Re: GF's Keds

not in too bad of shape; i've seen worse. do they stink though?
Re: GF's Keds

Don't stink as much as they should. All the sprinklin of the shoes with baby powder took away from the smell.
Re: GF's Keds

dang. thats the best part. what kind are these; i know their keds but they don't look like champs but more like the distress model.
Re: GF's Keds

Don't know my Ked's product to well. Hopefully someone viewing the threat has an answer.
Re: GF's Keds

I believe these are the Distressed Champions. What's interesting is that they have the non-uniform soles, but they don't look like they have that crappy ESO material, or whatever it's called.
Re: GF's Keds

The soles look soft and smooth which could go a long ways in making me all warm and cozy. Are they as soft as they look? They sure aren't those newest nasty soles which seem to be mainly on canvas champs. :icon_wink
Re: GF's Keds

They are pretty soft. Or so she says. I can't confirm how they feel. Well, not on my feet anyways.
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