studio full of guys. I needed all my will power to grasp a cock and take it in my mouth. I needed a stiff drink before and after I was first fucked on camera and I nearly freaked out the first time I was tied up and gagged. That was when Mark was in his ‘ballerinas in distress’ phase; so I was wearing a very high-thigh white leotard showing lots of bare bottom, pulled down at the front to expose my tits, a tiny pink wrap-around tutu skirt, white stay-up tights with lacy tops and pink satin ballerina pointe shoes with ribbons tied around my ankles.

But I’m not a quitter and I’ve always pushed myself through any challenge. Mark always encouraged me and told me I had talent. He paid for me to have my boob job that I’d always longed for and to have a couple of my teeth straightened. So after a steep learning curve I soon settled into my new career. Early on, Mark had me down as a specialist in plimsoll, or sneaker, fetish product. I’ve got good legs: long and shapely with attractive skinny ankles and pretty and neat little feet. Mark loved the way I looked in classic white Keds lace-up plimsolls and that suited me down to the ground because I had always got a thrill from wearing plimsolls too. So I wore white Keds in nearly all my porn shoots and always whenever I provided him with his personal service, which he still insisted on paying me for. He’s always been totally straight with me. That’s why I like him.

I was taking a break between shooting one afternoon, sitting at a table with a bacon sandwich and a large mug of tea, wearing just my Chinese silk dressing gown and my white Keds with baby doll frilly white ankle socks. I was nursing my backside having just been fucked up my arse while bent over the back of a Harley Davidson by a big hairy guy wearing just a black crash helmet and big black leather biker boots. Mark came over, sat down opposite me and, leaning over the table, asked,

“Are you still open for new business?”

Not needing to ask what he meant and smiling at his deliberate double-entendre, I asked him back.

“What’s he looking for and what’s he offering?”

“This mate of mine wants a girl for a night. I’ll be completely honest with you, Chrissie, he’s a bit of head case and he’s no Prince Charming, so you’d have to expect a bit of rough handling. Not that he’d kill you or break your arms and legs or slap you around or anything like that; but you’d be a bit bruised and sore afterwards.”

“How come you’re mates with a psycho like that?” I glanced suspiciously at him over my tea mug.

“We go back a long way and it’s a long story. He’s done me lots of favours over the years and even though he’s mental he always does what he says he’ll do. He’s never let me down once all the years I’ve known him. There’s no-one else I can say that about. So I always try to help him out. He’ll fuck you hard but I promise he won’t fuck you about.”

“How much is he paying then?” I asked him, reckoning it wouldn’t be such a bad way to earn a quick couple of hundred or so.

“Two grand.”

I nearly dropped my mug of tea.

“Are you fucking me about?”

He looked at me levelly.

“Two thousand pounds, guaranteed, no questions asked.”

I had always longed for a chance to make that kind of money.

“Shit, Mark, when do I meet him and where?”

He put his hand on my shoulder. “It’ll be a tough gig, Chrissie. You’ve got to understand that.”

I smiled teasingly at him. “You’re not worrying about me, are you?”

He transferred his hand from my shoulder to my hand.

“You’re a great girl, Chrissie. I care about you. I don’t want you taking on something you can’t handle.”

That decided it for me. I looked him straight in the eye.

“You know I’ve never backed down from a challenge. I’m going to do it. Now tell me how I find him.”

“You don’t go to him. He’ll come for you when he’s ready, and when he thinks you’re ready.”

His last comment made me shudder a little inside and I almost regretted my decision. But my determination drove me on.

“How will I know it’s him?”

“He’ll use a code word: ‘I’ve been watching you.’”

This made me feel even more scared, but my will power forced the feeling back down.

“How will he know where to find me?”

The feeling rose up again as I heard Mark’s reply.

“When he knows you do work for me, he’ll work out how to find you. He’s a nutter but he isn’t stupid.”

With one more effort I pushed my fear out of my mind and concentrated on being professional.

“Has he got any ‘special requirements’?”

“He likes girls in white Keds plimsolls. And lay off shaving yourself Down South, he’s got a thing about that. And you also have to sign this.”

He pushed a piece of paper and a pen towards me. The paper was a disclaimer to say that I had consented to ‘any act of an extreme sexual nature.’

“You can still back out if you want to,” he said. His watchful expression drilled right through me.

I shot him a determined glance, picked up the paper and pen, took a deep breath, and signed.

For the first few days afterwards I had a constant feeling of nervous expectation in the pit of my stomach. But as the days lengthened into weeks and still nothing happened, I gradually forgot all about it. Mark never mentioned it so I just let it go. ‘All mouth and no trousers’ was how I summed up his mate. ‘Too bad about the two grand though, it was always going to be too good to be true’, I thought. The only reminder I had was my regrown bush, which for some reason I kept and which felt slightly strange under my panties; seeing as I’d kept myself smooth down there since starting out as a stripper several years before. Mark made no comment about it, simply airbrushing my dark and luxuriant growth out of my pictures.

[Part 2 coming soon]
Re: A Keds story (With thanks to Scort)

Thanks Kedsrule and Redlevel for your appreciation. Having set the scene, things start to happen in part 2. Hope you enjoy it.

[Part 2]

It had been busy that night at the American diner where I still worked as a waitress. I was worn out after being constantly on my feet for hours. We’d had record takings, so, although we were all knackered, we stayed on for a while after clearing up and had a celebratory drink or two. I had carried on working there because we were all great mates and I loved the uniform we wore: tight tee-shirt, short pleated cheerleader skirt and white Keds with white ankle socks; which meant we all made loads of tips. I was still wearing my uniform as I headed for home. It was a cold night and getting colder, so even wrapped in my full length afghan coat I was shivering and my feet were frozen inside my white Keds and ankle socks gleaming in the harsh glare of the street lights. I was glad to reach my front door at last. It was just after two in the morning and the street was completely deserted.

I had just unlocked the door and only had a split second to realise that someone was coming up behind me before my mouth was suddenly clamped by the grip of a powerful hand, I was lifted off my feet by an equally powerful arm squeezing my waist and carried into my house. I heard the door closed behind us. I started trying to scream and struggle against his hold on me but I stopped when I heard his harsh, rasping whisper.

“I’ve been watching you. Now you keep quiet and do what you’re told until I pay you off, understand?”

Wide eyed with fright, I nodded dumbly.

“And remember you signed that paper. So don’t you try crying **** afterwards. Whatever happens to you is consensual, got that?

Trembling with fear, I nodded again.

