Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?

I've had this issue work out, or not work out, a number of ways, depending on the woman. The easiest case was "Spanky" -- she had some needs of her own, and she played along with mine, although she ragged me about my Keds thing, which she considered low-rent. "If you've gotta have a shoe fetish," she'd say, "why not Prada?" With another woman, she figued out the fetish on her own and also played along - it was all a wink and a nod with her, we didn't really talk about it much. For others, though, coming out was either a deal-killer, or I kept my thing to myself, because I knew it wasn't going to sell.

I agree with all the posters who say you've got to work up to coming out to your woman, by asking her to wear sexy clothes for you first, and seeing how she reacts, before you tell her everything about what's sexy for you. If she won't even put on a pair of tight jeans for you, you can forget about her wearing anything that she might consider even remotely pervy. I also agree that once you're out to her, she needs repeated reassurance that it's her you find sexy, and that you don't see her just as a model for the shoes.

The bottom line, though, is that your fetish isn't going away, and you have to find a woman who's comfortable with that. Otherwise, you'll either be hiding it from her, or be in conflict with her about it, and neither one of those is any good if you're going to be with her long term. But good women are out there, and you should keep looking until you find one.
Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?

I'm also struggling with explaining my sneaker fetish to my woman. We have been together for seven years and are engaged, so I'm sure she wouldn't freak out and run away, but it's still embarrassing to me.

Just the thought of her wearing nikes and a thong gets me excited...
Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?

I got this fetish for Keds since i was a kid.
It's my secret even after I got married.
I've been married for 5 years. But she never know about my fetish.
Then my wife accidentally discover part of my Keds collections.
I explain it to her & surprisingly, she not angry.
But she's not into sneakers & refuse to wear them.
She didn't find it sexy at all. She wonder what I see in Keds.
I don't feel too comfortable with sneaker conversations. So we never talk about it.
But she does mention it every time we see a woman wearing them.
Last week, I went to buy myself a pair of leather shoes.
I notice some 'hot' sneakers on sale. Got myself a pair. Got her a pair too.
I was contemplating whether to show it to her or not.
Then I said, "what the heck!"
With, rapid heartbeats, I ask her to try it. She did. It was like a dream come true.
We made-love while she wears it. Wow! She even tease me by wiggling her toes.

Things I'll definitely try in the future with her:
* bite her toes (with the shoes on)
* wear a pair myself while we 'do it'
Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?

yeah i guess i'm lucky that my girlfriend wears keds a lot, and she knows my fetish for keds, and guees what she has a fetish for dirty barefeet , well its convinient that i love to go everywhre barefoot and my barefeet are dirty most of the time so she loves when i rub my feet on her and i love to rub my big toe on her keds, ive made love to her while she wears them and its great she teases and rubs her keds on my feet
Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?

Well, I haven't read this thread for exactly 5 months. Thank you all of us for the suggestion. Unfortunately, once we argued about other stuffs that totally not related to KEDS, she made a strong statement that "I'd never wear those shoes again". So, from that day, I ain't talk anything related to my shoe fetish. I put all of my collection(also those I bought it for her) into the store room with a big garbage bag. We have total 30+ pair of shoes. Well, gotta move on and who knows what will happen tomorrow. But I won't give up on my KEDS at all. Even though they cannot show up in my house. Poor me:icon_razz
Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?

I don't know if the power of pursuation will work on her,But you call her your mate
and it's sounds like you should be saying my master!:icon_frow
Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?


Used to be that she wore Keds all the time, but she just outright refuses to. She's got a closet full of them (well, one pair of Champs in most colors, plus a few others) but she hasn't worn them in more than a year now. Really, the Keds have become just sex toys for me occasionally.

Fortunately, I'm in to other kinds of shoes too and she doesn't really own any shoes that I just plain don't want to see her wear.

Back in the day, honesty was the best policy. I told her about my fetish shortly after our relationship got to the point of intimacy. She used to use them against me frequently, which I used to love.

I'm working on her though. She knows I haven't changed, and probably wont.
Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?

Hey speedy. What do you do for her? My wife and I reciprocate with the fetish. Thankfully, my keds fetish has transferred to her as she pleasures herself with keds for me and SHE gets enjoyment from them too.

If I weren't fortunate enough to have her get pleasure from these(and I always ask her- what she wants) I'd make sure I did what got her off too. Just an idea...Good luck pal.
Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?

Persuasion may be the wrong way to get what makes us happy. Intamacy is a delicate thing and any thing to make it better, more pleasuarable, fun, stimulating or just a bonus for the ease of things. My wife of 23 years Just happened to be wearing some white leather sneakers the first time we were close to being intimate. I asked her to leave on the white frilly bra and the sneakers. She was understandably confused. I explained, Some guys get off seeing high heels/pumps and lace. I am much easyer to please, White canvas keds are THE most titilating thing for me. Its just that easy. Thru the years we had some slow times for sneaker ply she would resist, thinking it was not right, odd or she had competition. She took 8 months last year away from my forplay favorite. A good woman will ask how to please you, as you should also ask her what she wants. My reply a few months ago was I think of you in sneakers every day it makes me want you more. I can live without it but ti intensify things, its my biggest turn on! She will have controll over how stimulated you may become ,how fast, and it takes nothing away from the pacage of lovemakeing. It only intensifys things. She has told me it does nothing for her, I understand that. But its not a drug, viagra. Its not the thrill of cheating, which I have never and its fairly easy and kind of inocent. Sharing the deep dark secret of my turn on is a big deal for me. I let her in a secret and it goes so far as, every time I hear her footsteps I wonder is she coming down stairs with the white ones with the poited toe? the black ones she wore on 2 november 07 or the red ones she wore to the restaurant and caressed my leg under the table with. She has your happiness in her hands, or on her cute little feet. My lady likes a good foot masage. I have gotten good at it over the years. I lovingly caress and oil nad even help keep those calouses away with a file. It can be very stimulating for her or just a relaxing way to wind down from the 10 hour day in nurses shoes. Give more ask for nothing but if offered, How to please ME, Its easy. Good LUCK!
Re: How's u guys persuade your mate to wear KEDS?

I'm also struggling with explaining my sneaker fetish to my woman. We have been together for seven years and are engaged, so I'm sure she wouldn't freak out and run away, but it's still embarrassing to me.

Just the thought of her wearing nikes and a thong gets me excited...
I made my move the first time we were going to be intimate. i asked for her to leave on the bra and the white leather sneakers she had on. It was embarrassing at first but I like the honest route. Its cheaper than frilly underware. I like the fancy stuff but not like the way a pair of smooth worn keds feel rapped arround my waste. I told her recently I like it when you "dig your heels in" she has a stubborn streak and I mentioned it when we were gettin busy. SHe dug those blue labels in my thighs real hard. I have 23 years of marrage behind me. Its not all been sneaker sex. I have to let her take her time off if she wants to. I am ho;ding onto a pair of red white end blue pair for the foth of july for her to wear with a red and white red sox shirt. Break it to her gently and dont be too let down if she says no. Someday she will, hopefully want to be more pleasing to you and it will be easy to comply. DONT be ashamed of your drive, hang in there. that little blue tag can be easyer than a blue pill.
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