
Bronze Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Location (country)
pennsylvania, usa
Here's the first part. Hope you like and there will be more to come.

It had been a long week to this point. This sales job was really starting to get old. At least Barry didn't have to worry about his wife wanting him to be home more often anymore. The divorce was final last week.
Tonight, things finished up earlier than expected, so he actually had a chance to stop by his hotel room and change before going off to find some dinner. Off with the suit, on with the jeans and t-shirt. He slipped his bare feet into his navy Keds and headed off to the Friday's down the street.
His ex had always been very needy to a point- always needing to know where he was and wanting him home early, but not really wanting much of him when he was around. It made Barry just want ot be on his own again, so when he found out she was cheating-that ended it.
He pulled his overly boring company car into a spot just outside the door. Since it was only just after five, the place wasn't too busy yet. He grabbed his book and went in. The hostess was cute, barley out of high school, and had a very cheery smile. She led him to the bar as he asked and handed him a menu. After ordering a beer and a cobb salad, Barry got his nose into his book. He didn't pay much attention at first as he was shortly joined by a rather attractive brunette who also brought a book.
It didn't take long however until he started to take a few glances at his new companion. She looked to be in her mid-tenties, brown hair in a short ponytail, wire-rim glasses. Kinda bookish type. She had on a brown and white striped short sleeved polo, faded jeans and bright white leather Champions. Woo-hoo! As Barry tried to look interested in turning the next page of his hardcover he couldn't help notice that she was checking him out as well.
"I like your Keds" she said, giving him a quick smile.
The nerves built up, but he got a hold of himself in a hurry. "I like yours too" he said in a surprisingly calm voice. His ex never was comfortable with his fetish for Keds. She had a couple pairs but hardly ever wore them, and gave him a hard time about his on occasion. "Why do you want to wear girls shoes?" she would ask.
"I'm Kelly" she said.
"Barry. Nice to meet you. You live in the area?" he asked.
"Just going to school here, State University. How about you?"
"Sales. In the area this week. Going home tomorrow afternoon."
They exchanged small talk until their food arrived. All the while Barry's eyes would wander down to her lovely white Keds. She seemed to be looking at his as well and would bob her foot and point her toes for him to watch. This was getting to be a bit much as he could fell a stirring in his loins and a dampness to his palms. He dug into his salad and they both pretty much stopped talking for a while. As they were halfway through, the conversation picked up agian. Movies, sports, music- they found quite a bit to talk about and actually had a lot in common. Including shoes.
"Have you been wearing Keds long?" she asked. "I just love mine, practically live in them."
"I'd say quite a while. I wore men's until they stopped making them, then just bought women's and still mostly wear those even though they make men's again. They're just so comfortable, and I don't know, I think they're sexy." Did he say too much? Barry had a nervous moment while he waited for a response.
"They are sexy" she said. "Sometimes I just wear my Keds around the house- and nothing else. It feels... I don't know, playfully dirty." She grinned, then uttered an "oop" and gave a mildly startled look as there was a clapping sound. She had been rubbing her feet together, slipping her heel out of her right shoe and it had fallen on the floor. As she straightened her legs and stretched, Barry noticed she was wearing different color socks, one dark blue still covered and one brown with little cats printed on it out for all the world to see. She re-crossed her legs and continued bobbing her right foot, making no attempt for the moment to recover her shoe.
They finished their dinners and the waitress left thier checks. Hoping not to sound too forward, Barry asked "I'm all caught up on my paperwok, would you like to catch a movie?"
Kelly replied "Thank you, but no I can't. I've got to pick up my roomate at the bus station in an hour." He knew this was it. Oh well, its too early to get back in the game anyway. "But I could maybe meet you for a drink later" she said. Barry's spirits soared.
"I'm at the Quality on 36, room 224, if you want to stop by, they actaully have a decent club at the hotel."
"Its a date then" she exclamed with a beaming smile. "Well, I gotta run" she said as she stooped for her shoe. "Look for me around nine. It was nice talking with you."
"Likewise" Barry smiled.
Re: Story I'm working on

Here's part two.