With that, he frog marched me into my kitchen, lit only by the light of the street lamp filtered through the nylon net of the curtains drawn across the window concealing my plight from the outside world, and stood me at the end of my kitchen table. He pulled my coat off me and then stuffed a soft, squashy rubber ball between my lips so it filled my mouth cavity. He sealed my lips over with strong tape. He handcuffed my hands behind my back and strapped my upper arms tightly to my sides with a length of cord wrapped around me several times before being tied off. He bent my upper body forward to rest on the table, squatted down behind me, jerked my panties down to my knees and forced my legs apart; stretching my panties into a tight band of white cotton digging into my legs. Before he stood up he stroked my ankles through my white ankle socks and then around the curving edge of my white Keds where my feet went into them. It was the first time he had touched me with any gentleness or sensitivity and even though I was shaking with fright I somehow got a thrill of pleasure from it.

But any pleasure I was to get from all of this was to only last for a second. Without any warning I suddenly felt his cock forcing up my arse. It felt enormous and incredibly tight and I let out a muffled squeal of pain and shock.

“Keep quiet”, he hissed at me. My eyes were bathed in my tears as I screwed them tightly shut with the effort of keeping the searing pain in my back passage inside me. After a few hard thrusts he abruptly pulled himself out of me but before I could even take a breath he rammed himself into my vagina. It was all I could do to stop myself from throwing up at the thought of his prick inside my vagina after where it had just been. It was a good job I succeeded because being so tightly gagged I might have choked to death in my own vomit. As he mercilessly shafted me from behind he kept me pressed down onto the table with one hand on the small of my back and the other on the right side of my face as he ground my left ear and cheek into the rough wooden surface. With every thrust I gave a low muffled moan of pain.

After what seemed like an age I felt him tense up and then he came. He stopped still for a moment with his prick buried deep inside me and his bushy groin pushed up tight against my buttocks, which at least gave me a chance to get my breath back and fight down the pain burning in both of my holes. Then he pulled out of me and pulled up my panties again, which were soon soaked and sticky with his cum as it leaked back out of me.

In spite of my predicament I couldn’t help feeling curious about him as, breathing heavily whilst still bent over my table, I watched him as he stood silhouetted by the window light at my kitchen sink and carefully washed himself. He kept his back to me so I couldn’t see his face or his genitals. He carefully cleaned the sink afterwards, placed the soiled towel in the washing machine and replaced it with a fresh towel.

I began to relax again and waited for him to release me after he had finished cleaning himself up. ‘It could have been worse,’ I thought, ‘and he cleans up after himself too.’

I was just thinking that I hadn’t had to do all that much to earn a couple of grand and he was welcome to have another session sometime when, to my horror, instead of releasing me, he told me to turn my head away so I couldn’t see his face, grabbed hold of me again and forced me out through the side door leading outside from the kitchen to the side passage and then through the security gate that opened into the narrow alley that ran between my house and the neighbouring one. Junkies and dealers often met there but tonight it was empty. There was no-one to see us as he led me down the alleyway to the little access road tucked in behind my house. It was even colder by now and as I was still dressed only in my skimpy cheerleader outfit I was freezing even for just the few seconds it took for him to get me to his van parked at the end of the alleyway, all the time keeping me from seeing his face. I felt a sudden stab of terror as I realised he was kidnapping me and that he must have had been watching my movements and planning the whole thing for ages beforehand.

As he bundled me face down onto the floor of the van and shut the doors I tried to scream and struggle against his hold on me. But I went rigid with fear as he grabbed me by the back of my neck and told me to shut up. Knowing there was no-one around to help me, I obeyed.

He blindfolded me with a scarf and tied my ankles together and my knees together with more lengths of cord. He turned me onto my back on a wooden lattice frame that was fixed to the floor of the van and lashed me to it with webbing straps that criss-crossed the length of my body and legs. Finally he covered me with a tarpaulin. Before he left me to get in the driver’s cab he uncovered my feet and again stroked my ankles and feet gently before replacing the tarpaulin. But this time I got no pleasure from this strange little touch of sensitivity that was now so out of context it just scared me even more. Alone and terrified and finding it hard to breath in the stuffy air under the tarpaulin because of my gag as he transported me to God knows where, I could at least release some of the pent-up fear and pain inside me as I shook with quiet, muffled sobs into my gag and soaked my blindfold with my tears; my trussed up body aching with cold and the painful digging-in grip of my tight bonds.

I was left alone in the back of the van for what felt like ages; frightened, freezing cold, the sharp edges of the wooden frame digging painfully into my flesh, desperately uncomfortable through being restrained in the same position for so long and my gagged mouth now starting to get dry and parched. But having the time for a good cry had helped me to sort myself out a bit and I could take stock of my situation. I knew that I was certainly in for a hard time when we got to wherever he was taking me but at least I knew that, based on how he had treated me so far and on what Mark had told me about him, I should come out alive, in one piece and a lot richer. Nothing he had done to me was stuff I hadn’t experienced before at some point; what made it different this time was that it was all happening together with greater intensity than I’d known before now. In the darkness under the tarpaulin I realised that this was going to be my greatest test, my marathon, my 21-round final bout for the championship. I resolved to take whatever he could do to me and come out a winner. I was a professional and I was going to prove it beyond any doubt.

[Part 3 coming soon]
Re: A Keds story (With thanks to Scort)

wow plimsolllover, really good. can't wait for more!

i guess i need to get off my lazy ass and finish mine one of these days, i just haven't figured out what i want to do next.
Re: A Keds story (With thanks to Scort)

Thanks again to all of you who have stuck with the story so far and especially those who have shown their appreciation. To say 'thank you' back here's Part 3 a little bit earlier than I planned.

Part 3

We finally stopped. The doors opened. He uncovered me, stroked my ankles and feet again, unstrapped me from the frame and pulled me out of the van. Then he lifted me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hoist, my bound legs hanging down in front of him as he took me into a building and down some steps. After carrying me for a few more steps he stood me on my feet and stood behind me while he untied my ankles and knees so I could stand up on my own. Then he took off my blindfold.

I was inside what I can only describe as an underground torture chamber. In the middle of the room was a bed fitted with leg supports like the ones a pregnant woman uses when she’s in labour. The bed was surrounded with video cameras on tripods and camera lights on stands, their cable criss-crossing the floor like a mass of demented snakes. There was a sink and a toilet and a table covered with all kinds of things for any sex and bondage activity you could think of. He unstrapped my arms and oh, the blessed relief as he took off my handcuffs. I rubbed my wrists gratefully and hoped he would take off my gag and give me a drink, but he didn’t.

“Get undressed,” he told me in a voice that was cold and menacing.

My hands fumbled with nerves as I removed my watch and jewellery, peeled off my tee shirt, unhitched my bra and let it fall from me, stepped out of my skirt and with some relief removed my panties that were by now stiff and encrusted with his dried cum. I knelt to loosen the laces of my plimsolls in order to take them off but he stopped me.

“Leave those,” he ordered. Then I remembered his fetish for girls in white Keds. “Now stand up straight with your hands behind your back.”

‘Oh fuck, he’s tying me up again,’ I thought to myself.

