Re: Flickr pics

I think youre right, well thats assuming you and i are looking at the same red Keds. I dont have Privi's yet to look at attachments
Re: Flickr pics

Another one. It seems like the trendy guys are wearing keds.


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Re: Flickr pics

Another one. It seems like the trendy guys are wearing keds.

I wish Keds would start a new "men's" advertising campaign.

They've listed Champion slip-ons on their web site for sale now along with the Triumph. I'm not particularly fond of slip-ons, prefer the tie Champions.

They did have a couple of cool print ads back in the 80's.

As with most things, get the right ads placed and hopefully the trend will continue. One can only hope that they will bring back the men's Champion and then support it with good advertising.
Re: Flickr pics

I was a couple of floors in a city last weekend and as i looked out the window a young dude was hanging out on the sidewalk talking with some people and I could swear he was wearing white keds. They might not have been champs but they were close. They did have a Blue Label on the back. It seemed like he was the kind of guy that could just as easily where converse.
Re: fashionable guys

Re: fashionable guys

Its great to hear about more guys wearing Keds. I had a sighting back about August, I think. My wife and I were at a local restaurant (south-central PA) and two college-aged guys and a girl came in. The one guy was wearing a t-shirt, long cargo shorts, and navy champs w/ white stitching and no socks. Don't think the wife noticed (she indulges me, but isn't really into it otherwise), but I was surprised/amazed/envious?

My day job has me on the road most of each week, and lately I've started to check the occasional thrift store for a pair in my size, in any color, just to wear around the hotel rooms. Back in the early 90's, I had probably three pairs of men's Keds, two like boat shoes, one pair of white leather champs. Loved 'em, and when I couldn't get them anymore, switched to Sperrys. End of this summer, I bought a pair of white, lace-up Vans, and I like them and wear them all over, but I really kinda wanted another pair of Keds. Last week, I decided to get bold and check out a Keds outlet in the area I was working, figureing maybe I'd just buy a pair in a less obtrusive color and wear them out in the evenings. The only champs they had were white. By this time I had decided I wanted navy, so the search continued.

In the same outlet mall, I checked out a general brand shoe store- and i was in luck. After looking around the mens section, I wandered over to the womens and found their selection. Navy! A bit darker than my wife's pair, so they should look mildly unobtrusive with jeans, but they still have the white stitching I like. I looked through the stack and found a size 10. A quick check in the box to make sure that they didn't have flared heels, and I walked up to the counter and paid. The girl never batted an eye.

I've since worn them out to eat, and run errands in the evenings, and I can say I think only a handful of people have noticed-mostly girls-but nobody has commented. The hardest part will be deciding when/how/if to let my wife know. As I said, she indulges me, she has a few pairs to wear out, and a pair for bed, but she wears her birks and docks a lot more often. She's great, and turns me on whatever she wears. I'll just give it some thought for a while.
Re: Flickr pics

Another wonderful picture...

That guy just didn't want to be in the picture with the way he was looking or just bored...
Re: Flickr pics

Another pics of a guy in white keds. It looks like keds are becoming the shoe of choice among hipsters.


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Re: Flickr pics

DO: Wearing Keds in public and proud that you wear them but really don't care what people thinks...

DON'T: Still in the closet about that...
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