
Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2003
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I bought a pair of Tretorn plimsolls for a friend of mine a while back (pics in the Plimsoll-Adult forum) - She loves those shoes, every time she wears them to work it puts a smile on my face. I've been dying to see them get a wee bit dirty, but it seemed a shame to get them messed up. So i bought her another pair, this time used pink converse hi-tops. Anyway, I gave her the cons, she tried them on and loved them... then i suggested that they were a little too clean, could maybe do with getting a bit grubby. Hmm, what did you have in mind, she wondered. Well, like maybe jumping in a muddy puddle? I wasn't sure what reaction this suggestion would get ... but guess what? She seemed to like the idea...

So a few nights later, we drove down to a nearby river - There's a path along the bank that I happen to know has a real muddy spot where a stream crosses it. She puts on her pristine pink cons & white sox, I have on my white cons. We set off up the path... as we get towards the muddy spot, she seems to be having second thoughts... but we reach this patch of sloppy, black mud and ... she just steps right into it, a bit gingerly at first, but then she gets into it, and soon the pink cons are splashed with mud. Ooh, my feet are getting wet! she says...then: Mmm, it feels nice! After splashing each other's feet for a while, we wander back up the path.

As we reach another stream, she asks whether she should maybe wash some of the mud off? Well of course... so in she jumps and has a good splash around, getting those muddy cons well and truly soaked. I couldn't resist stepping in and joining her. Then we set off back to the car, her shoes squelching with every step, and all the way back she's looking for more muddy patches to step in. Nearly back, and we find another muddy stream, so we had a bit more of you splash me, I'll splash you.

I was blown away by how much fun we had - She absolutely loved getting those cons messed up, and says she can't wait to get out and do it again. And again. Needless to say, neither can I... So here are the pics from our first muddy outing - Not very good quality, as they were mostly taken on my phone - Will hopefully get some better pix next time! Enjoy...


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Re: Fun in the mud with pink allstars

I love the photos. I really love the sneakers too. Something always really sexy about a pink or red pair of chucks. No matter if they're clean or messy.
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