I was used to being tied up but this was taking my experience to a new level. He bound my wrists this time with cord even tighter than when he’s used the handcuffs on me. Tight cords dug deep into my arms and shoulders. He bound my breasts so tightly that they stuck out from me like sausage shaped party balloons. Crotch ropes coming down from a tight girdle of rope around my waist cut deep into the creases of my inner thighs where they met my groin before encircling my thighs and heading up my buttocks to meet the ropes around my waist again. I had to force myself to breath slowly to stop myself from hyperventilating with fear and all the pain and stresses from all over my body that were overwhelming my senses.

When he finally finished he surveyed his handiwork for a moment while I stood trembling with discomfort and fright; cowering before him, my pain-filled body hunched and cramped by the pull and grip of the ropes tightly constraining and constricting me. He made me jump up and down awkwardly on the spot for a moment so he could enjoy watching my ballooning breasts bob up and down. Which may have been good fun for him but certainly wasn’t for me, as with each pain-filled jump, the soft, rubbery slap of the soles of my Keds landing on the hard and smooth tile floor synchronised with my muffled grunts and sighs of pain as encircling ropes dug into the soft flesh all around my tightly bound breasts and the crotch ropes ground deep into the creases of my groin.

Then he forced me down onto the bed on my back and strapped me down onto it with a webbing strap drawn tight across my upper body just below the level of my shoulders and another strap across my waist. He fixed my legs to the leg supports with straps pulled tightly around my ankles, just below and just above my knees and midway up my thighs. My upper legs were spread open in a vertical vee shape with my lower legs bent forward at the knees. I could just make out the bright white shapes of my feet in my Keds and ankle socks pointed towards him and gleaming under the lights bathing my body with their hot glare.

He still wasn’t finished with me. He fitted over my face and my head a black leather muzzle gag. He adjusted the gag part until it fitted tightly over my existing tape gag, so that I was now double gagged. The tightly constricting pull of it squashed and flattened my cheeks uncomfortably into my face. Other straps encircled my neck, face and head and clamped my jaws so tightly together I couldn’t move them at all. It felt totally ghastly and being forced to wear it sent my stress level skywards.

He inflicted still more stress and discomfort on me. He spent a minute roughly fondling and squeezing my breasts, which felt incredibly painful because of their tight binding and made me cry out with muffled screams of pain, before he put nipple clamps on me and tightened them so excruciatingly hard I squealed like a stuck piglet in absolute agony.

He looked down on me. I could only see his silhouette because of the bright lights shining and reflecting in my tear-filled eyes.

“You’re a filthy stinking bag and you need to be cleaned out before you’re ready for me,” he informed me coldly.

In spite of all the pain being inflicted on me I would have loved to scream back at him, “And who’s fault is that then, you dirty fucking bastard?” but, bound and gagged and helpless and my brain befuddled with pain and distress, I could only hold the thought inside me and draw strength from my fury at him. At the same time, I was nervous at the thought of what he meant by ‘need to be cleaned out.’

I didn’t have long to find out. He picked up a hospital urine bottle, pressed the neck tightly over my hole and told me to fill it. Angrily, I determined to fill it to overflowing and piss on his hand, even though I was so tensed up inside that it felt like liquid fire was flowing from my bladder. But it was a large bottle and though I strained and squeezed as much as I was able to I just couldn’t manage it. When it was obvious that my bladder was empty he wiped my hole with surgical spirit, which stung so much it brought more tears to my eyes. Then he flushed the contents down the toilet, dropped the bottle into a waste bin and picked up a bed pan. ‘Oh shit,’ I groaned inwardly as he placed it under me and told me to empty myself. Because of the extreme tension in my body and the position I was being forced to lie in, it took me a lot of effort and when I could finally empty my bowels it felt like I was passing great lumps of red hot lava.

After dealing with the pan in the same way as the bottle, he went on to the next stage of the process of ‘cleansing’ me. He connected a long plastic tube to the sink’s cold tap. My buttocks clenched involuntarily in anticipation of the forced enema I knew he was about to give me. I flinched as he pushed the tube into my arse. He turned on the tap. I squealed in my gag and writhed in my bonds and thrashed my head from side to side in shock and pain as freezing cold water flooded my back passage and flowed out into a large basin on the floor. It felt like ages before he turned off the tap. Then he flushed the waste water down the toilet and replaced the bowl on the floor beneath me as I panted and heaved and quivered with shock.

“Now it’s clean we’re going to keep it that way,” he informed me. I shivered as he smeared lubricating jelly inside my arse and then I gave a long, muffled moan of pain as he fitted me with a very tightly fitting butt plug which he then fixed in place with a strip of waterproof tape pressed firmly down over my arse hole and my buttocks.

He fitted another tube to the cold water tap and I made another muffled cry of agony as he roughly pushed the other end into my vagina and then I screamed and struggled again as he gave me a long, freezing cold douche. After he had finished, my heart raced and my stomach lurched with deep shock.

I trembled as he stroked my thick bush of hair between my legs. “This is coming off,” he told me in his usual cold expression. Then he picked up an electric razor and I cried out in pain again and again through my gag as he pushed it roughly all over my pubic region and didn’t stop until every last trace of my hair had vanished, leaving my skin feeling red raw and stingingly sore. ‘So that’s his thing about shaved girls: he likes to do the shaving!’ I thought bitterly.

The physical and nervous exertion of coping with so much ill treatment had left me totally exhausted. So I barely moved or responded as he roughly smeared the outside and inside of my vagina with lubrication and told me, “Now you’re ready.”

[How much more of this can Chrissie take? Find out in Part 4. Coming soon.]
Re: A Keds story (With thanks to Scort)

Here's your weekend reading. Hope you all enjoy it.

[Part 4]

Half-blinded by the bright lights all around me I could only see him in shadowy outline but when he stood between my splayed out legs and pulled down his trousers and underpants I saw enough to make my eyes water and become wide with amazement. He was hung like a horse, with a cock the size of a cucumber. No wonder my arse and my vagina had been so sore after he had done me on my kitchen table. I had often listened with envy to tales told by my ‘working girl’ friends about coping with guys with really big dicks and now at last I had one for my own and he was a real champion. In spite of all my pain and stress I felt myself rising to the challenge of taking him in and I even gave a little muffled moan of anticipation in my gag. My vagina tensed up and began to tingle and moisten with excitement as I watched him grease his entire length with lubricating jelly and I began to breathe more and more heavily as the moment approached.

