
Bronze Member
Jun 1, 2008
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I have been holding off on telling this story hoping that I could find the picture (or pictures, I can't remember) of the event.

It happened about a year and a bit ago as my best friend Gary and I took our two girlfriends up north to a cottage where we were meeting many other couples.

One of the girls who was there was drop dead gorgeous. Julia Westbrook was her name (or something like that). There were maybe six couples but all the men were oogling Julia.

Anyways, Julia was wearing Keds, something that I was never too fond of, but to each their own. One morning, Julia and a few others went into town just to do some shopping and I noticed that the Keds were left behind and were sitting on an endtable waiting to dry. She had wore them into the lake the night before.

Gary and I were drinking most of the day and he couldn't stop talking about Julia. And why not. Bigger than average breasts, nice lips and a body to kill for.

Anyways, I don't know how we actually got around to it, but I started to talk to Gary about cumming in her Keds. I was actually trying to convince him to do it since no one else was around. I don't know if I was attempting to get him to do something that I didn't have the courage for or if I wanted to pull him into the 'sneaker fantasy world' that I normally occupy in my mind, but about half an hour into our conversation, I could tell I was winning him over.

I started to do everything I could to get him to have his way with her shoes. I took a picture of the shoes and told him that I would take another one once he soiled them. I kept telling him that it would be just like jerking into her panties but I think it was when I started to make jokes about how funny it would be for her to come back and not notice that got him to stick out his chest in acceptance of the dare.

Didn't see him do it. He went into the first room and pulled the door shut. It was one of those accordian type fake wood doors so I couldn't even take a look.

I can't say how long he was in there. Not too long, but it seemed forever, but then Gary walked out with the two shoes draped over two of his fingers and with his seed both on the dirty white Ked top with some more on the sole. I took a picture of it and we laughed about it for a while. A long while. Strange that two guys would be so giddy about seeing the others cum on canvas and struggle with a camera to take a picture.

Julia came back, but we didn't see her wear those shoes until the next day. Gary and I looked at each other in some kind of acknowledgement, but we never did talk about it again. Not to this day.

I just can't find the freakin' photos! Again, there was only a few - one before and two after if I remember - and it was two computers ago so I don't know where the hell I saved and hid the things.

Re: Keds Cumming Story

Awesome story! Does Gary also know about your sneaker fetish? I bet those pics were amazing!
Re: Keds Cumming Story

Gary knows that I love converse and nike but we have never discussed what I 'do' with them when I have a chance.
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