
Bronze Member
Mar 4, 2006
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N.S.W. Australia
Prey tell Seeker why the hell is Ilsa leaving..??.. Does she realise the pain, tears and hartbreak she will create amongst her adoring fans..??.. Give us her E-mail address so we can write and plead that she stay.. I'm devistated and in tears..:icon_cry::icon_mad::icon_cry::icon_mad::icon_cry:God, I cant walk softly anywhere at the moment...
Re: Ilsa leaving..NOOOOOOO..

Con, I believe your in the denial stage, I guess we'll all have to accept the inevitable. Just know we love you Ilsa. That because you give and give and then give some more. If it is so, it's nice to know you went out biting in just your white keds, bravo!!!
Re: Ilsa leaving..NOOOOOOO..

Unfortunately, models come and go. If this is Ilsa's last set, then her beautiful face, expressive poses, and long, sexy legs will be sorely missed. She had a good run with over 17 sets over 2 years.
Re: Ilsa leaving..NOOOOOOO..

Scotty, Pitty it wasnt 117 set over 10 years... That girl IS and will always be the best... Roy-boy, ToTal denial mate .. No half measures there buddy.. I just sent Seeker a special pair of kicks that had Ilsa wore them would have blasted you people right off this planet Earth...:icon_cry::icon_mad::icon_cry:Still winging and wineing over Ilsa like a shot dog..But time will heal I guess..
Re: Ilsa leaving..NOOOOOOO..

I think I said "could be the last set" I have a request in for her so we'll see what happens.
Re: Ilsa leaving..NOOOOOOO..

I live in hope Seeker.. Thank you.. With Bonita going I naturaly feared the worst...:icon_bigg:icon_biggWalk softly people.. There's a ray of hope in the darkness..
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