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May 28, 2014
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It's 1989. Describe May and Beth, two conceited/snobby/preppy/egotistical high school girls that decide they want to watch the high school football team practice but not from where they can easily be seen. They don't want to come across as desperate. They definitely needed to look cute in case they later decided to chat up one or more of the boys after practice. Mary is wearing a white polo, khaki knee length skirt, white ankle socks and crisp white canvas Keds. Beth is wearing a royal blue polo, long white walking shorts and new white canvas Tretorns with white ankle socks.

Describe them making their plan and decide to sneak in from the rear of the practice field. Yes, there's some construction going on but they're certain that they can get through unblemished. Describe the obstacles they encounter with them separately at different points in time falling into mud ruining their outfits and how it's caused by their own clumsiness and over-confident behavior. Describe them getting angry with their muddy fates and how bad the damage was to their outfits. Describe them getting spotted by the football team after they both had fallen into mud. Describe their utter humiliation and disgust with the circumstances .
It's 1989. Describe May and Beth, two conceited/snobby/preppy/egotistical high school girls that decide they want to watch the high school football team practice but not from where they can easily be seen. They don't want to come across as desperate. They definitely needed to look cute in case they later decided to chat up one or more of the boys after practice. Mary is wearing a white polo, khaki knee length skirt, white ankle socks and crisp white canvas Keds. Beth is wearing a royal blue polo, long white walking shorts and new white canvas Tretorns with white ankle socks.

Describe them making their plan and decide to sneak in from the rear of the practice field. Yes, there's some construction going on but they're certain that they can get through unblemished. Describe the obstacles they encounter with them separately at different points in time falling into mud ruining their outfits and how it's caused by their own clumsiness and over-confident behavior. Describe them getting angry with their muddy fates and how bad the damage was to their outfits. Describe them getting spotted by the football team after they both had fallen into mud. Describe their utter humiliation and disgust with the circumstances .
The Preppy Catastrophe of '89: A Tale of Mud, Mayhem, and Mortification

It was a crisp, late afternoon in the fall of 1989, and May and Beth were seated at the popular lunch table, sipping their Diet Cokes as they concocted the perfect plan. High school royalty in their own minds, the two weren’t about to make a public appearance at the football team's practice as typical gawking girls. Desperate? Please. They were above that—practically untouchable in their white-canvas-box-fresh glory.

"Honestly, I don’t want to just be like… standing there where everyone can see us," May drawled, running a perfectly manicured finger around the rim of her Diet Coke. Her crisp white polo was flawlessly tucked into her khaki knee-length skirt, and each pleat bravely folded against her hip, daring gravity to crease its perfection. Her white canvas Keds sparkled stark as day, peeking out beneath the table. No footprints. No blemishes. Pure as a preppy princess could get.

Beth, similarly immaculate, crossed one perfectly tanned leg over the other. The royal blue polo she sported, a tad more daring than May's, was tucked into clean white walking shorts, her brand-new Tretorns gleaming under the table, seemingly untouched by the sins of the earth. She smirked knowingly. "We just need to be… smarter about it. We watch from the back of the field. We’re cute now… so when we choose to appear, it’s on our terms."

Of course, both girls knew there was some construction going on near the back of the practice field—a mess of soon-to-be improved bleachers. But please. These were minor obstacles in their perfectly planned route. Would it be a little risky? Sure. But when you look that good in a perfectly coordinated outfit, the universe simply doesn’t let you fail, right?


### The Sneaky Approach

The two girls sauntered down toward the rear of the practice field, their heads held high and a mutual air of smug superiority enveloping their every step. They spotted the makeshift fences and tarps bordering the construction zone but, naturally, May and Beth brushed them aside as trivial details. Getting even a little dust on their pristine outfits was laughable. They had supreme confidence in their agility.

May wiggled in between two loose fence panels, speaking with the nonchalance of a girl who had done this a thousand times. "Easy. Come on, Beth. Careful not to scuff your shoes."

Beth followed closely, taking a delicate step over a muddy patch, her new Tretorns whispering white perfection beneath her. She shot May a superior grin, declaring, "Dirt is not my destiny."

Fate, however, had other ideas.

Just then, May’s confidence in avoiding the construction site obstacles reached terminal levels of arrogance. She stepped her Keds-wrapped foot onto what looked like solid ground—a deceptively dry patch of dirt right next to the new bleachers.


In the blink of an eye, her shoe disappeared into a thick, oozing mud puddle. Instinctively flailing to pull it out, she only made it worse—her other foot slipped, and with a wild gasp, she crashed down, losing all balance. Her crisp, white polo hit the ground with a grotesque squelch, her tan skirt getting instantly decorated with ugly splashes of brown mud.

“OH MY GOD!" she shrieked, frantically trying to get up, but the more she moved, the more the mud seemed to coat her—the back of her polo, her legs, even her hair wasn’t spared. Her once-pristine Keds were now brown lumps on her feet.

“Beth! Help m—”

Interrupted by a snort from Beth, who was trying very hard to stifle her laughter, May shot daggers toward the royal-blue-preppy sitting precariously on her high horse.

"Honestly, May, it’s not that bad, you’re just being so drama—"


One misplaced step: Beth met her nemesis. Slippery mud beneath what she thought was a stable rock sent her sprawling forward, her brand-new Tretorns diving into a cesspool of watery construction muck. Her royal-blue polo, once so crisp and smug, was now soaked with a dramatic splash of the brown gunk, her white shorts ruined beyond recovery.

“Are you kidding me!?” she screeched in indignation, making a wild attempt to get back to her feet but slipping down again. Her white socks weren’t just dirty now—they were, in a word, trashed. Tretorns drowned in inevitable shame.

The two tangled in the precarious mud were now living a snobby nightmare. Humiliation drenched every inch of their once-flawless ensembles.

### Catastrophic Discovery

As if their muddy demise wasn’t enough, the football team's practice had just wrapped up, and the players were heading back to the locker rooms. That’s when they spotted the chaotic duo lying helplessly in the most unfortunate state. A few of them paused, some squinting in curiosity.

“Wait… are those the girls from chemistry class?” one guy asked, wiping sweat from his brow with his gloved hand.

“Nah… they’ve got to be those girls who think they’re better than everyone…” another added with a smirk.

Beth yanked her arm out of the muck, attempting to smooth her absolutely-saturated hair but only smearing more mud across her face in the process. "Don't look, May. They're watching. They're enjoying this."

Oh, they were watching, alright. And enjoying every single groan of disgust May and Beth made as they struggled to stand—covered in a layer of humiliation as thick as the mud itself.

May brushed futilely at her skirt, her once-pristine white Keds now a soggy pity party. "This is not happening. This is NOT happening."

“Oh, it’s happening,” Beth muttered, fighting back tears of rage as her once-gleaming Tretorns squished audibly with each attempt to move.

Laughter echoed across the field. The football players, wise to the girls' conceit, casually joked amongst themselves. One player gave them a mock salute, another a sad, confident head-shake. "Nice Tretorns," a voice shouted, sending Beth’s hands balling into fists.

May, pouting into the mud, sighed dramatically. “Beth… my life is over.”

Beth sniffed. “We are never talking about this. Ever.”

And with that unspoken agreement, they trudged away, forever haunted by the infamous day the universe decided that even Keds and Tretorns couldn’t save them from the humility of mud and misjudgment.
The Preppy Catastrophe of '89: A Tale of Mud, Mayhem, and Mortification

It was a crisp, late afternoon in the fall of 1989, and May and Beth were seated at the popular lunch table, sipping their Diet Cokes as they concocted the perfect plan. High school royalty in their own minds, the two weren’t about to make a public appearance at the football team's practice as typical gawking girls. Desperate? Please. They were above that—practically untouchable in their white-canvas-box-fresh glory.

