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Apr 21, 2003
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A lot of men talk big on the web, but when it comes right down to it, they’re only brave if they can remain anonymous. You have a world wide web full of “I’ll do anything for you, Mistress” wanka-bees. Trevor was different.

I met him on “The Basement” and instead of immediately coming on to me and telling me how much he’d like to lick my Keds, he actually just talked with me. We talked about all matter of things, and not a word about sneakers. So when he proposed that he meet me, I agreed.

He lived in Seattle and I lived in Boston, a town more famous for its beans than for its Keds. If he was willing to make the trip, I was willing to meet him, but not without caution. I confided in my friend Jan and she agreed to come along as my safety net.

Jan was kinky enough, she understood the importance of fetish objects. Hers were high heels. She loved men who loved high heels. She didn’t particularly like them herself, but she loved the effect they had on her admirers.

She laughed when I told her about Trevor, “Keds? Simple sneaker Keds?”

I nodded my confirmation.

“You lucky bitch. Keds are so cheap. I mean, if you’re going to go with sneakers, at least go for something more expensive. Some sneakers cost more than what I pay for some of my heels.” She sighed and let that thought sit for a while then added, “What’s more, they are so comfortable!”

Luckily it was springtime and warm and dry enough to wear my Keds to the airport. Trevor would be so disappointed if I didn’t. It was one of the ways I told him he could recognize me. It’s not like there are throngs of women who wear champions anymore. I tried to talk Jan into wearing a pair and she told me that she hadn’t owned a pair since junior high.

I recognized him before he recognized me. I was wearing the Boston Red Sox baseball cap I ordered him to wear. He said that he was a Mariner’s fan. I wished him my condolences and told him the get a Sox cap. He agreed.

“Shannon?” He asked as he approached.

“Trevor!” I responded.

I turned immediately and introduced my friend, “Trevor, this is Jan. She’ll be joining us this weekend.”

His jaw worked up and down as if he were trying to say something but not even a babbling came out.

I picked up the conversation for him, “Don’t worry, Jan’s cool. I let her in on our understanding. She won’t tell anyone, and if you want, will even stay in the next room if you want.”

Staying in the next room would be difficult as we were renting a room at a hotel. So the only “next room” was the bathroom, and Jan was not going to stay there all night. I certainly did not want to meet a man for the first time at my house. If it went bad, it would be bad enough that he knew what city I lived in.

He finally got control over his speech again even though it was not eloquent. “OK,” was about all he could manage.

I amazed him by getting through the Boston traffic to the hotel unscathed and with only two obscene gestures from fellow motorists. I asked him if they drove like this in Seattle. He told me that in Seattle, they don’t drive, they get out on I-5 and park.

We checked into the hotel, went up to our room with curious glances … two women, one man … each with baggage? We took some time out to unpack. Trevor was very interested in the assortment of Keds I brought along. For my part, I noticed he pack his pair too.

“Oh, those are cute.” I told him. He blushed perceptively. But I went on. “You can wear them when we go out tomorrow.” We were not going to spend the whole weekend in the hotel. I had planned to take in a Red Sox game, and to visit some of the historic sites that abound in Boston.

Also on the agenda was to dine at a couple of restaurants. In fact, that was the first thing we agreed upon as we were all hungry. I put Trevor at ease and explained that since he was not planning on Jan coming along, that she would pay her own share. Trevor wouldn’t hear of it. I don’t know if he was trying to impress us or was just being a gentleman, but Jan and I both appreciated it.

We ate at an Italian restaurant on the north side – what else? Throughout the meal, I made it a point to cross my legs in such a way that he could look at my sneakers. And look he did.

Eventually we would have to come down to what we were really going to do. Retiring back to the room, I instructed him to take off his clothes.

We had discussed this before he came. There was absolutely no expectation of sex. There wasn’t even an expectation of anything other than our mutual interest in his fetish for Keds.

Trevor looked from Jan to me and back again. Now that he was put on the spot, I wasn’t sure he could do it. I offered, “Do you want Jan to leave now?” I was getting more confident with his conduct.

He hesitated just a little and said, “No. Let her stay. If I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it.”

Slowly he removed his shoes and shirt. The pants took longer to find their way in joining them. The undershirt went next, and then he stalled.

I don’t know why. He wore boxers, but I could still see that he had a penis behind them. I reached down to the floor where he had put them and handed him his Keds. “Here, put these on. Maybe they’ll help.”

