
Bronze Member
Dec 4, 2003
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i hope you enjoyed my posts. i have decided to stop doing them.

if you have a fetish for keds or anything else, don't be embarrassed to share it with your spouse or partner. don't hide it from your partner if it's part of your life. there's nothing wrong with it, it's how God made you, just don't lie to your partner about it by not telling them.

and don't smoke, it's horrible for you.
Re: last time

What can we say to ya... you've got some sweet posts! Sometimes we get busy searching for our fetish and forget to thank the poster... I appreciate your posts very much...please keep posting! I agree with what you said about communicating to our special person and I certainly wish you well. If there's anything we can do to encourage you just let us'll see, this community totally rocks and the people here are the best anyplace!!
Re: last time

Sorry to hear your not posting anymore... Pitty... They were O.K... I hope Seeker keeps the thank you button.. I like to use it to thank people for pics etc... The button should be on every post and not just 5 of them as a quota.. (thats how mine works..) Means I have to back track days later to catch up... :icon_frow:icon_frow Walk softly people...
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