
Bronze Member
Mar 27, 2004
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I just got back from what I think is one of the Keds capitals of the world; Phoenix AZ. Lot of women wear Keds there so needless to say lots of Keds sighting. The only guy I saw wearing Keds was me :icon_razz


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Re: Keds Vacation

A few more


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Re: Keds Vacation

Brian, I have a question I've been meaning to ask. This has probably been discussed earlier in other forums, but are you married or do you have a signifigant other who knows about your fetish? If you do, what is there position on it? Just curious because you are so ballsy with wearing Keds in public it simply amazes me! Thanks.
Re: Keds Vacation

NOPE not married and my SO (who I had an on again off again relationship with for 12 years) knows about my fetish for wearing Keds but wishes it would go away. I mostly wear white or navy Keds in front of my friends but she will never be seen with me wearing Keds around her friends. But from the pictures you can see I will wear any color or style of Keds.

People really don't say much these days if they see a guy wearing Keds. Not like years ago when I first started wearing Keds. Many many many years ago when all the girls were wearing Keds I would get lots of comments(not often nice comments), laughs and giggles when seen wearing my Keds. Now days with all the tatoos, nose rings and multi colored hair very few people will even look at your shoes.
Re: Keds Vacation

A few more

I noticed one of the bags was for a Stride Rite - Keds - Sperry outlet...where in Phoenix is that? I travel to Phoenix on business and it'd be nice to buy more pairs in the winter months when nobody is wearing anything but Uggs up here...
Re: Keds Vacation

Hello INKEDS. There is an outlet mall North of Phoenix on the I-17 freeway up near a community called The Anthems. The outlet mall is on Honda Bow Road I beleive. And YES there is a Stride Rite, Keds, Sperry store there. Look in the Yellow Pages under "SHOE" and I think it's listed there.

Up until last December 2006 there was a women that worked there, her name was Kim. She had worked there since 2002. I would go this outlet mall to buy Keds every April and November while on vacation with my golf buddies. I would always buy something at another store first so I had a shopping bag that didn't have the Stride Rite Keds Sperry logo on it. Then, I'd go in, buy my Keds then have Kim throw the box away and I'd stick the Keds in the shopping bag I already had so my friends wouldn't see that I bought girls shoe for myself. She remembered me each time I came to the store even though it had been about 6 months since the last time I saw her. Finally in November 2003, while I was buying 2 pairs of Keds, she asked me why I don't want the box. I told her my friends don't know I wear women's Keds and if they see the boxes then they will know. We had a good 15 minute talk about Keds, men wearing Keds and life in general. To sum it up she basically said, wear your new Keds tomorrow in front of your buddies. You'll feel better for doing it and if your friends don't like it, then they're not your friends. The next day I wore my Keds to the golf course, and as expected my 3 golf buddies all had to make a comment about my new girl's shoes. The first came as we got out of the van. My buddy looked down and said "nice nurses shoes" The second came from the next guy after golf. He said "OHHH you bought new Keds" And my third buddy's comment came as we were walking into Hooters. He said "my daughter has a pair of shoes just like yours"

Sorry for blabbing on but it's fun to relive that memory.
In the third picture you can see a women in the store in a red shirt, that is Kim



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Re: Keds Vacation

Terrific information, and thanks for sharing the info about Kim. I should be headed there in May and if the Keds climate is lacking her in the Midwest, then I'll check out that store.

Either way, I'll update as to what happens.

Re: Keds Vacation

The next day I wore my Keds to the golf course, and as expected my 3 golf buddies all had to make a comment about my new girl's shoes. The first came as we got out of the van. My buddy looked down and said "nice nurses shoes" The second came from the next guy after golf. He said "OHHH you bought new Keds" And my third buddy's comment came as we were walking into Hooters. He said "my daughter has a pair of shoes just like yours"

it is funny the "nice nurses shoes" comment is very close to the same as one of my friends said to me he asked me if I took them sneakers from a nurse? I have also been told "my wife has a pair of them shoes" and one time a female friend said to me are you wearing your wifes shoes? I looked at her and there was a big group around so I said yes, (kinda had to she had the same pair on) she said I know look I am wearing the same kind, ( already knew that) I said oh wow look at that and then said well had to put something on quick but don't they feel so nice on your feet? I said I am going to have to wear them more and she said yes they do feel nice but don't think your wife will like you wearing her shoes. I told her it would be just fine, tried to play it off as fair is fair, if she can wear my shoes then I can wear hers, she said oh ok. I have worn keds in from of her a couple more times and she only one other time said oh got the wifes shoes on I see I told her nope they are now mine and smiled and laughed, I keep hoping though that she is going to have on keds again when I am wearing them so we are matching again. I got really hot from that.
Re: Keds Vacation

Your third picture in...In your adorable shiny white leather Keds with cute little baby blue accents...Just Mmmm
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