
My g/f's Sister is spending her Thanksgiving vacation with us, she's 19 & a university student; who's current passion is skateboarding! Unfortunately she only brought one pair of sneakers with her, & today while we were out, I took a few quick snaps of her in converse.

To my surprise she was wearing skater socks & looked great in them. My g/f knows I want some quality time with these chucks, so she suggested that tomorrow her sister, should barrow a pair of more comfy shoes, to go shopping in! As you can imagine these smell fabulous & I'll post more pix this week. Enjoy!~


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Re: g/f's sister's converse

Thanks for these pics greentea. Those chucks look perfect, thick soles, well shaped toe caps and a thick black rims. Look more like the old 80's pairs 🙂

I hope you enjoy your fun time with them 😉
Re: g/f's sister's converse

Those look great, I love it when girls wear long skater socks with chucks!! Did she know you were taking the pics? It looks like she's pulling up her pants on purpose for you to take pics...
Re: g/f's sister's converse

That's awesome. My old g/f knew i had a thing for chucks and was really cool with it and got into it too, but she also had a sister who had hot chucks and whenever i suggested having some fun with them, she got grossed out. Have fun and make sure to take lots of pictures!
Re: g/f's sister's converse

Hi. Yes, get some more pics of her wearing them. The socks look really horny.
What can I ask are the "more comfortable shoes for shopping"?
A pair of Vans or something. Hopefully not a pair of girl winter leather high heel boots.
Re: g/f's sister's converse

:icon_frow This is so frustrating, why my girl hasn't got such sister. My girl is more of that type, but it would have been fun to have one more of her.
Re: g/f's sister's converse

GREENTEA THANKS FOR THE SHOTS..You guy's and girls dont know how lucky you are... In my day ( yeah yeah I know I played football with Moses) there was a fuckin big pad-lock on the closet door and "everyone" was inside... You kept your hangups to your self and suffered in silence.. Mention that you loved "chicks in kicks" and someone would throw you in the nut house real quick.. Don't forget they locked gays up then... Thank God we have moved foreward since then... :icon_cry:

Walk softly and Rock on this New Year people...
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Re: g/f's sister's converse

Happy New Years everyone,

Thanks for the replies. I'll try to post some updates when I'm feeling more inspired..I really dig her pumas hope everyone liked those shots. Recently my g/f has been sporting her original chucks, black low tops that's pre-nike. Is it me or are the pre-nike chucks, cuter??? Almost like the new ones have a much narrower toe box?

Anyways pre-nike or post I'm not complaing :icon_twis
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