
Staff member
Jun 12, 2003
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It's been a bloody Keds fest on LMN and WE the past few days. There was a Jacklyn Smith movie yesterday with her wearing a couple different pairs. One scene was with her in black tights working out in a gym with white champs. I could have blown a load on my TV had I been alone. I tell you guys put these stations on turn the sound off and keep some tissue handy :icon_mrgr
Re: Keds Fest

If you can give me the station # on Bell XpressVu for these shows and some show times I can get some high quality shots from it. I have the satellite hooked up to a high quality capture system on Final Cut Pro and I can get full quality shots and videos from these. Just need dates/times and stations, and if I don't have other jobs running at the time I will be happy to record them.

Re: Keds Fest

LMN and WE are not on Bell XpressVu they are US stations, I get them on Dish Network. I'll be updating to a HD FTA receiver very soon though.
Re: Keds Fest

Damn! Well if ever u know of anything on Bell... let me know. I try to watch out for these types of things but don't get wind of anything.

Re: Keds Fest

Why don't you get a FTA reciever and get both Bell and Dish. I have no interest in BEV.
Re: Keds Fest

It's all set up at work so I can't justify it. :icon_cry:

It was just an offer for extra help.

Re: Keds Fest

Do you pay for cable at home? A FTA setup will run you about 250.00. A year of cable is about 600.00
Re: Keds Fest

One of my favorite LMN movies, sneakerwise is on this morning at 11:47 AM "A Deadly Vision", The heroine wears at least three differnt pairs of canvas sneakers. Also at 11:42 PM tonight "Killer in the House" features a Deck shoe wearing mom.
Re: Keds Fest

Do you pay for cable at home? A FTA setup will run you about 250.00. A year of cable is about 600.00

I used to have DirectTV free but it got shut down and I tried a few ripped versions of Bell at home too that got shut down. We ended up going for a complete package of cell-cable-phone-internet that is costing me about $1200.00 per year. I'm not sure how much the Cable part works out to with the package deals.

Wouldn't it be kewl to have a Keds Channel in HD? LOL

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