
Bronze Member
Jul 22, 2003
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Upstate NY
There were a number of pairs of converse in the crowd watching a recent parade.


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Re: Converse on Parade

Hi kedsfan, I really envy you guys who live in cities, you must see all kinds of sneakers all the time!!! By the way, in pix 2, I wouldn't want that guy catching me taking a pix of the girl with him!:icon_lol: Great Pix, Thanks Alot!!! - Rich:icon_razz
Re: Converse on Parade

More photos of Converse at a parade. Enjoy.


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Re: Converse on Parade

Awesome, thanks!

But, I think the girl on the last pic looks a bit too young :icon_excl
Re: Converse on Parade

Nice pics, but man h ow I hate those ultra-low socks!!! just don't do anybody any good... IMO
Re: Converse on Parade

Nice pics, but man h ow I hate those ultra-low socks!!! just don't do anybody any good... IMO

I quite like them actually, horses for courses eh?

I'm concerned about the last one in the set too - I'm a shoe fetishist not a peadophile!
Re: Converse on Parade

Jesus Christ!! She is totally clothed and if that kind of thought enters your head then perhaps you have issues. All I see is a girl wearing cons. Nothing more or less and totally not offensive. :icon_evil:icon_mad:
Re: Converse on Parade

I agree Keds 2001.. I also think that kids pics are a bit off.. 10 years ago it would not have bothered me but now I'm not so sure.. And that comes from someone who dosn't like kids all that much.. Problem is the media is grinding the pedophelia trip so hard here in Ozz at present that you dont know wether to say good morning to ya grand kids or the kid up the street anymore.. Ageed pedophlia should be controled some how but it now has everyone walking on eggs.. And some of these rotten little kids that dont get their own way are giving parents pure hell because they know they can get away with it.. Why no, the teachers are encouraging them to dob in their parents for every little thing.. My friends kid threthened to report him to the police if he didn't buy him a toy or something after bunging on a big turn in the middle of the supermarket.. What a shit of a kid.. Don't know if the kids rule over in the U.S. but they sure do here.. The one that makes me split laughing is the 5 count... Train your brat to stop screaming at 4 then start up again..
😡😡 Whats this world coming too..
Re: Converse on Parade

Jesus Christ!! She is totally clothed and if that kind of thought enters your head then perhaps you have issues. All I see is a girl wearing cons. Nothing more or less and totally not offensive. :icon_evil:icon_mad:

I can assure you I have no issues that way and do not find the photo offensive in itself, however we are not only interested in these shoes just because we like the style - it is a sexual thing and to pretend it's not is just lying to yourself.
Given the subject matter on this site, to see an image of a child that young on here is something that does concern me - however non-sexual the photo is.
I just think that we need to be responsible with what gets posted, that's all.
Re: Converse on Parade

I totally agree with the need for being responsible. If it was a bathroom pic or her even in a swim suit I say no way but I am totally sick of the world's media being so hyper sensitive to everything. So I do think we are all in basic agreement. Good points by all.:redface:
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