One of Mark’s favourite turn-ons is when I’m on my knees before him and I’m dressed in just a tiny black satin G-string with just enough material to cover my girl’s bits and leaving plenty of room on either side for it to be slid aside for easy access, a black silk choker around my neck, nipple tassels swaying from my breasts and my white Keds with my baby doll frilly white ankle socks; with my hands tied behind my back and wearing a fetish blindfold in black satin trimmed with fur; while I deep throat him a few times before I gracefully arch myself backwards down onto the floor and spread my legs open wide apart ready for him. I would willingly have done this now for my captor in exchange for the pleasure of his huge manhood with its swollen firmness and throbbing warmth filling my mouth and his huge swollen head nestled deep in my throat, for being set free from being strapped down and forced to lie on the bed in such an uncomfortable position and for being released from my gags, especially the ghastly grip of my muzzle gag on my face, head and neck. I often wonder why we girls allow ourselves to go along with this gag business when everyone knows that in the war of the sexes a woman’s best weapon is her tongue. I guess that’s why guys go in for it so much because they know it shuts us up for a while so they have a few minutes’ peace to get on with whatever they want to do with us.

But I had to deal with the situation as it was. Until now my coping strategy had been to stir up my feelings of anger towards him and feed off the energy. But now I had no more strength left in me to hate him. I decided that the way for me to get through this was to give myself up to the experience. ‘After all,’ I reasoned, ‘millions of people dream all their lives of getting this sort of treatment and here I am getting the full package from a real expert and getting paid a shit load for it too.’

I felt the first touch of his huge head on my entrance and I held my breath and screwed up my eyes as I prepared for his ramrod entrance that I had already doubly and painfully experienced. But this time it was totally different. I moaned with pleasure in my gag and curled my toes inside my white Keds in delight as he slowly, carefully and gently pushed himself further and further into me; his head opening up my entrance wider and wider while his great length slid by and rubbed deliciously against my throbbing clit and labia, not stopping until his whole length was deep and warm inside me. The feeling of being opened up and filled up so much was incredible and I felt fantastically tight around him as I bathed him in my girl juices in my heart thumping, blood rushing, heavy breathing, rapidly increasing excitement. At the same time he continually stroked and caressed my ankles and feet through my ankle socks and my Keds. Watching and feeling him doing it to my feet at the same time as I felt him penetrating me was just fantastic.

He started up a long, slow, deep rhythm that sent the most deliciously gorgeous waves of pleasure radiating all through my body. My muffled moans of pleasure mixed with pain grew louder as I approached my climax and I squealed and whimpered with delight as my whole body seemed to tighten onto his prick as I came again and again. I groaned deeply in my ecstasy as he continued to shaft me, his hairy groin pressing against my splayed open buttocks and thighs with every thrust. Every time he stroked my feet and ankles through my Keds and ankle socks I felt as if I was about to leap out of my body screaming with delight.

He came with a deep grunt and gave me a couple more deep thrusts as he squeezed the maximum pleasure from his orgasm. Then he stopped and for a moment I lay there, bound and gagged and splayed wide open, massaging my throbbing vagina on his fat, firm prick buried deep inside me, my body quivering and my tightly bound breasts rising and falling with all my extreme effort and excitement. Putting all my energy into the only movements allowed to my bound body – the ones that came with extreme coitus. My eyes were tightly shut and my head waved from side to side as I made long, muffled sighs of total pleasure through my gag. There was no doubt that my pleasure had been greatly increased and intensified by the pain and the experience and feeling of being bound and gagged and having all my intimate bits examined and penetrated beforehand.

I gave one last deep muffled sigh of satisfaction as I felt him withdraw from me and enjoyed the incredible wide-open empty feeling between my legs. Then I suddenly became nervous again as I heard him say,

“Time to clean you up again!”

Once again I began to tremble as I saw him about to insert the tube into me again. But this time it was completely different. I sank back in relief at the gorgeous, pulsating sensation of warm water flowing around and out of my vagina. After satisfying himself that I was clean inside again, he gently washed me down with cooling water and a sponge before drying me with a towel, taking great care with drying me between my legs. I was really glad he did that because by that stage I had become bathed in sweat under the hot lights and my tight bonds were rubbing and chafing against the sticky dampness of my hot and sweaty skin, adding even more to my discomfort.

I longed for him to release me from my gag for just a moment to give me even just a little sip of water but he didn’t and I was too firmly gagged to make anything like an intelligible sound in order to beg him to. Instead he turned off the lights and left the room. Lying there exhausted in the calming, cooling darkness. I fell asleep almost straight away.

I was floating on a white fluffy cloud in a brilliant blue sky while golden sunlight bathed my naked body so it shone with a glorious golden honey sheen. I felt safe, warm and secure. The brilliant white gleam radiating from my feet in my white Keds and white ankle socks matched the glowing snowy white of the soft feathers of my wings. I was drifting up higher and higher towards the source of the most incredibly bright light.

Suddenly I was awakened by the feeling of something soft being placed on my eyes and then something being pressed down over them. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn’t. I was instantly in panic mode as I realised with a start of terror that he was blindfolding me again and I filled the room with my muffled screaming and struggled desperately in my tight bonds and against his clamping grip on both sides of my head with his hot palms squashed tightly against my ears.

“Shut up you stupid bitch, you’re going home!” he rasped at me.

I instantly went rigid with shock at what he had just said. I was going to be OK. There was complete silence and stillness for a moment, and then I felt him again gently stroking my feet through my Keds before undoing the straps binding me to the bed and lifting me up in a fireman’s hoist again. As I balanced precariously on his shoulder I braced myself for whatever was coming next.

I was soon strapped down inside the van under the tarpaulin again. But I was now much worse off than I was during my previous journey. Then, it had been less cold, I had been wearing some clothes – even if they were only a tight little tee shirt, a low-cut lacy bra, very cut away stretchy cotton briefs and of course my white Keds and ankle socks. Now I was naked except for my Keds and ankle socks, I had been tied up and gagged for hours and far more tightly, I felt bruised and sore all over, my tightly clamped nipples were pulsating with pain and my crotch burned under my crotch ropes and with the soreness from being shaved so roughly, it was even colder than before and I was totally physically and emotionally exhausted.

As the journey continued and I lay again in the darkness and stuffiness under the tarpaulin, struggling for breath under the tight grip of my double gag, I kept my spirits up by reminding myself that I was nearly home and clear, that I had passed my test and that I had a big payoff from my soon to be ex-captor to look forward to. To take my mind off my discomfort I thought about him and tried to work him out. It didn’t need rocket science to work out that he liked to watch videos of his activities afterwards, hence the cameras and lights. And Mark might know some reason for the clean and tidy obsession. But what was it with the all the rough treatment mixed up with the more gentle, almost caring touches he had sometimes shown me? I decided that he just did whatever he felt like and he either didn’t know or didn’t care if his actions happened to hurt or be a kindness to other people. First I had hated him, then I had co-operated with him to get whatever I could get from him as payback for all the things he was doing to me, now I just felt sort of sorry for him, imagining that he must live a pretty lonely life.

I was just starting to wonder about how he was going to get me back into my house in the state I was in without being seen when the van stopped. The doors opened, the tarpaulin was lifted off and as I felt again through my Keds his hands stroking my feet my body shivered as if I had been put inside a fridge.

