
I wanted to write about this last night but got "sidetracked"... I just moved into a new apartment which I'm subletting for the next two months, my roommate is a 35 year old woman who is really nice. Anyway, a few days ago I came home to find her cooking in the kitchen and wearing a pair of ex-high black velvet chucks!! I tried not to obviously stare too much but did make a comment that we were wearing similar shoes as I was wearing my hitop black chucks. I was looking through the converse pics here last night, stroking myself and wearing my chucks when I remembered her exhighs!! I knew she had left for work and would be gone for several hours so I snuck into her room and found the shoes lying beside her bed. I picked them up and took them to my room, kicked off my sneaks and slipped her velvety chucks onto my own, I have small feet so they were almost a perfect fit. I spunked within a few minutes and returned them to where I found them, now I'm just waiting for the next time she goes to work and I'm home!! I'll try to get some pics as soon as my friend returns my camera. :icon_mrgr
Re: Roomies Chucks

Would love to see some pics of them. Hope you ger the camera back soon.
Re: Roomies Chucks

That's great!!! Can't wait to see pics!
Re: Roomies Chucks

Love to see these pics... Maby do a set... :icon_evil :icon_evil

Walk softly people..
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