
Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2003
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Wow, I really love your sets MC. I can't wait for the one where your friends ties your shoe together unnoticed. This new set with the goggles is pretty amazing. You're a very sexy woman. You wear Converse extremely well too 🙂 Man....with my preferences, I saw that shoelace dangling a little on the ground and I kept waiting for a picture where you're stepping on it and moving your other foot and untying it. Sadly, it didn't happen and it would have been HOT to me, but the set like it is, is wonderful. Maybe in that tying together set you could be stepping on a slightly dangling shoelace end and then moving your other foot unknown to you, untying the other shoe and having the lace stretch tight across. Mixing that in with your friend tying your shoes together would be awesome. Thanks so much for this set and any future ones in the works 🙂 :icon_twis
Re: Miss conduct yum

I agree Setchel, that was so hot when MC stepped on the lace, in fact I was thinking of you when she did that. Also wonderful idea of her moving her other foot and untieing the lace. LOVE THAT LACE ACTION:icon_eek:
Re: Miss conduct yum

lol. Well.....thanks for thinking about me. I didn't think I was such a big cheese around here
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