
Bronze Member
Aug 19, 2003
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Chapter Six
Shopping for Keds

After a few moments, she lifted herself up, sliding herself off of my still mostly hard cock.

“We’ll have to that again sometime”, she said, with a funny sort of grin on her face. I wasn’t sure if she was reliving the moment, feeling satisfaction that she completed a fantasy, or just felt a new bond with me.

My emotions were all over the map. As I stood up, I noticed that my butt was sore, and I could feel it ache a bit with each step that I took. I felt used and also somewhat ashamed with being forced to be a sexual slave of sorts. She knew my secret, and I was fearful that she would tell others. I also felt a warm womanly kind-of feeling knowing that I took a cock inside of me. I also had the inner warmth and almost violent satisfaction that comes from having an intense orgasm.

And as I pulled up my dainty panties, looked in the mirror to make sure my long, curly hair looked ok, straightened my skirt, and bent down to tie one of the shoe laces on my beautiful, white Keds, I started to collect myself.
I was dressed as a woman. I had passed as a woman at the coffee shop and at the nail salon. I had had wild sex, wearing Keds, being penetrated as a woman and also spewing my come in a totally, powerful orgasmic explosion.

So far, not a bad day.

Before heading to my next stop, I went back for another clothing change.
I chose something very basic: blue jeans, a floral top, white socks with a soft floral pattern and a lace trim, and navy champions.

I grabbed my purse, got in my car, and drove to the mall for some much needed shopping.

My first stop was to find a new pair of Keds. I had purchased many pairs of Keds in my life, but I always had frequented stores that let you try on the shoes yourself. I was always a bit embarrassed to ask a sales person for Keds. Today was different, though.

I parked my car, grabbed my purse and started walking towards the mall entrance. This was the busiest place that I had been to all day, so it might also be the most likely place that somebody would see me for what I was. This added some tension and a little excitement to what otherwise would have been a mundane walk through the parking lot.

As I entered the mall, I was suddenly surrounded by a lot of people. Men, women, young, old. I tried my best to walk with a nice sway in my hips. I held my purse close by my side and I focused on keeping my head up and looking confident. I casually made eye contact with some of the patrons, but nobody seemed to pay any particular interest in me. Good. I was passing and was able to continue my journey.

My first stop was the shoe department at Sears. I casually glanced through the racks of sale shoes while looking around for the Keds. After a bit of wandering, I finally found where they were located. They were towards the back and in a corner of the shoe department that wasn’t well lit. They only had white canvas and white leather champions. Although I was ok getting another pair of white Keds, I was hoping to find something a bit more interesting.

I next stopped at Dillards. Their shoe department was out in the open and very well lit. If I were to try on shoes here, I would be very visible and exposed for anybody to see. Normally, I would have preferred to be further from the main thoroughfare. Today, I wanted to be right in the front.
As I wandered around, a young saleslady came up to me and asked me if I needed any help. She was about 25, cute, with her hair tied in a pony tail. She was wearing a black skirt down to her knees, tan panty hose, black leather flats and a white, silk blouse.

As I was about to reply, it donned on me that she appeared to be glancing at my feet. Perhaps she was just gauging the shoes I had on to help her better service my needs. But she almost seemed to be staring at them.
I cleared my throat, and that seemed to focus her attention.

“Do you carry Keds?” I asked. I knew that they did, but I hadn’t had a chance to locate the display.

In a very timid voice, she replied, “Yes, we have a nice variety of them just over here”. I could have sworn that she was almost blushing.

I followed her to the display and was quite happy with the nice selection that they had.

I picked up a white canvas oxford held it in my hand. It was so smooth and slender. The white canvas was crisp and clean. The rubber on the bottom had never touched the floor.

“Were you looking for a traditional oxford, or one of the more recent styles”, she asked.

“Right now, I’m not sure. I just wanted to try some on and see how they look”.

“What size do you wear”, she replied.

“10 medium”.

“Why don’t you sit down here,” she motioned to a chair near the front, “and I’ll check your size.”

She reached for the foot measurer as I sat done. I sat down and bent over to untie my laces.

“Oh, I’ll go ahead and do that”, she said, quite suddenly.