"Honestly, I don’t want to just be like… standing there where everyone can see us," May drawled, running a perfectly manicured finger around the rim of her Diet Coke. Her crisp white polo was flawlessly tucked into her khaki knee-length skirt, and each pleat bravely folded against her hip, daring gravity to crease its perfection. Her white canvas Keds sparkled stark as day, peeking out beneath the table. No footprints. No blemishes. Pure as a preppy princess could get.

Beth, similarly immaculate, crossed one perfectly tanned leg over the other. The royal blue polo she sported, a tad more daring than May's, was tucked into clean white walking shorts, her brand-new Tretorns gleaming under the table, seemingly untouched by the sins of the earth. She smirked knowingly. "We just need to be… smarter about it. We watch from the back of the field. We’re cute now… so when we choose to appear, it’s on our terms."

Of course, both girls knew there was some construction going on near the back of the practice field—a mess of soon-to-be improved bleachers. But please. These were minor obstacles in their perfectly planned route. Would it be a little risky? Sure. But when you look that good in a perfectly coordinated outfit, the universe simply doesn’t let you fail, right?


### The Sneaky Approach

The two girls sauntered down toward the rear of the practice field, their heads held high and a mutual air of smug superiority enveloping their every step. They spotted the makeshift fences and tarps bordering the construction zone but, naturally, May and Beth brushed them aside as trivial details. Getting even a little dust on their pristine outfits was laughable. They had supreme confidence in their agility.

May wiggled in between two loose fence panels, speaking with the nonchalance of a girl who had done this a thousand times. "Easy. Come on, Beth. Careful not to scuff your shoes."

Beth followed closely, taking a delicate step over a muddy patch, her new Tretorns whispering white perfection beneath her. She shot May a superior grin, declaring, "Dirt is not my destiny."

Fate, however, had other ideas.

Just then, May’s confidence in avoiding the construction site obstacles reached terminal levels of arrogance. She stepped her Keds-wrapped foot onto what looked like solid ground—a deceptively dry patch of dirt right next to the new bleachers.


In the blink of an eye, her shoe disappeared into a thick, oozing mud puddle. Instinctively flailing to pull it out, she only made it worse—her other foot slipped, and with a wild gasp, she crashed down, losing all balance. Her crisp, white polo hit the ground with a grotesque squelch, her tan skirt getting instantly decorated with ugly splashes of brown mud.

“OH MY GOD!" she shrieked, frantically trying to get up, but the more she moved, the more the mud seemed to coat her—the back of her polo, her legs, even her hair wasn’t spared. Her once-pristine Keds were now brown lumps on her feet.

“Beth! Help m—”

Interrupted by a snort from Beth, who was trying very hard to stifle her laughter, May shot daggers toward the royal-blue-preppy sitting precariously on her high horse.

"Honestly, May, it’s not that bad, you’re just being so drama—"


One misplaced step: Beth met her nemesis. Slippery mud beneath what she thought was a stable rock sent her sprawling forward, her brand-new Tretorns diving into a cesspool of watery construction muck. Her royal-blue polo, once so crisp and smug, was now soaked with a dramatic splash of the brown gunk, her white shorts ruined beyond recovery.

“Are you kidding me!?” she screeched in indignation, making a wild attempt to get back to her feet but slipping down again. Her white socks weren’t just dirty now—they were, in a word, trashed. Tretorns drowned in inevitable shame.

The two tangled in the precarious mud were now living a snobby nightmare. Humiliation drenched every inch of their once-flawless ensembles.

### Catastrophic Discovery

As if their muddy demise wasn’t enough, the football team's practice had just wrapped up, and the players were heading back to the locker rooms. That’s when they spotted the chaotic duo lying helplessly in the most unfortunate state. A few of them paused, some squinting in curiosity.

“Wait… are those the girls from chemistry class?” one guy asked, wiping sweat from his brow with his gloved hand.

“Nah… they’ve got to be those girls who think they’re better than everyone…” another added with a smirk.

Beth yanked her arm out of the muck, attempting to smooth her absolutely-saturated hair but only smearing more mud across her face in the process. "Don't look, May. They're watching. They're enjoying this."

Oh, they were watching, alright. And enjoying every single groan of disgust May and Beth made as they struggled to stand—covered in a layer of humiliation as thick as the mud itself.

May brushed futilely at her skirt, her once-pristine white Keds now a soggy pity party. "This is not happening. This is NOT happening."

“Oh, it’s happening,” Beth muttered, fighting back tears of rage as her once-gleaming Tretorns squished audibly with each attempt to move.

Laughter echoed across the field. The football players, wise to the girls' conceit, casually joked amongst themselves. One player gave them a mock salute, another a sad, confident head-shake. "Nice Tretorns," a voice shouted, sending Beth’s hands balling into fists.

May, pouting into the mud, sighed dramatically. “Beth… my life is over.”

Beth sniffed. “We are never talking about this. Ever.”

And with that unspoken agreement, they trudged away, forever haunted by the infamous day the universe decided that even Keds and Tretorns couldn’t save them from the humility of mud and misjudgment.
Describe the girls entry into the construction zone in more detail with them successfully navigating around some dirty obstacles. Then, have them trying to cross over something particularly messy on a board or the like only to have separate entries into mud. Describe each of them having a fit in the mud as they mourned the ruination of their expensive outfits.
Describe the girls entry into the construction zone in more detail with them successfully navigating around some dirty obstacles. Then, have them trying to cross over something particularly messy on a board or the like only to have separate entries into mud. Describe each of them having a fit in the mud as they mourned the ruination of their expensive outfits.
### The Preppy Catastrophe of '89 Extended: Mud Strikes Back

May and Beth weren't amateurs when it came to navigating tricky social situations, and that afternoon, sneaking into the construction zone behind the football field, they carried the same air of superiority. Their goal was simple: find a discrete spot to watch practice without making it too obvious that they cared. After all, appearances mattered.

Beth adjusted the collar of her royal blue polo, flashing a smug look in May’s direction. “This is going to be easy,” she said matter-of-factly. “We just need to avoid anything gross, and we’ll be at the field watching them practice before they even know we’re there.”

May’s icy white Keds clicked confidently on the asphalt path as they approached the construction site, her nose wrinkling as they stood at the edge, surveying the mish-mash of barriers and dirt piles in front of them.

“Look,” May said, pointing toward a narrow gap between two chain-link fences. “If we just slide in through there, we can sneak around those piles of dirt without anyone seeing us.”

Beth eyed the space May was pointing to, taking mental inventory of the obstacles in front of them: some scattered plywood boards, a heap of loose gravel, and a mud puddle way too big to be normal. But in their minds, they were invincible. Their outfits were prepped to withstand anything. Besides, they were smart enough to outmaneuver a little grime, weren’t they?

May led the way, gracefully slipping through the fence with her khaki skirt and polished Keds still shining. She tiptoed confidently around a precarious stack of construction barriers, positioning herself carefully so that not a single speck of dirt touched her.

“See?” May chimed, a victorious grin spreading across her face. “It’s just a matter of being, like… spatially aware.”

Spatially aware. Sure. And for a moment, it seemed like they had indeed bested the construction zone. Beth followed behind, delicately picking her way around the obstacles May had just navigated. Her pristine Tretorns gingerly stepped over a patch of loose gravel, and she gave herself a little nod of approval when she landed on solid ground unharmed.

“Piece of cake,” Beth muttered, looking down at her spotless outfit with pride.

But, oddly enough, every tragic story has a moment of calm before the storm.

### Enter the Mud

As they continued their approach, the real test stood before them: a rather inconvenient mud pit stretching across their neatly planned route.

“Well, that’s unfortunate,” May frowned, one hand on her hip as she surveyed the glossy brown mess in front of them.

Beth wasn’t impressed either. “There has to be another way around.”

