dragon slayer j

i only really noticed it today. i could pick out converse even in a crowd.
hah, yea---sometimes ill be doing so much my friends will look down and be like "what are you looking at!"
All the time. :icon_mrgr Sometimes I'll see a girl and think "I bet she's wearing chucks." Then it turns out she is. Weird.:icon_eek:
scotty said:
All the time. :icon_mrgr Sometimes I'll see a girl and think "I bet she's wearing chucks." Then it turns out she is. Weird.:icon_eek:

This happens often to me too :icon_mrgr

If I see a hot girl sitting in the bus, but I cannot see the shoes, I often think: She might be wearing chucks. And often when she leaves the bus, it turns out I was correct :icon_eek:
I do the same exact thing. I'm not always right, but somehow I can tell 90% of the time whehther the girl is wearing chucks just by looking at her and she usually is. It's really strange. And yes my eyes go right for the shoes. If I'm on my break or lunch at work (Wal-Mart) and I see a girl in chucks I'll follow at a distance for a little bit until I have to go or she leaves. It's irresistable....and if I can I take some crappy cell phone pics. The other day I saw a girl walking around with both her Converse untied with her mom and she stepped on the shoelace a few times and tripped. To me that is very sexy. The other day who used to be my friend Mindy appeared when I was hangin with some friends to say bye since sh'es moving and she was wearing them too......it was pleasant to see the chucks, just not her. But yeah, there's definitely a draw.
Because chucks are so popular today, there's a high probability that any given girl is wearing them. Whenever I go out, it seems like every other girl is wearing chucks. I went to museum opening a while back and I swear 1 out of 5 women were sporting converse. The ages varied from teens to women in there forties. This kind of popularity is not going to last forever so enjoy it.
Trends tend to be cruel and the writing in on the wall. My wife "Treaty" was out with my 13 year old shopping and she noticed a mannequin wearing black with the pink tongue chucks and said she'd like to buy a pair. My kid pipes up "mom converse are so out".
mee too!

mee too!

It happens to me all the time, only with Keds and slip on Vans! Too bad many younger girls don't wear Keds. I like the Chucks too.
Nooooo, we just all are so tuned into the fetish that we just know......I HAVE POWERS!!!!
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