Re: Keds and work

So what about the other female co-worker is she considering buying a pair? And wow too the fact that she is 22 and wearing keds. Oh is she hot like Anglina Jolie or more like cute Anne Hathaway?
Re: Keds and work

I've started to see a lot more people wear converse all-stars low tops to work in casual setting place. They always wear them with those capri pants, and ankle socks. It's sooooooo hot!
Re: Keds and work

6uldv8 said:
No, I'm not going to take any pictures, or do anything to bring any more attention to her Keds. I don't need the headache.(God bless her, she's worn them every day this week. I heard her talking about her Keds with a co-worker who was evidently admiring them. I may soon have 2 or 'em on my hands). As for the escort, that was tongue in cheek. I don't think it would help or hurt, I'm just too cheap to do it.

Definitely the right move by backing off and not calling any attention to her Keds. Watch "Fatal Attraction" if you need some reinforcement.

My ever-so-humble Suggestion: If the color or style are turning you on, then go buy your wife the same style/color. I'm no psychologist, but if I see a pair of sexy Keds on another woman, then I usually go get a pair for my wife. Directs my thoughts and attention toward my wife, and not the Keds (even though they aid in our lovemaking).
Re: Keds and work

It is with mixed feelings that I report the yellow Keds are gone from the office. She traded them for a pair of Nike's about 2 weeks ago and they haven't made a showing since. I haven't been willing to ask her why. Somehow, I'm a little less interested in coming to the office now. Oh well.
Thats just sucks

Thats just sucks

Sorry to hear that, how did you find out she got rid of them? Well maybe she will get a new pair next summer.
Re: Keds and work

I guess we need a sympathy button next to the thanks button don't we? 🙁
Re: Keds and work

G'day Uldv8, That has to be one of the saddest tales i have heard.. She couldn't have been all that good mate.. She went pretty low trading Keds for Nikes ... Cons yes but Nikes... Yuck... Where's her head at... :icon_chee :icon_chee

Walk softly on the Earth people...
Re: Keds and work

I have never had anything happen at work--but the comment about finding a Keds girl really hits home--my first wife hated my sneaker fetish--called it my "CRUTCH" and resented wearing them--Thank God that relationship only lasted about 6 years and there were no kids--my second wife has been great with it and if your fetish is very important to you--as it is to me--it makes such a big difference in your life to have a willing partner--she wears sneakers every day and no trip to a department store is complete until we visit the shoe department and see whats new and she always weras sneakers during sex--these ladies are out there guys--just keep looking and don't be afraid to tell them about what turns you on--PEACE

I can definitely relate my ex-wife only wore sneakers to humor me, which as you know if the other person isn't into some aspect of it is dreadfully boring. Since I met my not only younger g/f but someone who also shares a sneaker fetish, life is great & the sex of course is multi-dimensional now. Playtime is incredible, in fact she has pairs that I only let her play with, they smell so enchanting after she’s marked them.

You’re right, there are women out there who genuinely have a sexual interest in sneakers of all kinds!~ Don’t loose the faith guys, you’ll find your girl,. Just stay focused!
Re: Keds and work

I think your a lucky man to have some keds to spy on at work. I do see a problem if your wife has jealous side. If the conversation ever came up at an outing/function, it could be your "outing'. Tread carfully.
Its still pretty cool to think of the yellow sneaker girl.
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