
Bronze Member
Jun 27, 2003
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pennsylvania, usa
This weekend I was out of town with friends and decided to take along my off-white/navy striped slip-ons to wear around. Met up with my wife when I got there and she asked "what are on your feet?" Up to this point I've not worn any of my womens' Keds around her except for my black champs (which I know she's noticed but hasn't mentioned, may not even realize since I've been wearing men's Keds for quite a while. Oh, and we've been separated for nine months but still get together on a regular basis). I said "aren't they cool!?" to which she replied "where did you did those up?" Don't think she's a fan, but I also don't think she realized exactly what they are. :icon_roll Oh well...

On to part two: Went with some friends to a gentlemens' club Saturday night. Quality place actually, clean, organized, nice scenery :icon_chee. After making a new friend I went with her back to their VIP room. Wow. Best time I ever had in a strip club. Then partway into some halfway serious fun I leaned back and put my feet up on the benc across from me. While wiggling around on top of me she was looking down and said "Oh my God I LOVE your shoes!" I said "thanks!" to which she replied "there aren't a lot of guys that wear cool shoes" or something very simlar (can't remember exactly, already had a few beers in me.) I left it at that until my time was up and we were getting ready to go back out and she said something else about really liking my shoes or something else about guys and shoes. As I was putting things back in my pockets I said "I'll tell you a secret." And whispered in her ear "they're not guys shoes." And she said "Oh. Well they're really cool, I like them and they look good on you."

So, just like I told here when she was first rubbing up against me, nobody tells the whole truth in these places, I don't know how she really felt but I have a good idea that she really meant it. Oh, and pretty much getting a blow-job with my thin shorts on was pretty exciting!
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