
Bronze Member
Mar 4, 2006
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N.S.W. Australia
I just finished sussing out Ginger's bodybuilder set.. In the 02/06 keds sets... Man oh man does that girl keep herself in shape or what.. What a bueatiful, great toned body... I had to stop looking half way through the set and drive to town and get the paper for obvious reasons... I shall go out tonight to see a New Years Eve band with three pics firmly in mind #56, 57 & 66... The ones with Ginger's nipples holding her costume top up against all odds... That pair of nipples could hold up a bank... Thank you Ginger for sending 06' out with such a great body etched on my brain... I sometimes wonder if the models read these coments...?? :icon_bigg :icon_bigg

Walk softly and Rock on this New Year people...
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