He pulled me out of the van and deposited me on the ground a short distance away. Whatever I was lying on was iron hard and freezing to the touch and I began to shiver uncontrollably. There was complete silence all around me. Where was I? What was he doing to me? Why wasn’t I home? I began to make muffled squeals of fear as he turned me onto my stomach and I squeaked with pain as my tightly clamped nipples and ballooning breasts were squashed uncomfortably under my body weight against the icy hardness I was being forced to lie on.

Ignoring my distress, he bent my legs back over my body as far as they would go and with a spare length of rope that he had kept tucked into the rope girdle encircling my breasts, shoulders and waist, hitched my ankles to my body. I was now well and truly hogtied. He turned me on my side and I felt something being inserted and pushed up into my vagina and then he completely sealed over my girl’s bits with tape, so that apart from my nostrils and my ears all my orifices were now stopped up or sealed over or both. Whatever it was he had stuck up into my vagina made me feel even more uncomfortable inside. He stroked my Keds and my ankle socks one more time.

Then he left me.

[To be continued?]
Re: A Keds story (With thanks to Scort)

Crap! This stuff is great - - - but to leave us "hanging" there!

BTW - Thanks for a double installment.

Keep up the great work!
Re: A Keds story (With thanks to Scort)

Thanks for the appreciation, Jeff. And after keeping you all hanging on the edge all weekend, here at long last is the concluding part.

[Part 5]

I was naked except for my white Keds and ankle socks that were rapidly drawing in more perishing cold into my already frozen feet, tightly bound, hogtied, gagged with two layers of gag and blindfolded. I was weak, exhausted, with throbbing and smarting pains all over my body and shaking with terror and with cold rapidly sinking into me. Hogtied as I was, my naked body was totally open and exposed to air so cold it seemed to grip me and I couldn’t even draw my knees up into a foetal position so I could at least try to make a desperate effort to keep even a little warmth inside my body.

I squirmed and struggled feebly in my bonds in an instinctive but futile effort of self-preservation. Every movement brought more agony. The deathly stillness seemed to mock my feeble muffled squealing, mewing and whimpering for help. Time seemed to stop as my brain span dizzily in the midst of my overflowing and overwhelming dread. ‘Is this what he meant when he said I was ‘going home’? Is this how I was always destined to die?’ I started to convulse with muffled sobs. I had spent most of my life hating my mum and wishing her dead but now I desperately longed to be able to cry out to her to forgive me and comfort me in my final moments before, frozen in death, I felt the first thawing heat of the flames of eternal damnation. I screwed up my eyes beneath my blindfold in a frantic effort to remember the words of the Rosary or even the Lord’s Prayer, but in my state of total terror the familiar words that had failed to move me during my stubborn childhood and rebellious adolescence now refused to rise from my memory that was paralysed with fear even as my body, driven by literally blind instinct for survival, squirmed futilely in its life and death struggle with my mercilessly tight bonds.

A moment later I was completely spent, physically and emotionally. I lay still, now only barely able to even shiver, and waited for the darkness and the cold to draw me in and consume me as if I was the helpless prey of a colossal constricting snake.

I was convinced I was hallucinating the first time I heard Mark’s voice calling my name from what seemed like thousands of miles away. Then when I heard him calling me again, my survival instinct kicked in for one last effort and I screamed and squealed as loudly as I could under the tight grip of my double gag and the leather straps clamping my jaws together while I thrashed my tightly bound body like a freshly caught shark dumped on the deck of the fishing boat, the adrenaline rush making me now oblivious to the pain.

“Chrissie! Oh my God, what’s he done to you!”

When I heard him say that and knew that he’d found me I gave way to total hysteria and I screamed and wailed and writhed and rolled over and back and over again like a pig knowing it was about to be slaughtered. Then for the first time in what felt like forever I felt warmth against me as his arms enfolded me and the warmth of his cheek pressed close to mine as he hugged me close to him and comforted and gradually calmed me down with soft, gentle words of encouragement and care.

“It’s alright now, Chrissie. Shhh, shh, it’s OK now.”

When I was sufficiently back in control of myself and lying more calmly and still in his arms he used a knife he had with him to cut me free at last from my horrible muzzle gag and then he dabbed my tape gag, that now felt like it was permanently fused to my face and lips, with cotton wool soaked in nail polish remover to soften the glue and make it easier and less painful to peel away from my parched and cracked lips. He delicately reached into my mouth to extract the rubber ball, slimy and soaked in my saliva and at last my mouth was free. All I could whisper was one word,


After I had taken a few feeble sips from a bottle of water he had brought with him he set to work on freeing me, knowing he had to work fast to save me from frostbite and hypothermia. He removed my blindfold and when I could see myself again at last, stretched out on grass that was petrified and glistening in thick frost that sparkled like diamond dust in the moonlight, I could hardly register that it was me. Under the deathly pale light of the full moon glaring down at me, bright and hard-edged like a torch shone through a hole in black paper, my naked body, encircled and criss-crossed with ropes, here and there tinged with blue and purple with bruising and extreme cold, looked as nearly as white as my Keds and ankle socks and as drained of life as the plaster figure on the large crucifix suspended over the altar in my parents’ church, and as pale and waxy as the candles that stood on either side of it.

When I saw through the pitch darkness trees all around me as far as I could see and bright stars shining through their branches I shivered with horror when I realised where I was. I had been dumped; naked, bound, gagged and blindfolded and totally helpless; in the middle of a country park miles from anywhere during one of the coldest nights of the year. If Mark hadn’t known where and when to find me I would certainly have died from exposure hours before anyone else would have come across me. I caught sight of his watch. It was just after five in the morning. I had been held captive for about three hours.

Thanks to the sharp knife, he soon had me free at last from my bonds. Waves of relief bathed my weak and exhausted body as he released me from my nipple clamps, soaked off the tape coverings over my orifices and I can’t tell you how wonderful it felt when he pulled out my butt plug. But that’s when it all started to get embarrassing. In spite of me being deprived of water all that time and being forced to empty my bladder earlier, it had been gradually filling again up to bursting because of all the nervous energy I had been expending and as soon as Mark removed the tape covering my holes I wet myself so much that I almost lost sight of him amidst the ghostly curtain of steam rising up from the large, warm puddle that I produced. And then when he uncorked my arse I filled the forest with what must have been the loudest and longest fart since dinosaurs had lived there.

In spite of everything, we both couldn’t help laughing for a moment. But then as I lay in his arms wrapped up in a warm blanket while he gave me more sips of water and warmed my body with his embrace I began to sob again, this time with relief at being alive and gratitude for being able to experience real kindness and gentleness again and also with agony as the circulation started to return to my blood and heat-starved extremities. Eventually he calmed me down again but at the same time I could easily tell that he was in distress too.

“I’m sorry, Chrissie. I’m so fucking sorry,” he said to me over and over again. And then, “I knew he was a mental case but I never thought he’d do anything like this to you. I’ll fucking kill him.”