They spotted their salvation: an old, weathered plywood board placed precariously over the width of the mud pit like a makeshift bridge. It barely looked wide enough for a single foot, but to them, it was their straight path to victory.

“Easy,” May announced, more to herself than Beth. She placed one foot slowly on the board, testing it, then carefully stepped forward, keeping her balance. She tossed her hair over her shoulder as if braving a runway and not a muddy obstacle on some soon-to-be improved high school bleachers.

Beth, always competitive, followed suit, though with a bit more swagger. Her white walking shorts brushed the tops of her shimmering Tretorns, and she was certain the worst was behind them.

“Be careful not to—”

### Splash.

Beth’s Tretorn-swathed foot slipped before her brain could even register what had happened. The board wobbled wickedly, and down she went—a glorious moment of chaos followed by a gruesome splat. Her foot plunged deep into the sticky mud and, thanks to the combination of momentum and a healthy dose of pride, her entire body followed suit. Her royal blue polo, once dazzling in its perfection, was now a blotchy mess of brown streaks. And her shorts⁠—no longer pristine—were soaked through with the oozing sludge.

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” Beth screeched, pushing herself up from the mud, her hands slimy and caked. Her Tretorns were now a dark, soupy brown, with mud seeping into her socks. Each step made a squishy, sad sound, like her shoes were crying soggy tears.

“MY. SHOES,” she bellowed, giving the earth a swift kick, which only splashed more mud up her legs. “These are Tretorns! They were brand new!”

May, watching in muted horror, had the briefest thought to stifle a laugh—but it was quickly dashed. She took a hesitant step back on the board, thinking she could somehow avoid the same fate. But the board, already rickety from one fall, decided it had no loyalty whatsoever.

And with one more ominous creak—

### SPLAT.

May yelped as her own feet flew sideways, kicking wildly before her body collided unceremoniously with the wet, sticky ground. Her white Keds sunk deep into the mud, lost in the messy grave beneath her. Her once-crisp polo was now marred with splotches of muck, her khaki skirt pasted against her legs with the weight of the sludge. Even worse, a streak of mud had streaked right through her hair, leaving her in the most horrified state possible.

“Oh my god… NO. NO. NO. This is—I can't believe this is HAPPENING!” May shrieked, flailing as she tried to push herself up, but only managing to get more mud smeared across her entire outfit. “My Keds! My skirt! This is—it’s… RUINED!”

### The Mourning of the Outfits

And so there they were—two high school queens, each caught in her own perfectly terrible mud situation. Beth, now sitting knee-deep in the muck, cradled one of her ruined Tretorns as if it were a lost pet.


“This is not how today was supposed to go!” May raged, yanking a clump of mud from her once-sunny hair. She furiously tried smoothing out her skirt, but the mud seemed determined to cling to every thread. "I look like I rolled around in a pigsty! And NOW…”

She trailed off as a shadow fell over them. With their luck, it couldn't have been anything good.

### The Team Witnesses the Carnage

There they were. The reason for all this sneakiness. The football team had gathered at the edge of the field, laughing, cracking jokes, and some—oh yes—pointing directly at the two fashion disasters flailing in the mud.

One of the players barked out, "Hey, nice outfits!" followed by a chorus of wild laughter.

May’s lip trembled with rage. “I’m not speaking to anyone ever again.”

Beth, however, looked much less inclined to speak. Instead, she glared through tear-filled eyes, muttering as she wiped the muck from her once-treasured Tretorns. "This school is dead to me.

And on that miserable note, May and Beth, covered in humiliation and mud, began the mortifying walk of shame back to civilization, the echoes of their own fashion disaster following them like an indelible, ugly stain.
### The Preppy Catastrophe of '89 Extended: Mud Strikes Back

May and Beth weren't amateurs when it came to navigating tricky social situations, and that afternoon, sneaking into the construction zone behind the football field, they carried the same air of superiority. Their goal was simple: find a discrete spot to watch practice without making it too obvious that they cared. After all, appearances mattered.

Beth adjusted the collar of her royal blue polo, flashing a smug look in May’s direction. “This is going to be easy,” she said matter-of-factly. “We just need to avoid anything gross, and we’ll be at the field watching them practice before they even know we’re there.”

May’s icy white Keds clicked confidently on the asphalt path as they approached the construction site, her nose wrinkling as they stood at the edge, surveying the mish-mash of barriers and dirt piles in front of them.

“Look,” May said, pointing toward a narrow gap between two chain-link fences. “If we just slide in through there, we can sneak around those piles of dirt without anyone seeing us.”

Beth eyed the space May was pointing to, taking mental inventory of the obstacles in front of them: some scattered plywood boards, a heap of loose gravel, and a mud puddle way too big to be normal. But in their minds, they were invincible. Their outfits were prepped to withstand anything. Besides, they were smart enough to outmaneuver a little grime, weren’t they?

May led the way, gracefully slipping through the fence with her khaki skirt and polished Keds still shining. She tiptoed confidently around a precarious stack of construction barriers, positioning herself carefully so that not a single speck of dirt touched her.

“See?” May chimed, a victorious grin spreading across her face. “It’s just a matter of being, like… spatially aware.”

Spatially aware. Sure. And for a moment, it seemed like they had indeed bested the construction zone. Beth followed behind, delicately picking her way around the obstacles May had just navigated. Her pristine Tretorns gingerly stepped over a patch of loose gravel, and she gave herself a little nod of approval when she landed on solid ground unharmed.

“Piece of cake,” Beth muttered, looking down at her spotless outfit with pride.

But, oddly enough, every tragic story has a moment of calm before the storm.

### Enter the Mud

As they continued their approach, the real test stood before them: a rather inconvenient mud pit stretching across their neatly planned route.

“Well, that’s unfortunate,” May frowned, one hand on her hip as she surveyed the glossy brown mess in front of them.

Beth wasn’t impressed either. “There has to be another way around.”

They spotted their salvation: an old, weathered plywood board placed precariously over the width of the mud pit like a makeshift bridge. It barely looked wide enough for a single foot, but to them, it was their straight path to victory.

“Easy,” May announced, more to herself than Beth. She placed one foot slowly on the board, testing it, then carefully stepped forward, keeping her balance. She tossed her hair over her shoulder as if braving a runway and not a muddy obstacle on some soon-to-be improved high school bleachers.

Beth, always competitive, followed suit, though with a bit more swagger. Her white walking shorts brushed the tops of her shimmering Tretorns, and she was certain the worst was behind them.

“Be careful not to—”

### Splash.

Beth’s Tretorn-swathed foot slipped before her brain could even register what had happened. The board wobbled wickedly, and down she went—a glorious moment of chaos followed by a gruesome splat. Her foot plunged deep into the sticky mud and, thanks to the combination of momentum and a healthy dose of pride, her entire body followed suit. Her royal blue polo, once dazzling in its perfection, was now a blotchy mess of brown streaks. And her shorts⁠—no longer pristine—were soaked through with the oozing sludge.

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” Beth screeched, pushing herself up from the mud, her hands slimy and caked. Her Tretorns were now a dark, soupy brown, with mud seeping into her socks. Each step made a squishy, sad sound, like her shoes were crying soggy tears.

“MY. SHOES,” she bellowed, giving the earth a swift kick, which only splashed more mud up her legs. “These are Tretorns! They were brand new!”

May, watching in muted horror, had the briefest thought to stifle a laugh—but it was quickly dashed. She took a hesitant step back on the board, thinking she could somehow avoid the same fate. But the board, already rickety from one fall, decided it had no loyalty whatsoever.

And with one more ominous creak—

### SPLAT.

May yelped as her own feet flew sideways, kicking wildly before her body collided unceremoniously with the wet, sticky ground. Her white Keds sunk deep into the mud, lost in the messy grave beneath her. Her once-crisp polo was now marred with splotches of muck, her khaki skirt pasted against her legs with the weight of the sludge. Even worse, a streak of mud had streaked right through her hair, leaving her in the most horrified state possible.

