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Bronze Member
Aug 18, 2010
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So bit of a story behind these... A couple nights ago my girlfriend and I were heading back to my place after being at a friend's party. We had both had a couple drinks at this point and when we got to my front door I realized that I must have accidentally left my keys at my friends house. It was kind of frustrating at first but really was only an inconvenience as there is a window around the back of my place that with a bit of luck you can open if you move it just the right way. So we walked around the back and it had been raining during the day but it wasn't at this point. My girlfriend was wearing her well loved white Keds so she was taking extra caution with each step because my backyard was very muddy in places.

Anyway to get to the window you have to climb this little shed with a sloped roof and you climb in from there. I went up first, opened the window, and I helped her up. I climbed inside and when I looked back at her she lost her footing and fell off the top of the shed into the mud. I freaked out at first because even though the shed is pretty small you could still really hurt yourself falling off. Luckily she landed on her feet but the damage was done. She clambered back up and before she climbed in she took off her shoes and handed them to me because she didn't want to get mud all over the carpet. They were absolutely filthy. I offered to take them downstairs and throw them in the wash. She seemed pretty upset because she does wear them all the time so she wanted them in the wash as soon as possible. Despite having them in my hands I was a little upset too because I was worried she would stop wearing them if they were really dirty.

I told her to get into bed and that'd I'd only be a second in the laundry room. She headed to my room and I went downstairs and before I threw them in the wash I was able to get a couple pictures 🙂. Anyway so next day we took them out and looked at them and they were still a little dirty. I asked if she wanted me to just "throw them out" but she said she could clean them up good as new. So happy ending anyway because I saw her today and she was wearing them so they've got a few more miles in them! This was the only time I was very happy to have forgotten my keys.


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Re: Girlfriend's Muddy White Keds

Thank you *-* Do you have pics, while she is wearing them =) ?
Re: Girlfriend's Muddy White Keds

Love the pics. Thanks for sharing.

What did your girlfriend say when she first saw the mud? Was she doing the famous female tiptoe routine? It sounds like she was successful in staying clean when she first got to the shed. What did she say when she first fell into the mud? What else was she wearing?

You should still buy her a new pair! ;-)
Re: Girlfriend's Muddy White Keds

They probably look better than they did before the mud now that they have been washed. I think off-white looks better than perfect white anyhow.
Re: Girlfriend's Muddy White Keds

Did she have the on barefoot or with socks?
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