
Bronze Member
Nov 15, 2003
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I have an employee who is young and attractive. She is always talking to me about her life. The other day she was discussing her love of shoes(buying and owning) and I made some comment about how women had many more choices than men. I said, for example, look at all the different colored Keds alone, not to mention all of the other types of shoes. Today she shows up wearing a pair of new yellow Keds champs. She said " Well, I was out shopping again last night and I saw these and thought of you". I think I'm in a bit of trouble. I just smiled and said something innocuous like they went well with her outfit or something like that. Has this ever happened to anybody? I've always made it a point not to discuss anything like this at the office, but the one time I let something slip, bam!
Re: Keds and work


Is she married or seeing anyone and what about yourself? To me it sounds like she is trying to get your attention I am pretty sure that she likes you considering that she enjoys talking to you about herself. You might want to ask Ashley or Amiee for some advice on the matter. Oh and its great that you might have found your own keds girl.

Re: Keds and work

I guess what you are concerned about is having somoene have a negative view of you at work? I haven't personally told anyone outside of my wife and you guys about how I love Keds so much. I would be terrified to be thought of negatively, and we can't afford to lose jobs over this can we?

On the other hand, she seems very friendly about it. I would just be natural and see how it plays out if it were me.

Re: Keds and work

I have never had anything happen at work--but the comment about finding a Keds girl really hits home--my first wife hated my sneaker fetish--called it my "CRUTCH" and resented wearing them--Thank God that relationship only lasted about 6 years and there were no kids--my second wife has been great with it and if your fetish is very important to you--as it is to me--it makes such a big difference in your life to have a willing partner--she wears sneakers every day and no trip to a department store is complete until we visit the shoe department and see whats new and she always weras sneakers during sex--these ladies are out there guys--just keep looking and don't be afraid to tell them about what turns you on--PEACE
Re: Keds and work

Very interestig! After all the years of having an attatchment with keds I would say that she wanted confermation of her choice.Next time the oppertunity arises,ask her where her keds are. Tell her they make her feet look smaller than the other styles.Then see if she responds by wearing the yellow champs again.If she does tell her that white seems to really make a statement and see if there is a reponse. Wish I were in you place!
Re: Keds and work

My issue with it is that I'm married and I employ her and CA is not very helpful to employers and very helpful to employees is someone feels wronged. There is nothing I can do but ignore it. Wish me luck! I'll keep my yap shut in the future
Re: Keds and work

Well all I can say is that you made the right choice by letting the keds thing go. As for this lady; people have a strange way of responding to other people's fetishes. Some people feel flattered while others might think you are a werido and flip out. The last thing you want is a sexual harassment suit on your hands and your married so that can cause a problem especially if your wife knows about your fetish. If she sees a female co-worker wearing keds by seeing a picture or she attends a company outing, she might think you are flirting on the sly. Just curious what kind of outfit did she wear? And do not say anything more about the keds unless she says something and even then watch yourself!!
Re: Keds and work

My wife knows about my fetish, although she has been a little slow on the uptake. My employee has been wearing them every day, but not bringing it up with me. She tends to wear neutral clothes with these really awesome yellow Keds. They remain pretty clean, so it appears she is only wearing them at work. I'm afraid to ask. They shine like beacons and it is all I can do to keep my eyes off them. It does try one's resolve.

I have some work to do in Las Vegas over the next couple of weeks and I think I'm going to hire an escort to come over in a pair of yellow Keds so that I can get it out of my system.
Re: Keds and work

HHMMMM, lets get this right! She wears them alot? Seems she may have your #. Do you rellay think an escort will end this awesome little secret?
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