He put his foot into one and then placed it on the bed to lace them up. In doing so, he stuck is butt out at Jan and me. She mouthed silently, “Cute buns!” I had to stifle a giggle. He got the other shoe on as well giving us another show. When he turned around again, it was quite obvious that he had a penis behind his boxers!

“OK big boy, you can do it.” And he did. He slid down the boxers, stepped out of them and stood before us. I had my share of boyfriends, and I’ve seen some magazines and been on line, so I know what penises look like and I appreciate that, like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike. A man’s penis is as unique as his face.

Trevor’s face was not Hollywood hansom, but he was not a bad looking man. His penis, on the other hand, could star in any movie where aesthetics counts. Porn magazines and pictures do not do justice to penises. They all think that bigger is better. While not of the gargantuan proportions of porn fame, Trevor’s penis was of reasonable size.

What made it so attractive was how it was shaped. It was circumcised, tall and straight, had a beautifully shaped head, and just the right amount of veins in it. It bobbed perceptively with the beating of his heart.

I decided to try something simple to start off with. “Go into the bathroom and fetch a towel.”

I think he could figure out what was coming next.

I pulled a chair around and showed him where I wanted the towel. “Now kneel in front of me and jerk off.” I commanded. Jan took her position on the bed so she could watch.

I looked over at her, “Have you ever seen a boy jerk off before?”

“Well, no. Sort of. Well, I did see some pictures. I mean what woman hasn’t?”

Neither had I. So this was going to be a first time for us both.

“What about you Trevor, have you ever jerked off for a girl?”

He just shook his head.

“Great,” I thought, “The blind leading the blind.”

I nodded and Trevor began jerking.

I crossed one leg over the other and lifted it so my sneaker was directly in front of his face.

He bent to kiss it, but I gently pushed his head away with my foot. “There will be time for that later, sneaker-boy. Right now, Jan and I want to watch you jerk off and come.”

He must have been quite horny as it took him almost no time to start squirting his stuff. This was another pleasant surprise for me. I read enough stories and saw enough pictures to know what an ejaculation should look like. I also know that these accounts are exaggerated. Trevor’s come was on par with the best of those depictions. He shot it far, he shot a lot of it, and it just kept coming!

“That performance is worthy of a reward. You may kiss the toes of my sneakers.” This he did for a couple of minutes before I called him off. When he got up, I was surprised to see that he was still erected! “Boy, he has it bad,” I thought.

After having Trevor clean up his mess, the three of us sat around sipping some wine that Jan thought to bring along.

I had to admit that I did not think this adventure through. I knew I would meet with Trevor, I knew we would do Sox, dinner and digs (history) and I knew that he had a fetish for my Keds. What I didn’t know was what to do with it. I didn’t put things onto a spreadsheet, and I did not check them off as I accomplished them.
You're a master at writing these stories, I don't want to suggest anything, or have anything to suggest at all. You keep going into that idea mill that you have always working.
While it is possibile that I can come up with new ideas, it gets increasingly difficult with age. I have written out most of the obvious ideas and new ones are harder and harder to mine.

I find that I get my best ideas (for writing and for business) from other people, especially when those ideas are contrary to mine.

The only stories that I have manged to write lately have been spanking stories. These were inspired by pictures and drawings that got me thinking, "How did this scenario come about? What series of events lead to the culmination shown by the picture?"

The problem with sneaker pictures is that as erotic as they sometimes are, they rarely show action. So what I need is the action images formed in the minds of others.

So why is she wearing her Keds? What is she doing with them? What is she going to do to him with them?
Part II

Part II

Jan and I took the king sized bed, and Trevor slept on the floor. I awoke first the next morning to the gentle snoring of Trevor. I carefully made my way around his sleeping body to the bathroom. His hand clutched one of my Keds to his chest, and even in his shorts, I could see that he was erected, even in his sleep. I wondered what kind of dreams he was having.

Jan was awake shortly and we roused our slumbering Keds-toy from his repose. We had Trevor take his shower first and I watched him get dressed as Jan took her shower. He selected a shirt and slacks and his Keds. I selected an outfit that would allow me to wear my navy blue Champions.

Jan came out wearing a tied off top, shorts and her trademark heels. People would not be looking at Trevor and me while she was around, that was for sure.

