
Bronze Member
Dec 29, 2005
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I have recently been introduced to the wonderful world of Chucks. My collection is growing rapidly thanks to a certain male friend who has opened the door to them for me.

My mind reels as I sit looking at a pile of Chucks (highs, lows, red, red and black, brown and pink, multiple pairs of blacks, blue flames, brown, the list goes on) I have fond, ok hot memories of all and sit here wondering how do you select just one pair?

Every morning as I get ready for work, I sit looking and having to slide one, and only one pair on. Knowing full well the affect it will have one HIM when I get to work. We both know the fun that was had with each pair and the pairs to come. Each day is a new adventure.

the answer - I end up wearing several pairs a day! giggles Never would I thought I would be so excited but oh yeah, I have found something I like!

I think I am going to need a separate closet just for my Chucks and perhaps a few others but Chucks have this girls heart, okok and other parts too! ;o)
You could wear an odd colour on each foot:icon_mrgr

My fave colours seem to change each day, in the end i just love them all.
edd89 said:
You could wear an odd colour on each foot:icon_mrgr

My fave colours seem to change each day, in the end i just love them all.

I love to wear two different colors. Jane, would you like to do some pictures of that?
SavannahJane said:
My mind reels as I sit looking at a pile of Chucks (highs, lows, red, red and black, brown and pink, multiple pairs of blacks, blue flames, brown, the list goes on) I have fond, ok hot memories of all and sit here wondering how do you select just one pair?
Hey girl!
I was wondering if you could elaborate on the "fond, HOT memories"?

I saw a girl only yesterday wearing one green hi-top and one pink hi-top, with matching green and pink stockings:icon_razz
I've started spending a lot of time due work reasons in Central London,,, I have noticed more and more girlies wearing chucks to work. Not my office I might add but on the underground, buses, streets etc they are smarty dressed and wear chucks as well. I wonder if they have to take them off when they get into the office? If I ruled the roost, I would let all my staff wear them all day - that way I would never get any work done.
iLiKeds said:
I love to wear two different colors. Jane, would you like to do some pictures of that?

It's still a possiblity! =o) ya just never know...
edd89 said:
I saw a girl only yesterday wearing one green hi-top and one pink hi-top, with matching green and pink stockings:icon_razz

I dont know that I could be that brave! I could do it for fun around the house for giggles and grins but nothing more. Sorry to disappoint
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