
Bronze Member
Apr 19, 2007
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So, today I was hanging out with my girlfriend and I had previously bought her a pair of blue converse x-hi. She loooooved it and said it's her favorite shoes now :icon_cheesygrin:

It's been a life long dream for having a partner who are into converse x-his. I helped her put it on then after getting out of the car, she already had a bit of a mark on the toe caps so I used my finger and tried to rub it off. Oooh yeah good feeling.

So yeah, I hope she's wearing them again next time I see her :icon_surprised:

So that's my story. Thanks for listening
Re: Probably the best day of my life!

Mine had a pair of black low-tops, that were in perfectly new condition... Not surprisingly, I was always excited when flip-flop weather was over and she started wearing those and her Sperrys. I miss her 🙁 lol
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