“Oh my god… NO. NO. NO. This is—I can't believe this is HAPPENING!” May shrieked, flailing as she tried to push herself up, but only managing to get more mud smeared across her entire outfit. “My Keds! My skirt! This is—it’s… RUINED!”

### The Mourning of the Outfits

And so there they were—two high school queens, each caught in her own perfectly terrible mud situation. Beth, now sitting knee-deep in the muck, cradled one of her ruined Tretorns as if it were a lost pet.


“This is not how today was supposed to go!” May raged, yanking a clump of mud from her once-sunny hair. She furiously tried smoothing out her skirt, but the mud seemed determined to cling to every thread. "I look like I rolled around in a pigsty! And NOW…”

She trailed off as a shadow fell over them. With their luck, it couldn't have been anything good.

### The Team Witnesses the Carnage

There they were. The reason for all this sneakiness. The football team had gathered at the edge of the field, laughing, cracking jokes, and some—oh yes—pointing directly at the two fashion disasters flailing in the mud.

One of the players barked out, "Hey, nice outfits!" followed by a chorus of wild laughter.

May’s lip trembled with rage. “I’m not speaking to anyone ever again.”

Beth, however, looked much less inclined to speak. Instead, she glared through tear-filled eyes, muttering as she wiped the muck from her once-treasured Tretorns. "This school is dead to me.

And on that miserable note, May and Beth, covered in humiliation and mud, began the mortifying walk of shame back to civilization, the echoes of their own fashion disaster following them like an indelible, ugly stain.
Describe them walking back onto campus and being seen by the other students. Many of those students were people that May and Beth had poked fun at with their cheap clothing and poor fashion sense. Describe some of the comments they heard and how humiliated they were.
Describe them walking back onto campus and being seen by the other students. Many of those students were people that May and Beth had poked fun at with their cheap clothing and poor fashion sense. Describe some of the comments they heard and how humiliated they were.
### The Preppy Catastrophe of '89: The Walk of Shame

May and Beth stood there for what felt like an eternity—frozen in disbelief, caked in the cruel embrace of mud, their once-immaculate outfits now forever tarnished. The football team's laughter still rang out from the field, but it felt distant now. The only thing louder than the jeers was the growing sense of dread trickling over them like the mud that weighed down their ruined clothes.

“We… can’t go back like this,” May whispered, staring down at herself in horror. Her white Keds were now more brown than white, her khaki skirt plastered to her legs as if someone had decided to make swamp art out of her once-polished form. Her polo shirt, once crisp and pristine, was streaked with dark stains, each one a reminder of her grave miscalculation.

Beth, barely holding back tears, stood awkwardly, wiping her forearms clean but only succeeding in smearing the mud further along her skin. Her bright white walking shorts had suffered one of the worst fates, now seeping with wet patches of muck, and her treasured Tretorns made an embarrassing squelching noise with every step. She winced at the sound—the Tretorns had once been her pride and joy, but now they were nothing more than defeated relics.

“I swear, if one more person laughs at me, I’m going to lose it,” Beth growled, though her voice betrayed a raw vulnerability.

May sniffed, not bothering to hide her annoyance. “We’ll just walk back quickly... maybe no one will see us.”

Wrong. The walk back was unavoidable. They had to face the music—the same music that May and Beth had composed for years, always pointing out the flaws and fashion crimes of others. Now, the tables had turned in the most painful and humiliating way.

### The Walk of Shame

The path leading back to the main campus felt a hundred miles longer than usual. No more careful tiptoeing or graceful maneuvers. The squelching of mud-clad sneakers and the sticky swish of mud-streaked fabric was their sad soundtrack. Their heads were down, faces flushed with a growing sense of panic and embarrassment. In their silent agreement, they hoped to make the walk fast enough, to duck into the nearest building before anyone on campus could see the disaster that had befallen them.

But, of course, fate wasn’t about to let them off the hook that easily.

It started mostly with murmurs—curious whispers from scattered groups of students who had noticed the tragic duo trudging past. The first few groups of students they passed hadn’t been close enough to recognize them, but that didn’t last long. Soon, the comments started.

### The Comments Begin

“Oh my god, is that May and Beth?” one girl shrieked, nudging her friend whose jaw dropped comically as she watched the two disgraced fashion queens march past in their muddy, ruined clothing. “Those are the girls who are always wearing, like, $80 shoes right?!”

Beth’s face burned hot under the mud. That was just the beginning.

“Nice shorts, Beth! Lookin’ stylish!” another voice called from a bench to the left, a boy in a grungy band t-shirt grinning wickedly. “Guess you’re rethinking those white choices, huh?”

A group of girls laughed, high-pitched and shrill, unable to hide their enjoyment at seeing the formerly pristine pair now practically sinking in their own ego. These were girls who May and Beth had ignored in the halls countless times, the very people whom they had made snide remarks about when walking past.

One of the girls, Jessica, who was once the target of Beth’s constant jabs about her "overworn" Converse, was barely containing her laughter as the duo slunk past.

“Hey May, you need help picking out some new shoes? I think my little sister has a pair of hand-me-down Keds!”

May grimaced, hot embarrassment flooding her face as she tried to tune them out. They’re disgusting. They don’t matter. But her usual icy confidence was slipping with every taunt.

And then came Mark Linton, a student Beth had absolutely roasted for his "bargain bin" Target loafers at the start of the school year. He smirked wide as the mud-soaked girls passed.

"Wow! It's like... a mud couture? You really know how to turn heads, Beth."

Beth’s fists curled, and it took everything within her not to scream. She could already hear May’s quiet whimper beside her, and it made Beth’s stomach churn. Fighting back the urge to snap, she forced herself to keep marching forward, each step echoing with betrayal from her ruined Tretorns.

### Drowning in Humiliation

As they reached the center of campus, the crowds thickened, and the humiliation deepened. It was like a scene playing in slow-motion: the students who had once eyed May and Beth with thinly veiled envy were now openly reveling in their descent from preppy grace.

“I think they look better like this!” one guy hollered with amusement, causing a ripple of laughter to spill out from the surrounding students. "Mud's the new trend!"

“Guess money can’t stop you from falling into a puddle, huh?” another girl giggled, tilting her chin up arrogantly as May walked by, eyes down, unable to respond.

Beth swallowed hard, visibly shaking as they crossed the main quad. The gossip had reached everyone, spreading like wildfire. People that usually would have begged them for attention were laughing in groups, pointing, nudging.

“Do you see them? Can you believe it? Finally.”

The most cruel of all were the students they had torn down the most—those who had been called out for cheap clothes, messy hair, or unfashionable accessories. Now, May and Beth were experiencing their revenge in waves, each comment landing heavier than the last. It stung.

"Look at May!” another student blurted as she hurried past, trying not to make eye contact. “She’s like, lost in those filthy Keds! I didn’t even know mud could look that bad!”

More laughter, more stares, more whispers.

May felt herself begin to tremble. Her knees wobbled from exhaustion, and the weight of the mud-coated humiliation on her back started to feel unbearable. Her vision blurred from the anxiety, and not even her signature confidence could save her now.

Beth was sinking too. Every time her Tretorns squished like sponges, she felt another piece of her carefully constructed preppy reputation crumbling. She stole a glance at May, catching the rare sight of vulnerability in her eyes, and for once, they shared a look that wasn’t filled with condescension—but with mutual, gut-wrenching embarrassment.

“I just want to get home…” May muttered through what felt like a cracking voice, shaking her head. "I can't — I can't deal with this."

“And change out of this mess,” Beth agreed behind clenched teeth, blinking back tears. “No one is ever going to forget this, May.”

