
Bronze Member
May 19, 2008
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It has been a while since I last was able to get photos from my neighbor. For those of you who did not remember from my last mission post, I have a neighbor with three other roommates, all female, all under 25 and most of them love to wear sneakers. Well last night the one girl invited me over to fix her computer. She left to run to the store so I grabbed a few shots of these. Hope you like them.


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Re: MISSION 03: Neighbor's Vans!!

While I was over there, she saw me on the computer on eBay and told me to talk to her roommate who had a pair of shoes (sups) she wanted to sell, so i told her I would sell them for her. Check out eBay, item # 260318079635

After I did that, her friend wanted to sell a pair too (just so happened that I have seen these before). eBay item # 260318089286
Re: MISSION 03: Neighbor's Vans!!

quite a coincidence, how would they get the idea of selling their old shoes on ebay while you are there? maybe they suspect something?

nice pics btw.
Re: MISSION 03: Neighbor's Vans!!

Wow those Vans are hot hot hot! I hope you get some more time alone with those 🙂

Are you really going to sell the Superstars? I'd have thought you'd have just kept them hehe
Re: MISSION 03: Neighbor's Vans!!

quite a coincidence, how would they get the idea of selling their old shoes on ebay while you are there? maybe they suspect something?

nice pics btw.

I really hope they don't, I thought it was a coincidence and they seem pretty careless about it.

Wow those Vans are hot hot hot! I hope you get some more time alone with those 🙂

Are you really going to sell the Superstars? I'd have thought you'd have just kept them hehe

Yes I am going to. They still have posession of them and they plan to ship them as well so I won't get them.
Re: MISSION 03: Neighbor's Vans!!

Wow!!I:icon_eek: Really really really like these pics! you think they will end up selling these vans? if so i wouid pay so much for em! Again, Nice shots!:icon_chee
Re: MISSION 03: Neighbor's Vans!!

Wow!!I:icon_eek: Really really really like these pics! you think they will end up selling these vans? if so i wouid pay so much for em! Again, Nice shots!:icon_chee

If you wish, I can try to coerce them into it. Just PM me and I will set about it.
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