In spite of the weakened state I was in I was desperate to reassure him and stop him from doing something he would regret.

“Don’t get yourself into trouble over him. He’s not worth it, Mark,” I managed to say in my as yet still weak and trembling voice as I feebly squeezed his hand. “I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. I’ll be OK.”

He was hardly able to meet my gaze. “How can you say that after what you’ve been through because of me?” he said in a very small voice. I squeezed his hand again, a little stronger this time, and managed to give him a weak little smile, which was all I had the strength for at that moment.

“It’s not your fault, Mark. You didn’t know. I’ll be OK, really. Please will you take me home now?”

“You can stay at my place until you’re better,” he suggested. He sounded hopeful somehow.

“Thanks but I’ll be OK after a long soak in a warm bath and a few hours sleep.” For a split second I thought I had noticed a look of disappointment in his eyes.

“OK,” he smiled, “let’s get you into the ambulance.”

Before I could ask what he meant, he had slung over his shoulder the bag that was on the ground next to him that contained the things he’d brought to care for me with and then lifted me up in his arms. He had already gathered up the ropes and the severed remains of the hated muzzle gag so as not to leave any evidence, promising me he would incinerate them at the earliest opportunity. As I snuggled in the warm caress of my blanket while he strode carefully along a grassy path between silent ranks of trees I asked him how he’d known how to find me. I heard his voice and the firm, crunching tread of his feet on the frost-covered grass with amazing clarity in the hushed stillness all around us.

“I got a text about an hour ago tipping me off about where you would be and when you would be there and telling me what gear to bring for you,” he replied. “I’ll never move as fast again as when I was getting all the stuff together and running for the van. I was desperate to put my foot down all the way here but I couldn’t risk getting pulled over by the traffic cops. I’d no idea what I’d find. I couldn’t believe it when I saw how he’d left you. God knows what would have happened if I hadn’t been able to get to you.”

“We don’t need to worry about that now,” I said gently. “At least he thought about making sure I’d be safe.”

Mark’s van was parked on the edge of the forest out of sight of the nearby road. When I saw it I couldn’t help shuddering when I remembered the last couple of times I’d been put inside one. But this was totally different. Instead of a hard wooden frame to roughly strap me down on there was a deep, soft mattress which he laid me gently down onto. Instead of a rough tarpaulin covering over my freezing, petrified body there was a warm fluffy duvet to snuggle under while still wrapped in my blanket. Instead of hard wood bruising the back of my head with every jolt of the van I had a soft pillow to caress and comfort my head and my neck after their long confinement in the muzzle gag. Instead of it being like an icebox, a little gas bottle powered heater made the inside of the van cheery and as warm as toast. Soon, even my feet, which had had all the warmth drawn out of them, were starting to feel better and I wiggled my toes with pleasure inside my Keds. I love going to bed naked in just my Keds so I had said ‘no thanks’ to Mark when he had offered to take them off me before covering me with the duvet. There was even a steaming hot mug of tea and a freshly made bacon sandwich waiting for me on a little side table next to the mattress. I felt safe, secure and wonderfully, beautifully warm.

“Is this your mobile knocking shop then?” I teased him.

“I’m going to get it patented,” he grinned. Then he said, “By the way, I found this lying next to you.” From out of his shoulder bag he pulled a smaller bag. By now I was strong enough to sit up and see what was inside. All my clothes were there, washed and perfectly ironed and folded. There was also a large packet. I opened it carefully. It contained £2000 in used £10 notes.

I gasped in my sudden stunned realisation. “I could have died not knowing I was inches away from the most money I’ve ever had in my life and not one penny of it would have been worth a fart.”

“Not even one of yours,” he laughed. I laughed too, only not too much because of all my bruising from the ropes I’d been bound so tightly with for so long. Then I was suddenly aware of a strange feeling deep inside me and I realised that with everything else going on I’d forgotten about the object buried deeply in my vagina. I reached down between my legs and carefully extracted it from myself. Tightly wrapped up in cling film now glistening and slimy with my mucus was another £500 in £20 notes.

“He must have liked you after all,” Mark beamed, “He’s given you a bonus. It makes a change from keeping it in your cleavage!”

My heart suddenly skipped a beat as I started in terror. “He won’t come for me again, will he?”

Mark’s expression instantly became serious again as he squeezed my hand reassuringly. “It’s all right; he never has the same girl more than once. You won’t be seeing him again. And,” he added grimly, “after today neither will I.”

Reassured, I clenched the notes tightly in my hand and enjoyed my moment of triumph. I had done it. There was no doubt any more in my mind. I was a true professional, more than able to cope with even the most extreme demands made upon me. I had settled something else in my mind too: that life is too short to keep on holding a grudge. It was too late for me to do anything about Dad. The cancer had finally settled that issue several years ago. But however hard it turned out to be, I was resolved to get back in contact with Mum. Then I suddenly thought of something I hadn’t thought to ask Mark before.

“What’s your weird ex-mate’s name and where does he hang out?”

Mark looked at me as if I’d suddenly started talking in a foreign language and replied as if I’d just made an improper suggestion about his mother.

“I don’t know!”

I couldn’t believe my ears. “What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’? You go and set me up for a night of fun and games playing ‘doctor and patient’ with your mate Psycho from the Planet Psycho, I nearly end up more frozen than the stuff that comes in boxes with ‘Findus’ printed in big letters on the front, and you don’t even know his fucking name?” I almost managed to shriek at him.

“Blokes don’t always want to talk about personal stuff like that,” he shouted back defensively. “He just used to show up here and there and he never said and I never asked. Hang on a minute, how do you know I call him ‘Psycho’?”

I sank back into my pillow in disbelief.

“I’ll never understand men,” I sighed.


Thanks for sticking with it all the way and thanks again to all of you that took the trouble to show your appreciation.

Does anyone want me to write another one?
Re: A Keds story (With thanks to Scort)

Hell yes! You could write many more!

I thought maybe you were going to have some kind of twist - didn't know exactly how - that Mark was also the perpetrator - some sort of schizo!
But then again, maybe he is - - - in part 2.

All in all a really great story!

Re: A Keds story (With thanks to Scort)

I thought maybe you were going to have some kind of twist - didn't know exactly how - that Mark was also the perpetrator - some sort of schizo!

Thanks, KedsRule, that's a really clever twist that had never ocurred to me. Perhaps I love my heroines too much and maybe I like happy/humorous endings too much as well. Your idea fits the story really well except perhaps for the fact that Mark is one of Chrissie's clients and therefore she's very familiar with his anatomy as opposed to that of her 'kidnapper'. But having said I like happy endings, here's one story which I managed to make altogether more sinister.

It's a wonderful life.

I don't know how I've come to be here or how long I've been here. I don't know who I am or that I was anything other than what I am now. I have no knowledge of anything before here or of anything outside of here, except for him.