And with that, they both knew—without speaking—how truly far they’d fallen. They might have once stood at the top of the high school social ladder, but the mud? That loyal, thick, clingy mud had brought them down a rung or two… or ten.

For the first time, May and Beth—crisp, polished, preppy May and Beth—wished more than anything they could disappear from the spotlight they had reached so desperately for.

But, no longer the ones with the best outfits, they were now the story of the day, a story no one would let them forget.
### The Preppy Catastrophe of '89: The Walk of Shame

May and Beth stood there for what felt like an eternity—frozen in disbelief, caked in the cruel embrace of mud, their once-immaculate outfits now forever tarnished. The football team's laughter still rang out from the field, but it felt distant now. The only thing louder than the jeers was the growing sense of dread trickling over them like the mud that weighed down their ruined clothes.

“We… can’t go back like this,” May whispered, staring down at herself in horror. Her white Keds were now more brown than white, her khaki skirt plastered to her legs as if someone had decided to make swamp art out of her once-polished form. Her polo shirt, once crisp and pristine, was streaked with dark stains, each one a reminder of her grave miscalculation.

Beth, barely holding back tears, stood awkwardly, wiping her forearms clean but only succeeding in smearing the mud further along her skin. Her bright white walking shorts had suffered one of the worst fates, now seeping with wet patches of muck, and her treasured Tretorns made an embarrassing squelching noise with every step. She winced at the sound—the Tretorns had once been her pride and joy, but now they were nothing more than defeated relics.

“I swear, if one more person laughs at me, I’m going to lose it,” Beth growled, though her voice betrayed a raw vulnerability.

May sniffed, not bothering to hide her annoyance. “We’ll just walk back quickly... maybe no one will see us.”

Wrong. The walk back was unavoidable. They had to face the music—the same music that May and Beth had composed for years, always pointing out the flaws and fashion crimes of others. Now, the tables had turned in the most painful and humiliating way.

### The Walk of Shame

The path leading back to the main campus felt a hundred miles longer than usual. No more careful tiptoeing or graceful maneuvers. The squelching of mud-clad sneakers and the sticky swish of mud-streaked fabric was their sad soundtrack. Their heads were down, faces flushed with a growing sense of panic and embarrassment. In their silent agreement, they hoped to make the walk fast enough, to duck into the nearest building before anyone on campus could see the disaster that had befallen them.

But, of course, fate wasn’t about to let them off the hook that easily.

It started mostly with murmurs—curious whispers from scattered groups of students who had noticed the tragic duo trudging past. The first few groups of students they passed hadn’t been close enough to recognize them, but that didn’t last long. Soon, the comments started.

### The Comments Begin

“Oh my god, is that May and Beth?” one girl shrieked, nudging her friend whose jaw dropped comically as she watched the two disgraced fashion queens march past in their muddy, ruined clothing. “Those are the girls who are always wearing, like, $80 shoes right?!”

Beth’s face burned hot under the mud. That was just the beginning.

“Nice shorts, Beth! Lookin’ stylish!” another voice called from a bench to the left, a boy in a grungy band t-shirt grinning wickedly. “Guess you’re rethinking those white choices, huh?”

A group of girls laughed, high-pitched and shrill, unable to hide their enjoyment at seeing the formerly pristine pair now practically sinking in their own ego. These were girls who May and Beth had ignored in the halls countless times, the very people whom they had made snide remarks about when walking past.

One of the girls, Jessica, who was once the target of Beth’s constant jabs about her "overworn" Converse, was barely containing her laughter as the duo slunk past.

“Hey May, you need help picking out some new shoes? I think my little sister has a pair of hand-me-down Keds!”

May grimaced, hot embarrassment flooding her face as she tried to tune them out. They’re disgusting. They don’t matter. But her usual icy confidence was slipping with every taunt.

And then came Mark Linton, a student Beth had absolutely roasted for his "bargain bin" Target loafers at the start of the school year. He smirked wide as the mud-soaked girls passed.

"Wow! It's like... a mud couture? You really know how to turn heads, Beth."

Beth’s fists curled, and it took everything within her not to scream. She could already hear May’s quiet whimper beside her, and it made Beth’s stomach churn. Fighting back the urge to snap, she forced herself to keep marching forward, each step echoing with betrayal from her ruined Tretorns.

### Drowning in Humiliation

As they reached the center of campus, the crowds thickened, and the humiliation deepened. It was like a scene playing in slow-motion: the students who had once eyed May and Beth with thinly veiled envy were now openly reveling in their descent from preppy grace.

“I think they look better like this!” one guy hollered with amusement, causing a ripple of laughter to spill out from the surrounding students. "Mud's the new trend!"

“Guess money can’t stop you from falling into a puddle, huh?” another girl giggled, tilting her chin up arrogantly as May walked by, eyes down, unable to respond.

Beth swallowed hard, visibly shaking as they crossed the main quad. The gossip had reached everyone, spreading like wildfire. People that usually would have begged them for attention were laughing in groups, pointing, nudging.

“Do you see them? Can you believe it? Finally.”

The most cruel of all were the students they had torn down the most—those who had been called out for cheap clothes, messy hair, or unfashionable accessories. Now, May and Beth were experiencing their revenge in waves, each comment landing heavier than the last. It stung.

"Look at May!” another student blurted as she hurried past, trying not to make eye contact. “She’s like, lost in those filthy Keds! I didn’t even know mud could look that bad!”

More laughter, more stares, more whispers.

May felt herself begin to tremble. Her knees wobbled from exhaustion, and the weight of the mud-coated humiliation on her back started to feel unbearable. Her vision blurred from the anxiety, and not even her signature confidence could save her now.

Beth was sinking too. Every time her Tretorns squished like sponges, she felt another piece of her carefully constructed preppy reputation crumbling. She stole a glance at May, catching the rare sight of vulnerability in her eyes, and for once, they shared a look that wasn’t filled with condescension—but with mutual, gut-wrenching embarrassment.

“I just want to get home…” May muttered through what felt like a cracking voice, shaking her head. "I can't — I can't deal with this."

“And change out of this mess,” Beth agreed behind clenched teeth, blinking back tears. “No one is ever going to forget this, May.”

And with that, they both knew—without speaking—how truly far they’d fallen. They might have once stood at the top of the high school social ladder, but the mud? That loyal, thick, clingy mud had brought them down a rung or two… or ten.

For the first time, May and Beth—crisp, polished, preppy May and Beth—wished more than anything they could disappear from the spotlight they had reached so desperately for.

But, no longer the ones with the best outfits, they were now the story of the day, a story no one would let them forget.
Describe May and Beth separately having to call home to have their mom's bring them a change of clothes and having to explain why. Describe what clothes they ask mom to bring and detail what happened at the construction area. Both mom's find it mildly amusing knowing their daughters' focus on fashion and appearance which only frustrates the girls more. Both moms ask for clarification on how new the clothes were that they were wearing that day.
Describe May and Beth separately having to call home to have their mom's bring them a change of clothes and having to explain why. Describe what clothes they ask mom to bring and detail what happened at the construction area. Both mom's find it mildly amusing knowing their daughters' focus on fashion and appearance which only frustrates the girls more. Both moms ask for clarification on how new the clothes were that they were wearing that day.
### The Preppy Catastrophe of '89: The Calls Home

The long trudge back onto campus had been humiliating enough, but for May and Beth, the real nightmare was just beginning. They knew there was no way they could walk around all day looking like they had fought (and seriously lost) a battle with a mud pit. Their pristine reputations were already hanging on by a thread—the same thread now tangled, filthy, and clinging desperately to their ruined clothing. The only option left was to call for a rescue.

