• All email services are currently down. I hope for a fix within a day


I would do anything to have these exact shoes. I have come close to finding them but I can't get them exactly like this. The sooner you can help me find them the sooner you can see pics of them on my gf's feet.

Re: Please help me find where to get these shoes

They are the All Star Simple Details. Where to find the color is going to be the tough part...
Re: Please help me find where to get these shoes

Found some at sneakerhead.com
They're purple though.

I hate those giant metal holes, but at the same time, I think some people could really pull it off well. But yeah, can't post a link, so checkout Sneakerhead. They're $34
Re: Please help me find where to get these shoes

Thanks guys. Billy mays, back from the dead?
Re: Please help me find where to get these shoes

Not having any luck on sneakerhead... Purple will be fine tho if i can find them
Re: Please help me find where to get these shoes

No, I made this account not even a month before he died... I felt terrible. lol

But yeah, I'll send you the link since last time I posted one it got deleted.

Hmm, can't send a pm.
Re: Please help me find where to get these shoes

Account must have expired, ill re up tomorrow as soon as at&t gets off their ass and gets the internet back in commision at my house.
Re: Please help me find where to get these shoes

Actually i have a default porn email if you just wanna send it to that.


Hah, preciate it man.
Re: Please help me find where to get these shoes

Hey, when I went to look, it said discontinued. Sorry dude, maybe check ebay?
the billlymays account is just for this stuff too... less obvious though lol
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