I remember awaking here for the first time and feeling frightened when I became aware of the state I was in because it didn't feel right at first. I was bound up tightly and strapped down immovably on a kind of bed-platform. I was bridled, muzzled and masked. A dildo, suspended from a cradle spanning my pelvis, was inserted in my vagina. Tubes were also inserted in my rectum and my urethra. Another tube was attached to a small valve surgically implanted in my abdomen. Another tube was attached to the clear plastic facemask fixed over my nose and my gag. Electrodes were stuck in various places on my body attached to wires leading to a computerised control centre. Another cable was linked to the dildo. Another cable was attached to a small terminal implanted in the base of my spine

I could have screamed but what would have been the point? My mouth was so firmly gagged and my jaws were so firmly clamped by my bridle that I could only make the most feeble of whimpering and mewling sounds when I tried. And as far as I knew there was no one or nothing else to hear. So I rested, quiet and still, and then I saw him. He appeared on the monitor hanging down from the ceiling. I could only see him in shadowed silhouette and his pixellated image shimmered as he moved. A speech synthesiser altered his voice and it sounded low and gentle and reassuring, which calmed me and dispelled my early fears.

He explained that although we would remain physically separate we would be intimately joined through all the digital technology to which I was attached and which would observe and monitor me constantly. He explained that he was also permanently in contact with the control centre and that, not only did it enable him to see me and hear me at all times, it also enabled him to feel in his own body everything that I felt in mine and to dream my dreams with me, so that from now on he and I would be virtually the same person.

He explained that the tube in my rectum collected my solid waste as it came down my colon but, because I was fed on liquid food pumped directly into my stomach through the valve in my abdomen, I was only producing just enough waste to keep my colon active and healthy. He explained that I had been fitted with a catheter and I was breathing filtered air through my facemask, through which I could also drink purified water through a tube that ran through my gag.

The gag is made of a kind of spongy rubbery material and is designed to mould itself to my lips and seal them, while the other part inserted in my mouth fixes my tongue to the floor of my mouth. My gag is attached to a bridle, which fits closely but comfortably around my head and which clamps my jaws firmly together. It consists of straps made of a kind of plastic material that is soft and comfortable but also strong. The electrodes carry information about all my vital signs to the control centre while the device in my spine communicates all the sense impressions that my body feels.

The bed-platform on which I lie is made of material that moulds itself to my body but allows my skin to breathe. It has a separate bit for each of my legs and a headrest to which my head is fixed through connecting points on my bridle. The straps confining me to the bed are made of a woven material that does not hurt me or damage me even when pulled tight enough to prevent any movement. The straps go around my ankles, my legs just below and above my knees, my thighs and my waste. An upper harness secures my shoulders and my upper body below and above my breasts. My arms are fixed underneath the bed, which only extends slightly outwards from my body on each side, with my wrists brought together behind my back. The bed is articulated and is constantly slowly changing the position in which I lie. Sometimes I lie flat and sometimes inclined, sometimes with my legs straight and sometimes bent, sometimes together and sometimes spread apart. Sometimes I am brought up into an almost sitting position. It's good to have that variety.

He explained that in return for me becoming completely his to the extent that I became part of him, he would take complete and perfect care of me. I would exist in a perfect environment inside the room I was in and all of my body's needs would be taken care of without me having to do or even think about them. Which, he explained, was why I would have to be kept immobile for much of the time. He explained that I would be given liberty of movement at regular intervals and carry out activities specially designed for me to keep my body and mind in the best possible condition. They would also be very pleasurable for me and he would be able to completely share my pleasure with me.

Not knowing of any alternative and with none presented to me, I have quickly accepted and settled into the existence provided for me. I am not completely alone either. I soon discovered that one of the machines in the room is a highly sophisticated robot. It has a clever arrangement of wheels that allow it to move and change instantly in any direction and in any confined space. It has a variety of sensors and a number of fully articulated arms. The most amazing feature is its hands, which are extremely strong and yet are extraordinarily sensitive and which, through artificial intelligence, have quickly learned to touch me and feel me and examine me always in the most comfortable and most pleasurable way for my body.

The cycle of my activity begins when the robot wakes me from my sleep by removing my blindfold, which it puts on me when I am about to sleep, and playing cheerful music to help me come out of my slumber. He explained that it was necessary to blindfold me so I could sleep because the lights in the room are on permanently as the wavelengths they emit help to keep my skin in best condition. It removes my rectal tube and inserts another tube to give me an enema. It then removes the dildo from my vagina and inserts another tube to douche me. All the tubes are carefully designed to feel nice when they are inside me and when they are being inserted or removed.

I have my douche and enema at the same time and I love the double pleasurable feeling of being cleansed front and back. Then with one of its hands it examines my vagina and inspects it with a fibreoptic camera and then inspects my rectum in the same way with another hand and camera. Afterwards it fits me with a new clean rectal tube and fixes a new dildo onto its cradle and inserts it into me. A while after I awoke here, I started to wear clear plastic suction cups over my nipples, connected to a pump which draws white liquid from my breasts. It takes off the cups, carefully cleans my breasts and nipples and fits me with new cups and tubes. It inspects and cleans my abdominal valve and fits a new feeding tube to it. It fits me with a new facemask and tubes for air and water. It replaces all the electrodes in contact with my body and the adhesive disks that keep them in place.

It brushes my hair, which hangs down below my headrest, and carefully trims the ends. He likes me to have long hair and now it reaches down to my waste at the times I am allowed to stand. I love having my hair brushed and he loves to enjoy the sensation and pleasure with me. Then it manicures my fingernails, filing them and polishing them to perfection, as he like me to have perfect nails. He also likes me to wear gleaming white plimsolls and ankle socks, which I wear all the time when I am strapped, the rest of me naked, to the bed.

He likes me to flex and wave and pat my feet when I'm wearing them and I like it when he compliments me for moving my feet in a very sexy way. The robot takes off my plimsolls and socks and gives me the perfect pedicure, trimming and polishing and painting my toenails, washing my feet and massaging them with the most wonderful cooling and relaxing balm before fitting them with a new pair of white ankle socks and perfect white plimsolls. It feels lovely and he says it makes his feet tingle with pleasure as it being done to me. The whole process feels absolutely gorgeous and he loves to share every bit of what I am feeling with me.

I rest for a while and listen to relaxing and soothing music and ambient sounds played through a surround-sound system. I can drink whenever I like and the control centre feeds me at optimum intervals with liquid food containing a perfect balance of calories and nutrients. My rectal tube and catheter deal with my waste products. For a little while after I first woke up here the robot had to clean blood from my vagina from time to time, but that hasn't been necessary since then. With no one to talk to for much of the time and without the power of speech I have plenty of time to think without distraction. I am quite a philosopher and have all kinds of ideas running around inside my head. But he lets me keep them to myself and tells me that he is happy for me to have something that is just my own.

