
Bronze Member
Aug 12, 2003
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I was in Subway this evening, when I noticed that two of the teen-age employees were sitting at a booth taking a break. The one, faced away from me, was wearing low-cut gray chucks sockless. She had her right leg dangled over the left, and it was nice to see it swinging. The left, on the floor, also did some movement, which I can't exactly remember because I was understandably a bit surprised and excited. Very nice!
As there was no one else on duty, I asked (gallantly I thought) which of the two would have their break ruined. They both smiled, but the one not wearing chucks more so (strike one). To my dismay, the girl not wearing chcuks waitied on me while the chuck girl went to the back (strike two). How I wished that the sockless girl had taken care of me--I don't think I've ever had food prepared for me by a sockless cutie. I'll have to go back some time soon to see if I have better luck. The girl with the chucks must have barely been over sixteen or seventeen: she still had braces I believe.
Re: Sockless sighting

Similar experience, only mine was much more of a happy ending. Recently, my fiancee and I decided to take a trip to DQ after work one night, and it wasn't too busy. Two dudes and a girl were working the front, but I decided to peer over the counter for my usual footwear check. To my delight, I saw that the girl was wearing low black chucks and what appeared to be sockless (she had shorts on, so I could easily tell). I switched between looking at both her bare ankles and what everyone was doing. Fortunately, no one could tell what my intentions were. Hell, even the love of my life didn't notice and I was holding her next to me! But just knowing that the girl made our blizzards had been walking around in chucks with bare feet all day. But all good things come to an end, as fantasy time came to an end once she handed those blizzards to us. Never got so excited in a while, but hopefully I'll get another chance or two to see before I leave my college town
Re: Sockless sighting

I remember this posting: wow, that was a while ago that I wrote that. Great story about your sighting. Since I posted in '07, I've gotten much better about complimenting girls on their chucks if the timing is right. I've never had one think it was strange or not say anything...I just wish I could find someone who wears them. LOL the girls I go on dates with either don't wear them, or don't when we go out so I never know...

When I'm out dancing, occasionally I will see them, but not often. I try to compliment then as well, and there's been no issues. Only two, out of probably more than 200 girls that I've danced with in the last year, have I seen sockless though. If they're not with a guy, it's definitely an incentive for me to carefully make sure that I dance with them more often that night.

Thanks again for the posting.
Re: Sockless sighting

My girlfriend has three pairs of hightops. She didn't own any before I started dating her; she bought a pink pair soon after I told her about my fetish last June. I bought her a white pair for Christmas, and she got herself a black pair soon after that. Well anyway, we were running late to my mom's for Easter dinner, and she was trying to get her socks on and apparently they weren't cooperating. So she says, "F__k it, I don't need these things", and she threw her socks aside and put on her shoes without socks. All day her feet were in her chucks like that, and it was all I could do to keep my hands off her and her white hightops. She's quite the woman.
Re: Sockless sighting

Luckychuck, that's quite the awesome story. I don't doubt it would be hard to keep your hands off given that situation!
I'm not trying to make this all about my sockless sightings, since a lot of you guys probably see more than I do living in PA Dutch country, but I was pleasantly surprised at the grocery store tonight. Very attractive late teens/early twenties with denim skirt and knitted head covering with purple chucks (that had designs on them) sockless. I saw her when I was in the frozen foods section, and then just kind of lingered around the store to see where she'd go. I lost track of her, decided to check out, but that I'd somehow wait in the foyer in compliment her. Turns out she got in line right behind me so I got to see the chucks even more up close. When I was walking out, I stopped her, complimented her on the chucks and on her fashion in general in this dull area. She seemed pleased. You wonder when some random guy compliments a girl like that on her chucks if she appreciates it; but I'll keep doing it. I'm guessing not many guys notice (like their BF's probably grrr....) or would say anything.
Re: Sockless sighting

Similar experience, only mine was much more of a happy ending. Recently, my fiancee and I decided to take a trip to DQ after work one night, and it wasn't too busy. Two dudes and a girl were working the front, but I decided to peer over the counter for my usual footwear check. To my delight, I saw that the girl was wearing low black chucks and what appeared to be sockless (she had shorts on, so I could easily tell). I switched between looking at both her bare ankles and what everyone was doing. Fortunately, no one could tell what my intentions were. Hell, even the love of my life didn't notice and I was holding her next to me! But just knowing that the girl made our blizzards had been walking around in chucks with bare feet all day. But all good things come to an end, as fantasy time came to an end once she handed those blizzards to us. Never got so excited in a while, but hopefully I'll get another chance or two to see before I leave my college town

Update!! I got the chance yesterday to see this girl again, and got a few glances. Same exact getup and shoes, and still no socks 😀 Unfortunately the show only lasted so long, as she was usually in the back doing stock or somethin. But a little bit of déjà vu sure made my day. Maybe if I get a chance, I'll try and get some pics or somethin...
Re: Sockless sighting

Lot's of chicks wear chucks around here. We're not really a typical college town, but most of the workforce are college students, and we seem to be running out the older folks lol. Anyway, a lot of the girls wear chucks, and it's awesome. One girl serving me and my gf pizza yesterday had short-shorts, and low black chucks with socks (I prefer socks). And later that night, my gf (who has no idea about my interest in them) started putitng her low-top black chucks in my face trying to annoy me, but really it just turned me on so I took one off and in her attempts to get it back, we ended up having sex. I have never had such a great day. And I may not again lol.
Re: Sockless sighting

That is a great story! I so wish that chucks were more popular when I was in HS and the weather gets a little cooler, I'm starting to see them more. Even though I prefer sockless, if that situation had occurred that you mentioned with your g/f, that would defnitely have been awesome. Lucky guy!

It seems that the people I know best either don't wear them (boring...) or if they do, it's when I don't happen to see them. Swing dance update with chucks: I've seen a few more late HS and college girls that wear them, especially if they're new and don't know what else to wear for dancing. Well, newer girls tend to stare down at the feet of the guy they're dancing with so that they stay in step. It's strange, trust me. So, I use that as an excuse to look down, and then compliment them...sometimes I get a compliment back as well on my dance shoes, and one girl about two weeks ago was wearing powder-blue keds knock-offs; as I was about to compliment her, she beat me to it. Not enough of them come back, that's the sad part, otherwise I'd keep the dialogue going with them in a joking manner...hopefully that can happen with a few. (No and they don't come back b/c I compliment them...I would say everyone that I've complimented has looked very pleased).
Re: Sockless sighting

The situation did happen, but only once. I never get any when she's been wearing chucks except for that one time. And when she does wear them, it's usually when she's in class and we meet for lunch or something, and have to go back, so even if I see her later, she's changed. It's horrible. lol
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