I don't and they are not Champions. I no longer remember the name Keds had for them.
These were back in the 80's when the "fitness" craze thing went around. They were a knockoff of so shitty LA Gear shoe style. Don't remember the name, also kinda like the "balloons" brand shoe. Wicked flat insoles and ZERO support.
They look and reminds me of the LA Gears shoes from early 90's. I think Heather Locklair Did a advertising promotion for it back in day.

I remember these cuties. Yes, they're not champions and yes they are strictly casual sneakers with no real support.

Typical eBay seller. If it's a legit 'vintage' item, you ask something way more than it's actually worth and just let the item ride and relist for years until a sucker comes along. Usually, the seller has the decimal point in the wrong place. That's arguably the case with this item The vast majority of vintage sneakers you see listed on eBay will in the end sell for no more than $25 but you literally wait years until the seller gets tired of it sitting on a shelf in their house enough to drop the price to something semi-reasonable. And during those years of non-use, the odds of the sole drying out go up and making the item pretty much worthless.
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