

Keds? Butt Ugly!!?? WHY THAT M#(*#&$(!&(!!!!!

What kind of a person !!!??

Stuck in the middle

Stuck in the middle


I have to say that I am stuck between two kinds of sneakers that I really like. I did not appreciate her blasting keds (because of the keds lover in me) however she did plug in Tretorns so I am sort of happy she did that.

Food for thought

Maybe she did not make it as a cheerleader and that is why she is so negative about keds. :icon_conf She needs to wear them before insulting them I say if some of our members were to write her and ask that she wear them before putting them down that maybe she would change her opinion.

What do you expect from someone named corina zappia living in NYC? I doubt she was ever the Keds demographic.

Remember what they say out here in Hollywood. Any publicity is good publicity. I am seeing Keds much more often than I did this time last year.
Who cares what some NYC rag columnist says?

Who cares what some NYC rag columnist says?

Hello, all. I am fairly new around here,and this is my first post--but here goes: I read the article,too. Not unlike many of you, my first reaction was anger. (Clearly, this woman has not ever liked Keds. How could she possibly write objectively about them?) Then it hit me--I'm happy this woman doesn't like Keds because that just leaves one more pair for people like me and you to enjoy and love :icon_razz
Obviously as a tretornluver I am happy with the article. I don't agree that keds are ugly though.
6uldv8 said:
What do you expect from someone named corina zappia living in NYC? I doubt she was ever the Keds demographic.

Considering that the author is writing for the left-leaning Village Voice and NYC being the epicenter of trendy and eccentric fashions, I'm not too surprised she would rag on Keds. They are synonymous with conservative middle-aged soccer moms from the suburbs and senior citizens, which is mostly why teen girls wouldn't be caught dead in them.

But who cares though? I love them a lot and at least someone young out of Hollywood like Mischa Barton is backing Keds into being the new trend for this season.
who gives a shit what she thinks, it's one persons opinion. She's paid by magazines to slag off products like keds, next week it will be something else but keds will still be sold around the world and we will still love erm!! Maybe she's a frustrated in the closet keds lover and loves to be banged stupid from behind with a pair of keds on by an Alsation dog :icon_twis . Who knows...
keds and the v.v.

keds and the v.v.

F.Y.I.the Village Voice is a free liberal rag offered in N.Y.C. it is only read by the same liberals who think Keds are that little lice bug....it's not even good enough for your dog's ass...... so no big deal and as staed above any publicity is good ltshamus
non-butt ugly

non-butt ugly

I do believe that keds are pretty sexy and fashionable on women of my favorite ages (18 to 45) . I think the author of the article meant to say that she looked butt-ugly in keds.I think it takes a woman with class to wear them anyway. Her loss and our gain.

yummykeds :icon_bigg
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