After breakfast we retired to the room. Jan had some questions of her own to ask. “In my dealings with men and their fetishes, I’ve learned that many of them have come to their love of whatever it is that they worship at an early age. Some of them might recall a specific event such as a favorite aunt’s favorite shoes, but most of them just seem to be born with the fetish. What’s your story?”

Trevor looked down on his toes and blushed. I heard this story before. “I’m like the ‘most men’ you mentioned. I can’t recall a time when Keds sneakers weren’t a part of my fantasies. Maybe it had something to do with all the women and girls I knew wore Keds in those days.”

“I remember that Karen, the girl across the street from me, always wore them. My parents had her babysit me a lot. She played a lot of games with me and I had sort of a crush on her. Karen wasn’t the only girl who impressed me favorably. My fondest memories were of going to the beach. The accepted footwear to make that trek was sneakers. So the girls I went to the beach with wore Keds. I associated Keds with summer and those fun times.”

“But if there was any event that really brought the fetish into focus was when I was about 9 years old. By this age, I already thought that girls and women who wore Keds were the neatest thing in the world. I was as if wearing Keds made them what they were: feminine mysterious creatures.”

“I was staying at my cousin Patty’s house. Patty is a year older than me, and every day she would play with her best friend Amy and Amy’s kid sister, Jessica. The problem was that they played in a park across the street from my aunt’s house and my mom forgot to pack my sneakers. My aunt said that I could wear Patty’s sneakers.”

“I didn’t want to wear ‘girl sneakers.’ My aunt noticed my resistance and thought I was merely ashamed to wear them. She tried to calm me with ‘nobody will notice.’ But I did notice. I thought I was not worthy and that if I put them on, magic would happen and I would become a slave to the girl whose sneakers these were.”

“It was as if the girl and the sneakers were one. The magic of the sneakers gave the girl power, and by wearing them, they became a part of the girl. The sneakers took on the knowledge and power of the girl and passed them onto any other girl who wore them. If a boy were to commit the sacrilege of wearing them, then the power of the girl would overcome him and enslave him. Patty was a bossy girl to begin with, once I slipped into her sneakers, it was easy to slip into my submissive role with her.”

“I imagined myself being the naked nymph waiting on my cousin and her two friends. Whatever they would order, I would do. I did my best to obey their every command and to try to anticipate their needs and offered to fetch them something to drink or anything else I would think they would want. They seemed to enjoy my servitude but never ordered me to truly debase myself such as undressing and kissing their feet.”

Nonetheless, my cousin and her two friends became the basis for all my fantasies. When I discovered masturbation shortly thereafter, they became the goddesses that I worshiped.”

“It got worse after that. Once I entered puberty and started taking a romantic interest in girls, I was trapped. I was always attracted to girls who wore Keds, but if I girl I like wore them, she had absolute power over me, although she never knew it.”

“It was also at this time that I started masturbating with Keds. I bought a pair and hid them. I used my cousin’s whenever I stayed over at her house. She took an interest in art, and I pretended to have the same interest, so I could go to her house and visit the museum in her city. Fortunately I slept in the basement where she had a closet filled with off-season clothes. This meant that if I stayed over during the winter, her summer clothes and Keds would be in this closet.”

“On the other hand, seeing her and her friends actually wearing their Keds in the summer was the stuff of masturbatory delights.”

“So now you know. I never told any of the girls I dated about my fetish. Some of them picked up on my submissiveness, but none of them knew of my secret desires for their sneakers.”
Well, two people liked the story well enough to thank me. If I can get your addresses, I will email you any future stories I write.

I won't waste Seeker's bandwwidth by posting them here.
i liked your story to!! but the thank you button will not work for me!!
you are a very good writer!! thank you very much!!
Mule I somehow missed this post until today. BIG thanks for the effort. It's possible that many more have missed just due to the post rotation. I'll make it a sticky so it will stay up top.

Happy New Year to you and Mrs Mule.
''A belated thanks''

''A belated thanks''

Mule, sorry you haven't had more response, this is the kind of story we get to be reminded of our past realities and fantasies.I would like to post such but couldn't come close to this.I feel like you do in the aspect of no response. Seems everyone just lurks for pics and links and don't express their feelings.Maybe the keds bunch will get moving in the spring. Converse and others seem to be more involved this time of year.I have enjoyed every post youv'e made and hope to see more.
Re: Incomplete story

Wow, great job! What a good read 🙂 Do u write alot of these stories, or was this the 1st one youve done here? Again kudos to you sir 🙂
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