She pulled up the small bench and I set my foot in front of her on the angled part of the bench. She reached down and slowly, very slowly, untied the first lace. She lifted my foot slightly, and slid off my navy Keds, holding it gingerly in her hand. After setting the first shoe down with care, she then repeated the step with the second shoe.

She asked me to step into the measuring device and slide my heel against the back. She gently grabbed my foot and gently pushed my foot back. As she was moving my feet back, I realized the she placed my Keds in a perfect spot for her to stare at them while helping me to try on shoes. I couldn’t be sure, but it almost seemed like she was breathing a bit heavily.
“You’re right”, she said, “10 medium. Let me go back and see what we have in your size.”

As I watched her walk away, I noticed my palms were sweating and I was feeling a strong sense of anticipation. I sat up straight, with my legs together and my feet slightly tucked under my chair, trying to look as feminine as I could.

As she entered the back room, I wondered what it would be like to be alone back there. All of those shoes, all of those Keds. New canvas and rubber, just waiting to be tried on.

After a moment, I noticed that my helper was returning from the back room with 4 or 5 boxes of Keds. Just seeing all of the boxes with “Keds” in large letters was exciting. I wondered what styles she brought me.

Suddenly, her feet jumped out at me. I sat there stunned, with my mouth partly opened. Where before she wore innocuous black leather flats, she now had on brand new white Keds champions. She wore them with her hose and no socks. I couldn’t stop staring as she walked closer. I was in awe.

She immediately looked my way and noticed me staring. As she realized I noticed her shoe change, she started blushing. Unlike before, I could tell for sure now that she was blushing--her cheeks were a rosy red. Her eyes, though, were an odd mixture of defiance and shyness. I imagine she was struggling internally with some issues of her own, and I had opened up a window into her person that she wasn’t used to sharing.

She continued over to me and sat the boxes on the chair next to me. As she sat on the bench, she continued, “I brought out a number of different styles for you to try on”.

She first opened a box of white champions. Even though I had a new pair at home, I felt it was a fitting start to the experience. She pulled the first shoe out of the box and removed the paper filling in the toe. She loosened the laces. As she lifted the tongue of the shoe, she asked me to gently slide me foot into it. My foot grazed her fingers as I pushed my toes into the shoe. She helped slide my heel into place. It felt so wonderful to have a woman’s hands guide my foot into a pair of Keds.

After repeating this process with the other shoe, I got up and started to walk around.

Although I have pairs of Keds in many colors, white will always be my favorite. I love the cleanness of the white canvas and the purity that the white represents. The white also seems to make the shape of the shoe appear more slender and pointed.

As I walked around, I knew that she was staring at my feet. I purposely spent a little extra time moving around in different positions to give her more to look at. I bent down to tie one of the laces. I stood on my toes. I walked toward her. I pointed one of the toes out, as if I was looking at the shoe.

I sat back down and put the white Keds on the floor beside me. I wanted to be able to look at all of the shoes that I was trying on.

She next opened a box of stone Andies. I had never tried on this style before. They were so soft and cushioned. I really liked the feel of these. I also hadn’t ever purchased stone Keds. I tried to imagine an outfit that would go well with these shoes—perhaps a pair of tan slacks and a black blazer.

Next she had me try on a pair of the new raves. These were also white, with the rubber toe. As she helped me put these on, I asked her how she thought these looked. They seemed a bit trendy for the clothes I usually wore, but perhaps they would go well with some black leggings and an oversized shirt. As I walked around the store, I thought back on a girlfriend I had once had who knew I liked Keds and bought a pair of Raves. I lustily remember how she got on her hands and knees and let me fuck her from behind. All the time, I could look down at the blue label on her new shoes. I almost laughed out loud, noting how far removed that moment was from my cross-dressing excursion today.

The next pair of Keds she pulled out was the baseball-style Keds. I can’t say that they’ve ever been my favorite, but it was fun to try them on. They weren’t bad for comfort, and the look is a little out of the ordinary.
“What do you think of these?” I asked.

“I like them”, she replied. “I have a pair at home and I find they go well with jeans. I’ve worn them with shorts when outdoors, at they seem to hold up well with a lot of walking.”

