Ashley professional photo shoot..??..

  • YES

    Votes: 41 87.2%
  • NO

    Votes: 6 12.8%

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  • Poll closed .


Bronze Member
Mar 4, 2006
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N.S.W. Australia
I have been meaning to post this poll for a couple of months now.. O.K., so we all LOVE our ASHLEY... A fav Ozz term of endearment would be "she's the greatest thing since sliced bread"... I would like to know how many of you would like to see her do a professional photo shoot at some point in time... 80 to 100 shots maybe..??.. Yes Or No..??.. I have Ashleys and Seekers permission for this poll... :icon_cool
Re: Ashley professional photo shoot..??..

It would be incredible to see Ashley in full length shoots. She is a sneaker superstar, If there was a sneaker-girl hall of fame, she would deserve to be the first inductee. We love you Ashley!
Re: Ashley professional photo shoot..??..

Roy boy, I would love to see Ashley do an x-hi shoot, if she would ware them, or any Con / Ked shoot for that matter.. Hall of fame..??.. My bloody oath mate, you can bet Ashley would definatly be head of the que, leading the push, followed very closely by a few of my Favs I refuse to name... :icon_chee :icon_chee :icon_evil
Re: Ashley professional photo shoot..??..

:icon_chee WOW! That would be awesome! She's got the best of it all . . . great looking . . . cute IMHO . . . and the best part . . . is into our fetish, translation - really knows what we like and want AND what she wants in a shoot.

What do we need to get started - tomorrow's already too late!

Go for it Ashley and Seeker! Cons would be great, but some red canvas Champions would be awesome also - sometime in the future please!:icon_twis
Re: Ashley professional photo shoot..??..

Cons, it's great to have a fetish-mate half a world away. The thing about Ashley is that I'm sure she would take requests like no other model as long as we keep it in good taste. She deserves our respect because as kedsrule says she does understand us. We should hold her dear to our hearts.

P.S. Cons, I like your style. Send me a pm anytime.
Re: Ashley professional photo shoot..??..

G'day Roy Boy, Mate Ashley has my full and upmost respect.. I am very fond of Ash and although I have never met her and probably never will(unfortunatly).. She seems a great lady... I hope sneaker boy realises what he has there.. I imagine that her sneaker boy takes most of her shots or they rig a tripod... My imagination runs away a little when I think of her doing a x-hi shoot with a photographer say the guy that shoots Ilsa or Bonita's photographer... They are realy good... Whether Ash goes naked is totaly up to her.. I'll take Ashley any way she fronts up... Hey, Ilsa never quite shows the whole bit... Roy Boy, thats why I started the poll... Looks like there is a fair bit of interest so far... Keds Rule says it all quite enthusastiacly... Thanks Keds...We might all have to pass the hat around to get her a plane ticket or petrol money for a road trip to the photographer.. HA HA ... :icon_bigg

Walk softly people...
Re: Ashley professional photo shoot..??..

Cons, I hear your passion and as you know I love goddess Ilsa and oh Sneakerboy you are one lucky bastard. Cons, what you started is special because Ashley is one of us, only it is hard to find a female with a sneaker-soul, at least one who's willing to out herself.
Re: Ashley professional photo shoot..??..

Well at this stage Ashley it looks like at least 87% of your adoring fans (headed by me) want you in front of a big production shoot... Would be great... Couple hundered shots each of Cons and Keds should do it... How about some X-hi cons.. What about it Seeker got to be some way to get our girl in front of a pro lens person... :icon_cool :icon_cool

Walk softly people...
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