### May’s Call Home

May stood near a discreet corner of the quad, her muddy Keds making a cringe-worthy squelch every time she shifted her weight. She huffed dramatically before pulling out a quarter from her sodden skirt pocket and heading to the nearest payphone. Her fingers, still slick with mud, fumbled as she dialed. The ringing on the other end might as well have been a funeral march for her dignity.

Finally, her mom picked up.


“M–Mom,” May started, her voice a strained attempt to hide how mortified she was. “I need you to bring me a change of clothes. Like… now. Please.”

There was a pause on the other end—long enough for May to feel her anxiety climbing. Then a soft chuckle.

“What happened, sweetheart?”

May groaned, slapping a hand to her forehead, smearing more mud across her skin. “It’s not funny! Beth and I were trying to…watch the football team practice and we may have—well—slipped into this gross mud at the construction area." Her words tripped over one another as if she were trying to escape the situation by speed-telling it. "So now my shoes, my skirt, and everything are completely ruined, and I look like a total mess! Can you just hurry?”

Her mom’s laugh deepened, and May swore she could feel it vibrating through the phone. “Oh, honey. The football team, you say?”

“Mom! Focus!” May snapped, her frustration boiling over. She glanced over at a group of students still watching her like she was some sort of strange spectacle.

"Alright, alright," her mom replied, but the amusement was still clearly there, making May grit her teeth. "What do you need me to grab? Remember, I just picked up the dry cleaning yesterday, so you have plenty of options."

May exhaled sharply. “Okay, listen carefully. Bring my other white Keds—the ones from the closet, not the mud-caked ones. Then grab my navy pleated skirt and my white Ralph Lauren polo. And—and make sure it’s the one with the blue logo! Not the green one.”

There was another amused pause. “Let me get this straight… you found a way to ruin that new skirt you were just bragging about?”


May winced. “...Yeah.”

Her mom chuckled again. "I thought that skirt cost you almost an entire month of babysitting money?"

"Mom. Please." May’s voice wavered, feeling the eyes of more passerby students gazing at her mud-covered appearance. The embarrassment was like an anchor weighing her down. "Just—can you bring it, now? I need… I need to fix this."

“I’ll be there soon, darling. But really? I can’t wait to hear more about this spectacular fall…”

May could practically hear her mom smiling on the other end of the line, and she hung up, huffing in disbelief. It seemed even her mother found enjoyment in her muddy downfall.

### Beth’s Call Home

Meanwhile, Beth had found a different payphone on the opposite end of campus. She felt disgusting, standing there in her royal blue polo now stained with streaks of light and dark brown—and her white walking shorts… oh, they were beyond saving. Her Tretorns squelched with every step, enough to break any remnants of self-assuredness she had left.

“Mom!” she practically barked when her mother answered.

“Oh my, Beth. Sweetie, is something wrong?” Her mom sounded genuinely concerned, though Beth could sense the undercurrent of knowing there was a girlish catastrophe happening.

“Mom, it’s a disaster,” Beth groaned, clutching the phone like it was her lifeline. “I need you to bring me a change of clothes right now.”

“Well, you’ll have to be more specific than that, darling. What exactly happened?”

Beth clenched her teeth, running a grimy hand through her now-not-so-perfect hair. “May and I were, um…trying to watch football practice without being [*seen*], and we went through the construction area behind the field. There was mud, and—ugh—the board I was walking on snapped, and now I’m covered. My Tretorns, my shorts, everything.”

Her mom couldn’t stifle the small giggle that escaped. "Oh goodness! Sounds like something out of a comedy show. The construction site? Oh, Beth…"

“MomThisIsNotFunny!” Beth blurted out in one breath, her voice strained and desperate. "My Tretorns are ruined. They were practically brand new... and they’re caked in mud. And my shorts! God, Mom, those were the long ones—you know, the expensive ones I just got from J.Crew last week? I’m never going out in public ever again.”

She could just imagine her mom, smiling at the other end of the line. "Beth, darling, we’ve had the talk about sneaking around before, haven’t we?”

Beth rolled her eyes so hard it almost hurt. “Can we save the lecture for after I’m not covered in mud? I just need you to get my backup outfit. Bring my pink Polo shirt—you know, the one with the little alligator—and my pastel green shorts. Oh, and my other Tretorns—the ones from last summer. And please, please, bring my white ankle socks. I swear if I have to keep feeling this mud squelching in my shoes, I’ll freak out.”

Her mom’s chuckle was now noticeable. "Beth, Beth... oh honey! How new are these clothes you're wearing again?"

Beth clenched the receiver even tighter, taking a deep breath before responding. “The clothes I was wearing before this fiasco? The ones I'm wearing RIGHT NOW?" she asked, voice getting high-pitched at the end of her sentence. “New, Mom. Brand. Freaking. New. Bought them,like, last week. Just—can you please bring me my clothes? I’ll explain the entire mortifying story later.”

“I’ll be there soon,” her mom replied, clearly more entertained than concerned. "But Beth… does this mean you’re officially tired of the ‘construction chic’ look?"

Beth let out a frustrated groan, banging her head softly against the glass of the phone booth. "Mom!"

Her mother's laughter on the other end was all too telling: not only would her rescue come, but it would come with its own healthy dose of parental amusement.

### The Aftermath

Both May and Beth waited anxiously for their moms, knowing that things couldn’t get worse—but somehow, the idea of their moms teasing them endlessly for falling victim to the same superficiality they prided themselves on was unbearable. What’s worse was knowing the new clothes they’d cherished were now done for, and the football team and the entire student body had witnessed their fashion fall from grace.

The worst part? The day wasn’t over—and for preppy queens May and Beth, the day literally couldn’t get any messier. Or so, they hoped.
### The Preppy Catastrophe of '89: The Calls Home

The long trudge back onto campus had been humiliating enough, but for May and Beth, the real nightmare was just beginning. They knew there was no way they could walk around all day looking like they had fought (and seriously lost) a battle with a mud pit. Their pristine reputations were already hanging on by a thread—the same thread now tangled, filthy, and clinging desperately to their ruined clothing. The only option left was to call for a rescue.

### May’s Call Home

May stood near a discreet corner of the quad, her muddy Keds making a cringe-worthy squelch every time she shifted her weight. She huffed dramatically before pulling out a quarter from her sodden skirt pocket and heading to the nearest payphone. Her fingers, still slick with mud, fumbled as she dialed. The ringing on the other end might as well have been a funeral march for her dignity.

Finally, her mom picked up.


“M–Mom,” May started, her voice a strained attempt to hide how mortified she was. “I need you to bring me a change of clothes. Like… now. Please.”

There was a pause on the other end—long enough for May to feel her anxiety climbing. Then a soft chuckle.

“What happened, sweetheart?”

May groaned, slapping a hand to her forehead, smearing more mud across her skin. “It’s not funny! Beth and I were trying to…watch the football team practice and we may have—well—slipped into this gross mud at the construction area." Her words tripped over one another as if she were trying to escape the situation by speed-telling it. "So now my shoes, my skirt, and everything are completely ruined, and I look like a total mess! Can you just hurry?”

Her mom’s laugh deepened, and May swore she could feel it vibrating through the phone. “Oh, honey. The football team, you say?”

“Mom! Focus!” May snapped, her frustration boiling over. She glanced over at a group of students still watching her like she was some sort of strange spectacle.

"Alright, alright," her mom replied, but the amusement was still clearly there, making May grit her teeth. "What do you need me to grab? Remember, I just picked up the dry cleaning yesterday, so you have plenty of options."

May exhaled sharply. “Okay, listen carefully. Bring my other white Keds—the ones from the closet, not the mud-caked ones. Then grab my navy pleated skirt and my white Ralph Lauren polo. And—and make sure it’s the one with the blue logo! Not the green one.”

There was another amused pause. “Let me get this straight… you found a way to ruin that new skirt you were just bragging about?”


May winced. “...Yeah.”