The last box that she had contained a pair of red oxfords. They looked so pretty, with the bright red canvas, the white stitching and the classic blue label on the heel. I could feel my palms start to sweat a bit as she took them out of the box.

“Red is one of my favorite colors”, she added. “I really like how the bright color stands out when I’m in the mood to be noticed. They kind of have a girly look to them when I’m in the mood to be playful.”

Although I already knew I was going to buy these, I asked, “What do you wear them with?”

“I wear them with white socks and spring dresses or bright colored skirts. I’ve also worn them with leggings and an oversized shirt. They go well with jeans, also, when you want to add a little color”.

I walked around with them a bit, and looked at them in the mirror. I positioned myself at the mirror so that I could look at the shoes while also looking back at the saleswoman. She sat there mesmerized looking at the new Keds on my feet. I’m sure that the blue label was right in her center of vision. I stood on my toes, I put one toe out as if to look at the shoe, I moved to the side. I turned around to look at the heels in the mirror.

Although I was having fun just wearing the new Keds, knowing how much of an impact I had on the saleswoman made it even more exciting.
I walked back to the chair and sat down.

“I’ll take these red ones and I’m still thinking about the stone Andies. What do you think?”

“The Andies will go well with your dressier slacks and pants. I think you’d be happy with them in your closet.”

If she only knew.

She carried the boxes over to the cash register and rung them up. After paying, I thanked her and headed out.

I wanted to get some new nylons and panties, and the lingerie section was right next to the shoe section. I started thumbing through some of the panties, looking for something floral. From where I was standing I could view the shoe department and I looked for the woman that helped me try on the shoes.

I noticed her talking to a co-worker and based on their body language, it looked like my helper was telling her co-worker that she was going to take a break. She still was wearing the Keds.

As she walked away from the shoe department, I decided to cautiously follow her. An idea was forming in my mind, and I was curious if her actions would match my thoughts.

She rounded a corner and went into the employees-only area. So far, her actions were matching my plans. After looking around to make sure nobody was watching, I went through the swinging doors after her. I was nervous being in the back room, but I knew that if I was questioned, I could tell most employees that I was lost and looking for the bathroom. I wasn’t sure what I would say if I ran into the young lady who sold me the shoes.

Once I was in the storage area, I looked around for the employees lounge area. After a few anxious moments, fearing I might run into somebody, I located them in the back and off to the side. I found the employees restrooms and I walked up to the women’s room. As quietly as possible, I slowly opened the door. Fortunately, the door was silent and I was able to enter the room without making a sound.

The room was a fairly sizable bathroom. It had a small lounge area with a flat lounge sofa and matching chair, 3 stalls and a couple of sinks. There were a few magazines on a table by the chair. Thankfully, there wasn’t anybody visible.

As I finished scanning the room, I saw what I was hoping to see: somebody in one of the stalls wearing brand new, white Keds, stockings and no socks. I was certain it was the person I was looking for.

As I watched the Keds under the bathroom stall door, I realized that her feet were slightly wider and stretched out forward a little more than would be typical to just use the facilities. It appeared that her legs were spread and she might have been leaning back against the back of the toilet.
As I stood there I could hear more clues that she wasn’t using the toilet to go to the bathroom. Although quite faint, I thought I could hear her rubbing herself, and I she occasionally would let out a slight moan or groan. I wasn’t there more than a couple of minutes, when her moans became more frequent and a little louder. Her Keds were moving up and down ever so slightly. Her legs were moving in and out a bit. I could just imagine the pleasure she was giving herself.

Suddenly, she let out a yelp and her feet and legs started to quiver quite a bit.

She had found her pleasure place.

I still stood there as quietly as I could. I pondered whether to sneak out or stay there, knowing that if I stayed I might create a very awkward moment. After a moment or two for her to collect herself, I heard her stand up. She stepped out of the stall and was quite startled to see somebody else in the room. She yelped “Oh” and her face became crimson red.
After seeing it was me and probably hoping to escape this embarrassing situation, she said, “What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be back here.”

“I was looking for a bathroom,” I replied. “I know I’m not supposed to be back here, but I was getting desperate”.

