
Hi everyone!

After years and years of suffering in silence I have now found a site which dedicates itself to KEDS!!. I also am very supprised of all the other people who have the same fetish as me. I actully thought that I was the only one!!

Can anyone tell me of any other sites that are dedicated to KEDS? if you can help It would be very much appriciated. Or if you have any pics my email is as follows. garytg@cdcit.co.uk
This site is pretty much it. There are some yahoo groups but with all the spam and pop up ads it makes using yahoo very frustrating, or at least for me.

It make me wonder though what you'd want besides what we have here already. We're always open to suggestions.
Originally posted by "Seeker"

This site is pretty much it. There are some yahoo groups but with all the spam and pop up ads it makes using yahoo very frustrating, or at least for me.

It make me wonder though what you'd want besides what we have here already. We're always open to suggestions.

Fair point! but as I have only just found this site and found other people who have the same interest, it's all kinda new.
If this helps, on this site we have approx 40,000 archive pictures, 15,000 original, and 10,000 amateur pictures from members which makes it a pretty big assortment to choose from. The amount of new sets we will be producing is going up and we're starting to do some videos as well.
This is it . . .

This is it . . .

Yep! This is the "ultimate" Keds and probably "sneaker" site. There are some other sites out there that have a smattering of stuff, but this is where it gets into it all.

Not only Keds - we do like some others - but the focus is Keds. You can view the links for some other sites - such as Kedskraver's (which is only one pic a day now) - was a great Kedss/bondage site - and Eve's site but pretty much they all feed here.

There is a small rising happening - site's taking notice of this fetish - but it's because of Seeker's work in promoting the thing. Thanks Seeker.

Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride - it will feel good! 8)

Re: This is it . . .

Re: This is it . . .

Originally posted by "kedsrule"

Yep! This is the "ultimate" Keds and probably "sneaker" site. There are some other sites out there that have a smattering of stuff, but this is where it gets into it all.

Not only Keds - we do like some others - but the focus is Keds. You can view the links for some other sites - such as Kedskraver's (which is only one pic a day now) - was a great Kedss/bondage site - and Eve's site but pretty much they all feed here.

There is a small rising happening - site's taking notice of this fetish - but it's because of Seeker's work in promoting the thing. Thanks Seeker.

Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride - it will feel good! 8)


Thanks for your input Jeff! it is a cool site and what fantastic pictures!! Wet keds are the best though!!
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