Her mom chuckled again. "I thought that skirt cost you almost an entire month of babysitting money?"

"Mom. Please." May’s voice wavered, feeling the eyes of more passerby students gazing at her mud-covered appearance. The embarrassment was like an anchor weighing her down. "Just—can you bring it, now? I need… I need to fix this."

“I’ll be there soon, darling. But really? I can’t wait to hear more about this spectacular fall…”

May could practically hear her mom smiling on the other end of the line, and she hung up, huffing in disbelief. It seemed even her mother found enjoyment in her muddy downfall.

### Beth’s Call Home

Meanwhile, Beth had found a different payphone on the opposite end of campus. She felt disgusting, standing there in her royal blue polo now stained with streaks of light and dark brown—and her white walking shorts… oh, they were beyond saving. Her Tretorns squelched with every step, enough to break any remnants of self-assuredness she had left.

“Mom!” she practically barked when her mother answered.

“Oh my, Beth. Sweetie, is something wrong?” Her mom sounded genuinely concerned, though Beth could sense the undercurrent of knowing there was a girlish catastrophe happening.

“Mom, it’s a disaster,” Beth groaned, clutching the phone like it was her lifeline. “I need you to bring me a change of clothes right now.”

“Well, you’ll have to be more specific than that, darling. What exactly happened?”

Beth clenched her teeth, running a grimy hand through her now-not-so-perfect hair. “May and I were, um…trying to watch football practice without being [*seen*], and we went through the construction area behind the field. There was mud, and—ugh—the board I was walking on snapped, and now I’m covered. My Tretorns, my shorts, everything.”

Her mom couldn’t stifle the small giggle that escaped. "Oh goodness! Sounds like something out of a comedy show. The construction site? Oh, Beth…"

“MomThisIsNotFunny!” Beth blurted out in one breath, her voice strained and desperate. "My Tretorns are ruined. They were practically brand new... and they’re caked in mud. And my shorts! God, Mom, those were the long ones—you know, the expensive ones I just got from J.Crew last week? I’m never going out in public ever again.”

She could just imagine her mom, smiling at the other end of the line. "Beth, darling, we’ve had the talk about sneaking around before, haven’t we?”

Beth rolled her eyes so hard it almost hurt. “Can we save the lecture for after I’m not covered in mud? I just need you to get my backup outfit. Bring my pink Polo shirt—you know, the one with the little alligator—and my pastel green shorts. Oh, and my other Tretorns—the ones from last summer. And please, please, bring my white ankle socks. I swear if I have to keep feeling this mud squelching in my shoes, I’ll freak out.”

Her mom’s chuckle was now noticeable. "Beth, Beth... oh honey! How new are these clothes you're wearing again?"

Beth clenched the receiver even tighter, taking a deep breath before responding. “The clothes I was wearing before this fiasco? The ones I'm wearing RIGHT NOW?" she asked, voice getting high-pitched at the end of her sentence. “New, Mom. Brand. Freaking. New. Bought them,like, last week. Just—can you please bring me my clothes? I’ll explain the entire mortifying story later.”

“I’ll be there soon,” her mom replied, clearly more entertained than concerned. "But Beth… does this mean you’re officially tired of the ‘construction chic’ look?"

Beth let out a frustrated groan, banging her head softly against the glass of the phone booth. "Mom!"

Her mother's laughter on the other end was all too telling: not only would her rescue come, but it would come with its own healthy dose of parental amusement.

### The Aftermath

Both May and Beth waited anxiously for their moms, knowing that things couldn’t get worse—but somehow, the idea of their moms teasing them endlessly for falling victim to the same superficiality they prided themselves on was unbearable. What’s worse was knowing the new clothes they’d cherished were now done for, and the football team and the entire student body had witnessed their fashion fall from grace.

The worst part? The day wasn’t over—and for preppy queens May and Beth, the day literally couldn’t get any messier. Or so, they hoped
When the moms arrive at school, have each girl describe to their mom their plan to navigate a muddy construction site in their pretty outfits and how they felt when they landed in the mud.

Describe the girls cleaning up the best that they could and changing into their replacement clothes. An old pair of old pair of embarrassing .

In the middle of all of this turmoil, they realized they were missing gym class which was swimming this week. They rush over to the indoor pool to apologize to the teacher. They again have to explain their story as their teacher is timing a race. In May's frustration with the day, she isn't paying attention, trips over a life buoy at the edge of the pool, bumps into Beth and the two fall into the pool. Describe their humiliation as they climb out of the pool and assess the second round of damage for the day. Describe each girl's explanation to mom shortly after their first request. Describe the moms' total amusement with the story and the girls' utter frustration with the day.
When the moms arrive at school, have each girl describe to their mom their plan to navigate a muddy construction site in their pretty outfits and how they felt when they landed in the mud.

Describe the girls cleaning up the best that they could and changing into their replacement clothes. An old pair of old pair of embarrassing .

In the middle of all of this turmoil, they realized they were missing gym class which was swimming this week. They rush over to the indoor pool to apologize to the teacher. They again have to explain their story as their teacher is timing a race. In May's frustration with the day, she isn't paying attention, trips over a life buoy at the edge of the pool, bumps into Beth and the two fall into the pool. Describe their humiliation as they climb out of the pool and assess the second round of damage for the day. Describe each girl's explanation to mom shortly after their first request. Describe the moms' total amusement with the story and the girls' utter frustration with the day.
### The Preppy Catastrophe of '89: Round Two - Mother Knows Best... Or Does She?

May and Beth stood, embarrassed and freezing, near the school’s front office, waiting for their moms to arrive. They had done their best to wipe off the streaks of mud from their skin and hair using sad, small squares of paper towels from the girls’ bathroom, but all it had done was smear the mud even more. Their once prided outfits—May’s khaki skirt and Keds, and Beth’s white shorts and Tretorns—were now drained of any dignity, and the girls’ spirits weren’t far behind.

After what felt like centuries of waiting, both moms arrived, parking their cars just outside the office. The school office windows reflected the two approaching women, both wearing amused expressions like they knew exactly what was in store.

### May’s Explanation

May’s mom was the first to approach, sharply dressed in a blazer and jeans, holding a garment bag and, in her other hand, a white canvas bag—presumably filled with May’s fresh Keds. Her mom had that look—a mix between curiosity and the urge to laugh right there on the spot.

May grimaced as her mom came closer, her voice betraying irritation. "Mom, stop looking at me like that."

“Like what, dear?” her mom asked, tilting her head with faux sincerity that only made May groan even more.

“Like you’re about to laugh,” May muttered. “You have no idea what we went through.”

Her mom, amused, handed over the fresh clothes, faking a serious tone. “You’re right. I just see my daughter standing in the middle of campus looking like she lost a mud-wrestling match.”

May sighed dramatically, pulling her mom slightly to the side for more privacy. “Okay… so… Beth and I thought it’d be smart to watch the football team practice, right?” she started, twirling a sorry string of muddy hair around her finger, grimacing. “But we didn’t want to be seen because, like, we didn’t want to look desperate or anything.”

Her mom raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

“So, we planned to sneak through the construction area to the back of the practice field. There was this… board… but it was, like, wobbly, and THEN I—ugh—I slipped, okay? In mud! In these NEW Keds!” She gestured dramatically to the sad, mud-caked shoes at her feet as if they were relics of her former, perfect self.

Her mom’s lips pressed together, clearly trying to stifle a laugh. May continued with increasing frustration. “And… it just all happened so fast, Mom! The mud… it got everywhere! My skirt? Ruined. Polo? Streaked with mud… It’s like… the universe hates me!”

Her mom nodded, biting her lip to keep from laughing. “Well… at least you know the white Keds didn’t protect everything,” she said lightly before adding, “Were those the ones you begged me to buy last week?”

