
Hi, i´am from germany, i hope you can read and understand my text.

Who knows homepages or Links where girls wear platform shoes (pumps, boots, mules, sandals...) or Sneakers such as Converse Chucks, Vans, Keds etc... and they drive scooters, motorcycles or Go-Peds.
And while the girls are driving, they hold their shoes on the road and sand off or kill the soles.
I´am searching for pictures, where the girls do something like this. Who can help me?
Can't say I've ever seen pictures like that. Perhaps we can add that idea to out "Tod Do" list.
I actually used to do this when I was a teenager. I would go buy a cheap pair of Knockoffs and ride my motorcycle with them on all the while rubbing my feet on the ground in order to make the soles all smooth! It was fun!!
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