
I had a great experience this past weekend. I was on a trip to chicago with some friends of mine, 3 girls and 1 guy. Anywho i forgot my nice black dress shoes so i stopped in Payless Shoes to grab a pair of cheapies with one of the girls. After we picked out my shoes i followed her to the womens section as she was looking at sneakers. (I immediately got excited when we got to the sneaker section.) To my ultimate pleasure she picked up a pair of brown imitation converse slipons, the new style with the stitched tongue and no laces, and started trying them on. It was a dream come true, she was trying on cons and modeling them for me!! Needless to say i had to hide my erection with my backpack while she walked around in the shoes. She tried on an 8 1/2 but needed an 8 which the store didn't have. :icon_cry: A couple of hours later I was by myself and passed another Payless store so i went inside, found the brown 8's and took them back to her at the hotel. I told her it was a gift and she loved them. She wore them out that night as we went all over chicago, it was heaven, I could stare at her feet all night and i even made several comments about how great they looked on her feet. My next goal is to let her break them in and then have my own personal session with them the next time i'm at her house. :icon_mrgr
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