Keds Best way to wash Keds?


VIP Member
Apr 21, 2003
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My apologies if this is a repost.

Anyone know how the best way to wash Keds?

The problem I have with Mrs. Mule's Keds is that even brand new white ones get "glue stains" when they get wet. It seems like something in the glue holding the outsole to the sneaker dissolves in water and then "creeps up" into the canvas as it dries.

Anyone else have this problem, and how do you get around it?
Re: Best way to wash Keds?

Mule said:
My apologies if this is a repost.

Anyone know how the best way to wash Keds?

The problem I have with Mrs. Mule's Keds is that even brand new white ones get "glue stains" when they get wet. It seems like something in the glue holding the outsole to the sneaker dissolves in water and then "creeps up" into the canvas as it dries.

Anyone else have this problem, and how do you get around it?

going on the least of the evils...the possibility of the stuff maybe slightly discoloring the probably still a better alternative to the creeping stain...

have you considered a water repellent spray like SCOTCH GUARD?
have the same problem with Mrs garythesaint. Try to find a good drycleaners as they come up great! The cost of consistant drycleaning can be a bit pricy but hey it's a solution!! Keds in the UK are £25 about $36 so for me it's the cheaper option. Hope that this helps!!

Wow dry cleaning. I never thought of that. I read one time long ago that spraying Keds with starch when they were new really helped keeping them clean.
Softener and vinegar

Softener and vinegar

Hi Keds Lover

Well I tried rinsed the Keds (after washing) with a solution of softeners (for exemple Downy) and 2 ml by each liter water of vinegar (white), you should soaking by 5 minutes and rest a couple hours and sunnyday dry early. This is no total resolved to problem but it better.
On other hand, after washing the Keds, I trying with several solvents (for example acetone and isopropilic alcohol) to remove the water residual and satin yellow from canvas. Next time I will write.


Keds Mex

Sorry my english is bad
We did a photo shoot yesterday with a brand new pair of white champs (new style). They had got wet in the lake, covered in sand and slime from the shore all in all pretty soiled and smelly.

We got home put them in the washer by themselves (cold small load ) with half a cup of Amaze. I let them soak for 3 or 4 hours then finished the load hung them outside on the line by the tongue's and today they are bright and fresh with no yellow stains.

I can't tell you if it's the Amaze, the cold water, the outside to dry that does the job but I can tell you that it works.
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