“Yes!” May wailed, throwing her arms up. “They’ve barely touched the ground before today! And now look at them!” As if adding insult to injury, she kicked a clump of mud off one of the shoes.

“I knew this sneak-around plan sounded… foolproof,” her mom teased gently, clearly barely containing her giggles. She handed over the clean clothes, and with a sympathetic pat on May’s arm, said, “Let me see you change into the, uh, backup outfit. I can’t wait to hear Part Two of today’s adventure once you’ve… gathered yourself.”

### Beth’s Explanation

Meanwhile, Beth’s mom approached with a similar vibe—half sympathy, half sarcasm. Beth watched her mom’s amused smirk even from a distance, clutching the garment bag filled with fresh clothes.

Beth stomped forward, standing in what remained of her muddy, white accusational shorts and sodden Tretorns, hands on her hips. “Before you laugh,” Beth began, narrowing her eyes, “you need to understand, today was supposed to be like… perfect!”

Her mom raised an eyebrow playfully. “I can tell. You look very... earthy.”

Beth huffed, grabbing the clean clothes, too embarrassed to bite back with her usual sass. “Okay, listen. May and I thought it’d be smart to sneak into the back of the football field through the construction area—you know, because we didn’t want to seem, you know, obvious about watching.”

“Oh, football, is it now?” her mom teased, the smirk widening.

Beth groaned. “Mom! Focus! We thought we had it all planned out and there was this stupid muddy puddle, but we saw this sketchy, unstable board over it. And—and—” she gestured to herself, “...obviously, I did not make it across.”

Her mom chuckled openly now. “Oh, dear. Bet those Tretorns weren’t designed for construction chic?”

“Mom!” Beth wailed, looking at the pitiful, muddy things that now squelched with every motion. “They were brand new! Brand new, Mom! My favorite pair!”

Her mom sighed playfully. “Sounds serious, darling."

"It is serious!" Beth continued her rant. "Now I’m stuck in some old hand-me-downs and these old, faded Tretorns... which should be like, a crime against fashion!”

Her mom handed over the clothes while shaking her head. “Well, might be a good lesson for you. Tire tracks and Tretorns don’t really mix. But hey, I’ll make sure to bring extra napkins to dinner tonight in case round two happens.”

Beth took the clothes, glowering. “Oh, so funny, Mom.”

“Better hurry up, Beth. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of other surprises planned for today,” her mom said before giving Beth a rather amused nudge toward the bathroom to change.

### The Changing of the (Fashion) Guard

Both girls made their way into the campus restroom with the sort of solemn energy saved for someone sentenced to perform the ultimate act of penance: changing into clothes that failed to meet their impossibly high standards.

May tugged out her backup outfit—an older, slightly worn set of Keds and a navy pleated skirt that had definitely seen better days. After slipping them on, she muttered darkly to herself in the mirror. She barely registered Beth entering beside her, who was having her own dramatic fashion breakdown.

Beth sighed, pulling on the faded, pastel green shorts, cringing at how passé they felt compared to her trendy, ruined white walking shorts. Her old Tretorns looked exhausted, their canvas slightly yellowed from age and not at all as fresh as her now filthy new ones. She whimpered softly. “The universe officially hates me.”

May looked at her with equal gloom. “At least your shirt doesn’t feel like an old laundry day disaster.”

Beth fumed. “My backup Tretorns aren’t even fashionable anymore! These things… they're like antiques. I… I can’t wear these in public!”

May stared at her reflection, defeated, as she turned to leave the bathroom. “Let’s just get through the rest of the day. This can’t get any worse.”

### The Poolside Mishap

Except that it could.

As they rushed toward gym class, tardy because of their muddy debacle, a sudden realization hit them both like a ton of bricks. A fear worse than mud-covered clothing. They were missing swimming.

Oh no,” May groaned. “Gym class is at the pool today!”

They took off in a half-run, half-stomp, reaching the poolside gym as the sound of chlorine-filled ambiance greeted them.

The gym teacher stood in the distance near the edge of the pool, timing a group of swimmers already mid-lap.

May rushed toward him, her hands desperately flying in the air. “Mr. Reynolds! I—I’m sorry we’re late but you won’t believe what happened today!”

Beth, catching her breath, added, “We got stuck in mud. It was a fashion emergency. Our shoes, our outfits—it was catastrophic!”

Mr. Reynolds barely looked over, his eyes still on the lapping students in the pool. “What now? Mud? Ladies, you missed enough time already. Throw in a late excuse when you hit the office.”

May, frustrated, stomped toward the edge of the pool. “No, really! We had a complete disaster—”

But in her flustered enthusiasm, she didn’t see the loose life buoy sitting innocuously near the pool’s edge.

Her foot caught on the loop of the rope, and her body wobbled, flailing into Beth in a heart-stopping moment of panic. Beth’s eyes widened with pure horror. “May—


With a loud, synchronized thud and splash, both girls fell straight into the pool wearing their hastily thrown-on backup outfits. Old Keds, faded Tretorns, the whole tragic getup drenched head to toe.

### Humiliation: Round Two

They emerged from the water, sputtering and splashing with horror plastered across their faces. Beth’s pastel green shorts clung embarrassingly to her legs as water dripped from her now-stringy hair. May’s navy pleated skirt was soaked through, sticking to her like a soggy newspaper.

“I can’t believe this is happening again!” May yelped as she clambered up the ladder, shivering from the cold water and humiliation alike.

“I’m not even going to ask for fresh clothes again. Not after this!” Beth muttered darkly, looking at her soaked, dingy Tretorns that seemed to sigh in defeat alongside her. “I thought this day couldn’t possibly get worse. Why did I say that? Why?!”

### The Call for Clothes: Part Two

It was with a deep sense of defeat that they made another trip to the payphone. Begrudgingly, they dialed their moms again.

May spoke first as soon as her mom answered. “Um… So... we kind of fell in the pool.”

Her mom’s laughter was immediate. “Oh, May,” she said through heavy giggles. “Please tell me you’re joking! This day just keeps getting better!”

May rolled her eyes. “It’s not funny, Mom! I’m soaked! My backup outfit too! And now I need another—ugh—set of clothes. Could you please bring me something, anything?

Beth, standing nearby, grumbled into her phone as well. “Mom… guess what happened. Just... guess.”

“Oh no, what now?” Beth’s mom asked, clearly trying to hide her growing amusement.

“We fell into the pool. Yes, that pool. I’m soaked again in my… ugh... ancient backup Tretorns.”

Beth’s mom burst out laughing. “Oh, sweetie. Two full wardrobe changes in a single day? Have you thought about writing a book about this?”

Beth rolled her eyes. “Mom! Just..." she sighed. "Please, spare me the fashion advice. Just… bring me some clothes. Again.”

### Moms’ Amusement, Girls’ Utter Frustration

Both moms arrived soon after, this time unable to contain their amusement. They smiled as they saw their defeated daughters, dripping water onto the tile floor, hair clinging to their faces, with an air of tragic defeat surrounding them.

May’s mom shook her head with laughter. “Well, I don’t usually make two fashion rescues in one day, but today’s an exception!” she said, handing May another set of dry Keds and a plain tee. “We should put you on one of those old sitcom shows.”

Beth’s mom was similarly amused, lightly patting Beth’s shoulder. “You should really slow down on the fashion fails today. Honey, three Tretorns in one day? Even this family’s budget can’t handle that!” she joked, handing over new dry socks and sneakers. "You should frame these when you get home."

“I’m never going out in public again,” Beth muttered darkly, pulling on the last dry clothes she had left.

May nodded solemnly as she pulled her soggy hair into a half-hearted ponytail. “Until next week, when this all blows over.”

Beth shot her a glare, but they both knew—there would always be another day, another pair of shoes, and eventually… another disaster.

For now, though, they were very, very done with the day.

### The End... For Now.
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