Yeah, this was big news amongst us chuck lovers anyway. I'm not sure how many consumers out there know or care that Converse is owned by Nike. I haven't noticed a drop of any kind of chucks wearers in the alternative or punk crowd. I have seen a reduction amongst hippies so maybe they are the only ones who are conscious about this.
as long as they keep coming, i don't really mind who owns them.
I guess it doesn't matter to me. I love Keds and they are made overseas. I guess when it comes 2 a fetish you can't help it.
Allstar xemployees

Allstar xemployees

I often wonder if any of the people that worked making Chucks had a fetish
for them and if they could wear them at work?I would of had a pair on and
a hardon all day!:icon_lol:
yeah i think about the same thing. like working in a store that sells them or something.
allstar salesman

allstar salesman

WHAT a fanatasy young or old girl or guy wanting to purchase a pair of
chucks and you getting them out of the box WOW the smell and the
white rubber toe and squeaky rubber sole .Placing them on their feet
and lacing them up just hopeing they have or will find them soooo
sensual or maybe look down at you and wink.
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