I don't know if it's something in the air I breath through my face mask or if it's something in my food, but my body is always in a gentle state of arousal. I have learned not to keep giving in to it straight away, but to let it build up until, when I finally surrender myself to it, I get the most wonderful orgasms. He explained that, because I cannot move or cry out, the feeling is contained and intensified inside me, which gives us both the maximum pleasure. The control centre activates the dildo at the optimum moment for me and as it massages my clitoris and vibrates against my G-spot and as I massage it with my pelvic muscles, I experience the most fantastic pleasure. Also, at just the right moment, the robot removes my nipple cups and strokes and fondles and squeezes my breasts and teases my nipples in the ways that it has learned are perfect for me. It has a pair of devices that latch on to my nipples and give me a gorgeous sensation of being simultaneously nibbled and sucked.

He loves me to make lots of noise through my gag whenever I experience any physical pleasure and he always compliments me when I perform well for him. So, as well as during my orgasms, I moan and sigh and whimper like a puppy and mew like a kitten into my gag when the tubes are removed from me and inserted into me, when I'm being given my internal examinations, when my hair is being brushed, when I'm given my manicures and pedicures and when my plimsolls and ankle socks are put on me. It is a precious means of self-expression and I'm so glad that he gets so much pleasure from my noises as well.

After being left to myself for a while, the robot removes all my tubes and wires and the dildo, examines my vagina and rectum, removes my plimsolls and ankle socks, releases me from my bonds and carries me to a massage table. It gives me the most wonderful massage and because I'm no longer gagged I can enjoy the pleasure of crying out from deep inside me with all the wonderful feelings I get as movement returns to my limbs. As the robot massages me it rubs a special depilatory cream all over my body except for my pubic region, which he likes me to shave myself. The After a few minutes of gentle warming up exercises I can begin some of my favourite activities.

Since I first awoke here I have been taught ballet by an incredibly sophisticated interactive learning program. It projects a computer generated ballerina figure onto a screen for me to learn by copying its movements. The program also interacts with the robot so it can place my body and limbs in the correct positions in order for me to learn each position and movement. I knew nothing of ballet when I began but now I can dance on the points of my ballet shoes and, after it is fully warmed up, my body is now beautifully turned out and flexible. I have been able to learn quickly because I have hardly any other distractions and I can request the program to replay any part of the syllabus when I am dancing or when I am strapped to the table. All the exercise keeps my pelvic muscles in top condition to give me maximum pleasure when I massage them on my dildo.

He loves to share my pleasure in ballet dancing and in the ballet clothing I wear. I get a new costume each time. It might be a beautiful tutu, or a sensual leotard or a sexy bra top and shorts, or even a bra, panties, suspender belt and stockings. I may wear tights or leg warmers or ankle socks or have bare legs. It's lovely to feel the close fit of my costume around my crotch and my buttocks and my breasts as I ease my body into it and I love the feel of ballet tights closely confining my legs in their grip even as they give them such freedom of movement. But my special pleasure, and his too, is always to wear the most gorgeous satin ballet shoes drawn tight around my feet with the ribbons tied perfectly around my ankles and to feel them restraining and controlling my feet even as they enable to me to enjoy such a wonderful experience of movement. He says that it gives him the best pleasure of all when I wear them.

I work through a complete routine of warm-up, barre exercises, pointe work, petite and grande adage. Afterwards he likes me to get really sexy. I might pull down my tutu or leotard to my waste or pull off my top and fondle my breasts while I gyrate my body with my legs wide apart. Then I might dance around topless while he feels every movement of my breasts as they bob and jiggle around. Then I might take off my ballet shoes and tights and put my ballet shoes back on again before I bend over forwards with my legs apart and the robot pleasures me with a dildo in my vagina from behind or up my rectum. Or I might arch my body backwards from the points of my ballet shoes to my fingertips resting on the floor and the robot penetrates me from in front between my spread legs. Then I might sit on the floor, take of my ballet shoes and rub one over my clitoris before inserting the hard tip into my vagina and pumping the shoe hard inside me until I have an orgasm. Without my gag I delight in screaming as loud as I can in my orgasms and I love it when he compliments me for an especially good performance.

I shave my pubic region so that now my whole body is perfectly smooth and enjoy a good long shower with water at the perfect temperature and with shampoo and soap that are perfectly balanced for my hair and skin. After I have dried and brushed my hair I am ready to be strapped to the table again. I soon learned that it is pointless to resist this as the robot's grip is irresistible and immovable and, although it would never actually hurt me, it would remain motionless and holding me completely fast until I was no longer capable of struggling

The robot straps me to the table, refits my bridle and my gag, fixes my head to the headrest, fits a new face mask over my nose and gag and connects the air and water supplies. It fits new suction cups over my nipples and connects them with new tubes to the pump. This feels lovely because while I have been off the pump my breasts have become more and more tender and sensitive and I moan with pleasure in my gag when the cups touch my very sensitive breasts and with relief as the pump begins to draw the liquid from them again.

The robot fits me with a new pair of clean white ankle socks and brand new white plimsolls. It gives me another combined douche and enema and examines my vagina and rectum. It inserts a new dildo, a clean rectal tube and a new catheter into me, connects a new tube to my feeding valve and replaces all the electrodes fixed to my body and refits the cable to the sensor in my back. Finally it fits me with a blindfold and I am ready to sleep. I don't know if because of something I breathe or ingest but I'm always fast asleep within moments and he and I are dreaming my dreams together.

After being here for a while he said that as a reward for being so good in so many ways I would be allowed to be pregnant. He explained that something very special would grow inside me for a while and I would enjoy the changes to my body that would happen. The robot injected me with some pale liquid from a syringe through a tube inserted in my vagina and for a while afterwards would inject me with various drugs through a valve inserted in my upper arm. I loved lying and watching my abdomen grow bigger and I loved the feeling of movement that began inside me as I grew bigger still. My whole body felt nicer than it had ever felt before and he often told me how beautiful I looked and how my skin and hair glowed and shone and how much he enjoyed sharing what I was feeling. Later on, the robot began attaching the clear plastic suction cups over my nipples and connecting them by tubes to the pump. Not long after that, the white liquid began to come out of my nipples and fill the cups and the pump ensured a continuous flow.

I awoke from sleep and my body was back to normal. For a little while I felt there should have been something more and I felt a bit low. But he promised that I could be pregnant again and I have just begun my fourth one. My breasts have been producing the white liquid ever since my first pregnancy. My breasts and nipples have always felt nice and tingly and sensitive and they feel even nicer under the suction cups. But I especially love it when the robot takes them off before it fondles my breasts and he especially loves the moans of pleasure I make in my gag at those times.

He tells me that at some point we will both sleep together in something he calls cryogenic suspension and that when we awake we will be able to be together like this for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Whatever that means.
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