Oops I did it again...

Oops I did it again...

Different keds, last night she wore white canvas Awaken mules, her only 'worn' pair. I put her feet close together around my cock and between the two of us, I came hard! Not as much on the shoes, too bad. I gave them a second serving this morning while she was in the shower. Saving these for this weekend, hope to run her a bath...


Sorry for your tough times.
Waiting for times to better. Here's to a better year in
2006 to you guys!
Wife found my porn today, looking through files on the computer she stumbled across an old picture of some wet sneakers. She said, "what's that?" and I told her the truth. We'll see what comes of it tonight...
To some extent alright? Having All your private stuff exposed,If the wife uses it for you and not against you {Wow} you'll have it made! LoL and keep us informed.
A few years ago Treaty found a story I wrote posted on Mule's Barnyard site. Even though she was well aware of my fetish and somewhat aware of our community the story blew her mind. She really wasn't to keen on the contents.
Haven't had a good chance to ask her to try anything. That night the sex was great and I didn't ask her to do anything unusual. She's been OK about everything, so I don't want to freak her out. She gets the sneakers, but the wet part hasn't quite gotten into it yet. (I like dry ones too, but I'm in this deep so I may as well go all the way). She is certainly teasing me here and there, and points out girls in sneakers on TV and stuff. Wearing her new Nikes around a lot, and they're pretty hot, though I'm not ready to blow a load on them (ACG off road soles!).
More as it happens...
In the last week or so my wife has started to wear keds again, and the other day she said to me "did you see what shoes I put out to go with my outfit?" Like I didn't see the nice white leather keds. I said "no what ones?" She said "go look" it was like she know and I have never come out and told her but I would say she has to know as I wear them lots and I am always buying them for us. It is getting better her for me, now to work on the sex thing.
last weekend...

last weekend...

On the weekend my wife's cousin (f) bought some Tommy Hilfiger canvas shoes and was trying them on. As a joke my wife put on her Black Champs and was mimicking her. When she came in to the bedroom later where I was reading a book she lay down on the bed and put her Keds up by my face and started teasing me. I started getting all excited and wanted to play then and there but she insisted on cleaning up first. I fell asleep waiting for her and she decided to just go to bed with no play. DANG!!

Please insert comments ridiculing me for sleeping here: ___________
Fell asleep?

Fell asleep?

Don't really know how to comment! you mean she teased you and you let her get away! Maybe next time you'll tell her wait a minute so she can clean up the whole mess.......
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