Re: Do Crocks count as sneakers?

Hi All

Are they kinda rubber things in different colurs?
people are wearing some strange things here in the UK, they are butt ugly.
If it's them there not sneakers I hope

kedman :icon_eek:
Re: Do Crocks count as sneakers?

I don't think Crocs count as sneakers, unless they are starting a line where they are plastic sneakers (like the Melissas or others that are like it.) I always put Crocs more towards tacky toursit clothing/gardening clogs.
Re: Do Crocks count as sneakers?

I don't think Crocs count as sneakers, unless they are starting a line where they are plastic sneakers (like the Melissas or others that are like it.)

OK, so like I'm watching a program on TV right now on the outer planets and they are talking about Pluto and it's reasons for demotion. If the International Astrological Union can come up with a definition of a planet, can't we, as the community of experts, come up with the definition of a sneaker?

The soles must be made of rubber (or plastic or some other man-made material?) The uppers must be made of canvas or leather, or plastic as mentioned above. According to these definitions, crocks are sneakers. Get more restrictive and some of the footwear we already recognize as sneakers fall out.

So we also need additional criteria such as it can't be unibody (all molded out of one piece). This is an arbitrary criteria, but if you want to specifically exclude crocks, then it's necessary. Oh yeah, a detachable or movable heel strap doesn't count against unibody construction.:icon_wink
Re: Do Crocks count as sneakers?

Well, lets look at what the shoes are sold as then. They don't really sell them as sneakers, but rather in the same group as an alternative to most open toe shoes, like Flip Flops or Berks and a alternative to wearing sneakers. In my opinion, Crocs are in their own little subcatagory. Sorta like Jelly sandal-like shoes. But they remind me and look like those Gardening clogs you see at Wal-Mart or Lowes.
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Re: Do Crocks count as sneakers?

I once saw a father and his three young sons walking-down the mall, all of them wearing these things. I cringed in horror.

This is one fad I hope to see fading-out soon. :icon_roll
Re: Do Crocks count as sneakers?

Well, do they?

Personally they wiggle the kink meter a fraction of a percent in the positive direction which is a lot better than pegging it in the negative direction like the clown shoes women wore a couple of years ago.

WOW Mule! You have started a frenzy of a post! Congrats on getting the room movie again!
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Re: Do Crocks count as sneakers?

Like I said.. Collect them up and turn em into plastic sewer pipe.. A camels arse looks better..:icon_mad:Walk softly people..
Re: Do Crocks count as sneakers?

All I see when I spot a girl wearing them is a lost opportunity, i.e. a hot girl that could have been wearing hot sneakers.


*giggling maniacally*
Im sure that given the chance to read this, every woman thats offended you by wearing shoes SHE likes or finds comfortable would just throw herself at your feet in tears begging youre forgiveness for not wearing shoes designed for the (wait for it) SOLE :icon_chee purpose of turning you on and blowing such a golden opportunity.
Believe it or not... there are still thousands if not millions of women out there that, despite our wishes, find Keds to be OLD LADY shoes orfor whatever reason, as highly unattractive as you find Crocs.

Meanwhile youre right...Crocs ARENT sneakers. But unless I missed something, I dont think theyre stated by the maker as BEING sneakers.
Im in New York City. And the style I see being sold and worn is the closed toe, sling back clog. Operative word here being clog.
Look at it this way....theyre colorful, light (I tried on a pair to possibly wear at work since Im in food), inexpensive, and (judging by the number of people in the trade I see wearing them) comfortable.

So wow....what girl in her right mind would EVER dream of wearing Crocs ;-)

And granted, thought Id MUCH rather see some of the girls at work that wear them squeaking around in Keds....theres still quite a few Id let abuse a room full of my balloons with their feet wearing Crocs:icon_twis
Re: Do Crocks count as sneakers?

I don't think croqs count as sneakers, but I am in the minority who thinks they are cool. I work in a hospital and they are all over the place here. I am into socks, so that might be why I like them. I like being able to see what color socks the woman is wearing through the croq holes!

wow...I was wondering if medical people were wearing them. I was debating the saftey of that based on the giant holes in the uppers of the clog know, flying and dripping body fluids and such. Ive got medical background too..around the time where clogs in the hospital setting just got going. I always saw the uppers being solid.

And I like them, to a degree, based on my thing for women in uniforms. And ya that you mention it....sometimes the socks worn with them DO add something :icon_eek::icon_chee:icon_twis
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