
Not to take away from the sneaker fetish at all, but I love smoking when I wear my chucks, how about you?? It's always so extra special for me when i see a girl wearing chucks and she's smoking a cigarette or anything for that matter. It's not an all the time thing but occasionally I light up before i spunk my load, the rush of nicotine enhances the sneaker sex. :icon_mrgr
Re: Smoking and Chucks

Not to take away from the sneaker fetish at all, but I love smoking when I wear my chucks, how about you?? It's always so extra special for me when i see a girl wearing chucks and she's smoking a cigarette or anything for that matter. It's not an all the time thing but occasionally I light up before i spunk my load, the rush of nicotine enhances the sneaker sex. :icon_mrgr

I agree. I personally don't smoke, but girls smoking while wearing chucks or snuffing cigarettes out with chucks always has turned me on.
Re: Smoking and Chucks

Yes, I like that as well... Greatest thing is when the girl uses matches for lighting up. Unfortunately, that's really rare :-(
Re: Smoking and Chucks

I enjoy til I realize thier beautiful body is being damaged by the smokes
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