Re: Pregnant women wearing Keds

I sort of have a fetish for pregnant women. Maybe it's primal; the need to protect the future generation of the tribe.

First of all, I find the term "pregnant woman" to be somewhat redundant, but I digress.

Back in my day, pregnant women had an official outfit. It was basically sweatshirt, loose pants or shorts, and Keds. Comfort was the main aim.

I was in the military at the time, and was assigned to a very young, tight-knit squadron. The commander had a 6-year-old. The rest of the squadron consisted of us 22-25 year old, mostly newly-wed lieutenants and pregnant wives. Yup, lots of Keds on the less-than-formal affairs.

Keds were allowed in the "casual bar*" in the Officer's Club, but were frowned upon elsewhere in the facility except maybe on the feet of the wait staff.

* To let you know how politically incorrect the times were, the casual bar was officially a "Stag Bar" (sometimes with adult entertainment :icon_eek🙂 but on a normal Friday, after "happy hour" it was opened up to spouses. I steered clear of the dice games and card games and other gambling activities.
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