“Did you just come in, then?” she asked.

“Yes. But I’m happy I’ve run in to you. I really wanted to thank you for helping me so much with my Keds purchases. I know that you like Keds too and I was hoping that I could do something more special than just give you a verbal ‘thank you’”.

Looking skeptical, she replied, “What did you have in mind?”

“I know you are on your feet all day, and I was wondering if I could massage your legs.”

She still looked a little suspicious.

I added, “Wearing Keds for me is something a little more personal and wonderful than wearing any other shoes. I was guessing that it might be the same for you. I just thought that I could show my appreciation for all of the attention that you gave me.”

She seemed to be softening a bit as I was opening up to her.

“For starters, why don’t you just come over to this couch and lay down.”

I gently took her hand and guided her to the lounge sofa.

“Do you mind if I lock the door?”

She silently shook her head.

She sat down sideways on the couch. I reached down, grabbed her legs and twisted her feet so her legs hung over the long end of the couch.
I locked the door.

I grabbed one of her legs and started to caress it. I pulled up the chair and held her outstretched leg so that her Keds covered foot rested in between my legs, just touching my crotch. I started to massage her calves and I could see that she was enjoying it. Her eyes were closed and she just gave herself in to me.

“That feels so good”, she said.

I thrust my hips up and down a bit and felt the sole of her shoe rubbing against me. I continued to massage her calf. Her muscles were firm and well toned. She must work out in her spare time.

After a few minutes, I switched feet and started working on her other leg.
After finishing her second calf, I pushed the chair back and got on my knees in between her legs. Her thighs were still resting on the flat edge of the lounge couch and her legs were slightly spread.

I started to massage her thighs, using my fingers to knead her muscles. I started about mid-thigh, about where her skirt had hiked up to. Instead of going down towards her knee, I worked up. As I put my hands slightly under her skirt, she jumped and lifted up on her elbows.

“It’s ok”, I said, “I just wanted to give you my thanks in a special way. Just lay back and relax. Feeling your hands slide those Keds on my feet was so pleasurable and I really want to give you this in return.”
She lay back down.

“I’m going to pull your stockings down now”, I said.

She lifted her hips off of the couch and I reached under her skirt until I could find the top of her stockings. I could clearly smell her juices.

I pulled them down to her ankles, but didn’t take off her Keds. I lifted both feet in the air and spread her knees enough for me to put her feet on my shoulders.

I then started to kiss her inner thighs.

It felt so good to give this young lady such pleasure. I spent a few moments kissing her legs and flirting around the eventual prize. She just lay there, motionless, just letting the physical sensations envelope her.

After kissing and caressing all around her inner thighs, I couldn’t keep myself away and I put my mouth on her most sensitive spot.

She was soaking wet. Either from the masturbation before or the massage and caressing now, she was dripping.

As I kissed her and entered her with my tongue, she started moaning and breathing harder. Her legs were over my shoulders. Her Keds were touching and I could hear them occasionally bang together. Her feet were bound together by the stockings around her ankles.

I moved her body toward me a bit, so that I could get my mouth better positioned on her clitoris. It felt like her juices were flowing so much that they were dripping down my chin.

As she got closer and closer to climax, I had one more thought. I realized my recent purchase was within arms reach. With each kiss on her clitoris or thrust of my tongue, her moans became louder and more frequent. With one hand I lifted open the top of the box with the new red Keds and grabbed one of the shoes.

I brought the toe of the shoe up under my chin. As I sucked her clitoris, I pushed the toe of the shoe into her. It didn’t go in very far, but it didn’t need to. It sent her way over the top and her whole body started a huge climactic spasm. She was breathing so heavily that all she could utter was “Oh. Oh. Oh.”

I kept sucking and pushing for a few more moments.

I then lifted her feet over my head and gave each of her Keds a gentle kiss.
Re: Chapter 6 (full version)

:icon_eek:WOW! - - - - Awesome chapter, I think would make a great movie or idea for a picture shoot.

Now what happens in Chapter 7 . . . maybe they meet back later in the Keds stock room??? Or back at her or his apartment? :icon_twis

Keep the story going if possible . . . ?:icon_chee
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