
Bronze Member
Jun 21, 2007
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How many of you out there are Chucks scientists - you know the ones that must have the laces done up a certain way, no twists, all eyelets parallel etc etc. I'm one of those (some would say a Virgo) as far as my own wearing goes. Last year, the core colour Chucks we were getting here in Australia were made in China at a factory that obviously did too good a job. Mirror images each shoe, nice bright white high chunky rubber, black piping nicely rounded, no lumps or bumps (much anyway) - but perhaps too expensive. Non core colours came from Vietnam - and were not quite so well made to my eye and nose anyway. The towards end of 2006, the factory changed, probably the other one was too costly. These Chucks smelt different, were lighter weight, sides not as chunky and the rubber was an offwhite. Check out the comparison if you can. I kept buying up the better pairs -some are still around even probably a year on. In the last month, we have seen another change - core colours coming from Indonesia. Better I think than the recent Chinese ones, but still bumpy - no mirror images for each shoe. We did get some of these for a brief period also in early 2006. If you like your Chucks well worn or trashed, it probably doesn't matter. This is the Aussie experience - what have others been seeing overseas? And is it important or do you just like the Chucks on and in action, doesn't matter where they've come from.:icon_ques
Re: Chucks Science

I'm personally more of a fan of the USA made pairs. I have seen a few pairs that were probebly left over from when the US factory closed years ago being sold at the Converse Outlet here, but they were all size 3. The China chucks feel like they fall apart too easily (havn't tried the Vietnamese and Indonesian pairs yet). I want to know on why is there this wierd fuzzy crap on the soles of the newer ones. But I do try to keep my chucks in as best condition as I can.
Re: Chucks Science

G'day Chucksfan, I dont realy notice where they are made If I'm buying to wear them... Nor do I care much.. If I'm buying for the collection I try to sus out if there U.S.A.'s... I just saw Converselovers article in total horror about the "fuzzy" stuff on the soles .. Don't tell me they are putting that same shit as Keds use on the bottom of our Chucks now.. God forbid.. Who are these idiots, the same ones probably who invevted crocs and brienstorks...:icon_frow:icon_frowWalk softly people..
Re: Chucks Science

I don't know, but I noticed it when I got my Blue Flame/Black Monochrome chucks in the UPS one day. I was like, "What the hell?" I have had a few older pairs of China pairs, and they didn't have this. Another grundge I have is the little rubber line going down the side of the shoe. It seems that US Chuck Pairs that have seemed to go through hell and back seem to, for the most part, still have them, where as the newer ones I notice start to fall apart after a month or two of wearing them. Almost every pair of new chucks I've bought though had the fuzzy shit on the soles. Only my Red Lowtops and Orange hightops seemed to have not made it to that. Then again, the red ones were at a store for about two years before being reduced to 50%, and the Orange ones I got at Ross where they could've been sitting in a warehouse for one or two years before it went to the store.
Re: Chucks Science

Furry bits on the soles sounds like another abberation by people who haven't got a clue. People who design shoes with not a fetish bone in their body - these people should be banned. They are the ones who come up with clown shoes and crocs and substitute good rubber for plastic and all the other shit they go on with.

In answer to conslover110, I likewise try to keep mine in good condition - I'm not much into real trashed - partly worn is OK and of course much of the collection is still in boxes. I got another two pairs on the weekend - more black hi 11 from the factory which has now gone away (must have come out of the warehouse) - they were pair nos. 57/58 of black hi 11. I don't have enough years left in me to wear these all or have fun with them!!!!!!! Got lots of others too.
Re: Chucks Science

I wonder about the fuzzy crap as well. I noticed they are doing it on Chucks as well and it makes the middle parts of the sole very slippery until the crap wears away.

I don't get why it's there - seems to serve no real purpose and it does wear away leaving good gripping surfaces.
Re: Chucks Science

when i got my first pair with the fuzzy stuff on the bottom i was like damn, what were they thinking. i miss how chucks used to be
Re: Chucks Science

the new soles are really shit, they dont smell nice and rubbery anymore and dont look or feel as good. But, the rubber around the toes is still really nice, it gets sooo dirty. Its a shame the canvass is really bad now because so many punky girls out there would wear them for years longer if they could, and make them unimaginably dirty, but they fall apart
Re: Chucks Science

Ah, sweet girl 22au where did you spring from? How's Melb? I hope there;s been plenty of trashed action down there this winter. Comein' to check 'em out in Jan '08.:icon_lol:
Re: Chucks Science

Hey Chucks science fans. Right now, down here in Oz, we're all over the place with originating country. This year we've had what I have said and regard as highly inferior Chucks made in China. However, apart from being swamped with non core colours from Vietnam, all of a suddent there seems to be a lot of last years China Chucks around(out of warehouses or back to the old factory?) especially in my favourite black hi's. Then also we have just started getting stock from Indonesia - in black too. I think they are better than the latest Chinese stuff - whiter, chunkier - but don't know how they'll wear.

How many of you see a lovely lady in her Chucks and are deviated to follow for a while, just to get a good look. I am sure many of us have done this, breathing in those wondeerful sights. What other things do we get up to? How about if you are at the park or walking along the street and you see that distinctive tread pattern in the dirt? You know there's some Chucks around somewhere perhaps and you immediately start scanning. Perhaps you put yours up against them to measure - is it a male or a female? What colour will it be.
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