Barry had been expecting to never see the devine Kelly again, so he did some quick shopping,
picked up a six-pack of a local microbrew on his way back to the hotel, and settled in to
watch some TV until he got bored. It was approaching ten. "I guess its time to entertain
myself' he thought as he turned off the TV and got up. As he was having a pee, his thoughts
turned to Kelly and agreeing with what she had to say about being 'playfully dirty'. He had
changed footwear to a pair of blue plaid slipons and tossed all his other clothes on the
chair. He layed back on the bed and started to take himself in hand when there was a knock on
the door. Pausing, he slowly got up and grabbed his boxers. Another knock. "Just a minute'
he said, pulling his jeans over his Keds. He picked up a white polo that was near at hand and
pulled it over his head as he walked to the door.
"Hi Barry!" Kelly exclamed as he opened the door and gave him a quick hug. "This is Shannon.
Shannon, Barry."
Barry was taken aback. He checked out Shannon as she shook his hand and said "nice to meet
you." She had short blonde hair in a kind of bob and was wearing a little pink hoodie and
khaki capris. On her bare feet were a pair of black with pink polka dot skimmers that looked
brand spanking new. He was really turned on by what he saw with Kelly. She had changed to a
thin white blouse over an orange and white pinstriped tank top and a short demin skirt. Her
little white socks actually matched but her Keds Champions didn't, one orange, one navy. Oof
Barry though, not sure what to say next.
"You ready?" Kelly asked. "Let me get my key" said Barry and they headed downstairs.
"Shannon's bus ran a bit late. Then we had a couple stops to make before we came over. Do
you like her new Keds? We just got them." asked Kelly as they got to the elevator.
"They're adorable" he responded. "Do you wear Keds much?"
"Actually I'm a flip-flop girl but these are fun, and I can slip in and out of them."
They all had to show I.D. going into the club, so Barry figured at least they should be legal.
That's good, his ex was underage when they met. They got a booth and started talking about
schools and jobs and other mundane stuff while they had a couple drinks. Then Kelly got up
and said "let's dance!" Shannon and Barry followed her out to the floor where they proceeded
to cavort around for the next few songs, all the while Barry noticed the approving looks he
got fromm the guys dancing with just one girl. And he kept glancing his eyes back to the
girls' footwear, watching them hop and kick.
Soon enough though, they needed a break and went back to their booth. Shannon said something
in Kelly's ear and they giggled and Kelly said "we'll be right back, need to freshen up."
"I'll be here" Barry said watching them head for the restroom. As he watched their cute
little butts wiggle away, he started to fantasize about the things he'd like to do. He
wondered if he would be able to stay in touch with them- and if he would want to. Soon enough
though, they were back and Kelly asked "would you want to go somewhere quieter?"
"Sure, we could go for a walk or something"
"That'd be fine" she said as he got up and followed them out.
"Maybe we could go up to your room and relax" said Shannon, sliding her hand around his waist
while Kelly did the same. He put his arms around their shoulders and they walked back towards
the elevators. This was getting better and better. He looked back and forth between the two
girls and returned their smiles. He looked down to their feet and watched Shannon's dotted
flats, his plaid slipons, and Kellys alternating blue and orange Champs as they stepped almost
in unison. He could feel himself getting hard.
As they reached his room he had to let go of Shannon to get his keycard and she walked around
to Kelly and put an arm around her. He opened the door with a bit of a flourish and said
"ladies first" as they glided past him, each drawing a hand under his chin. Kelly gave him a
sly look and said "thank you dear." He pulled the door closed as he agian looked down to her
Re: Story I'm working on

Can't wait for part3 . Great job.
Re: Story I'm working on

Yup, Me too. This story is off to a great start.
Re: Story I'm working on

Part one of part three. More to come in a couple days.

"Would you ladies care for a beverage" asked Barry as he followed them to the sitting area of his room.
"Sure" Shannon replied, "do you have any soda, maybe a Coke?"
"Just water for me" said Kelly.
"I'll be right back." As they sat down Barry turned to leave and saw Shannon take off her hoodie, revealing a black camisole top underneath. She had some nice perky breasts.
He didn't have far to go to the vending machine where he got a couple Cokes and a couple waters. He was walking in a daze, not even really thinking about where he was. This was just crazy he thought. Arriving back at his door he tucked all the drinks under one arm and opened his door. The girls were still there and they were giggling softly as he walked back into the sitting area.
They were sitting beside each other- no against each other on the sofa. He sat their drinks on the table and asked "what would you girls like to do?"
"Welllll..." Kelly started as she reached for her water. "Have you ever been with two girls at once?" Shannon finished, giving him a sly smile.
"No" Barry responded "but I could... um... it could be fun."
"We're both unattached at the moment and just thought it might be fun to experiment some, you know maybe share each other in front of a guy sometime" said Kelly. "You're cute, fun to be with. We'd like to share you too...if you'll have us." They were both sitting on the edge of the sofa cusions, backs straight, toes pointed on the floor. Shannon was lightly biting her lip while Kelly was twisting her orange Ked-clad right foot. Shannon put her hand on Kelly's knee and said "we could start?"
Barry came out of his daze and said "I'm willing to do it."
"Great" Kelly smiled.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Just sit there for a bit" said Kelly. "We'll let you know what to do."
The girls sat back in the sofa and turned toward each other. They slowly looked each other up and down while stealing quick glances at Barry to see how he was reacting. Kelly had brought her left leg up onto the sofa when she turned to her left and still had her right toe pointing at the floor. Shannon just turned to her right on the end of the cushion to face Kelly. They clasped each other's hands and drew in closer to each other. They both very tennatively licked their lips and leaned even closer. Then they kissed. Just quick and lightly at first, but then their intensity grew and soon their kissing gained emotion and they let go of each other's hands. Kelly put both hands on the sides of Shannon's face while Shannon put her hands on Kelly's shoulders and started to reach down to her right breast.
Barry was getting excited and could feel his cock growning. This was happening, right here, not on a computer screen. He watched as Shannon started to push Kelly's blouse off her shoulders. Kelly got up onto the sofa, sitting up on her knees as Shannon did the same and facing each other, finished pushing off her blouse. Shannon went back to fondling Kelly's breasts as Kelly tossed her blouse away. Kelly then put her hands on Shannon's shoulders and started to work them down her sides to her hips. As they continued kissing she worked her way to the fly of Shannon's capris and undid them. She pushed them down revealing purple satin panties.
They stopped kissing each other as Shannon started to work her way down Kelly's neck. Kelly reached down to her own tank top and pulled it up and off. Shannon resumed kissing her neck and shoulders along the straps of Kelly's white bra which Kelly reach behind her back to remove. She tossed it on the table between them and Barry, then smiled at him and asked "are you getting hot?"
Barry was. He was sitting back in his chair with his hands behind his head and his Plaid Keds up on the edge of the table. There was definitely a party going on in his pants. He smiled back and said "I'm enjoying this very much."
"Oh, me too" said Kelly as Shannon kissed her way down to Kelly's nipples. She had small breats but very perky and cute. Barry was getting anxious to fondle them himself. Kelly arched her back and proped herself up putting her hands on her Keds while Shannon continued to suckle her nipples. After a bit Kelly leaned back all the way and put her legs up on the sofa on either side of Shannon. Shannon leaned back then and started to stroke Kelly's smooth legs.
Barry looked to Kelly and saw that she was licking her lips. Shannon started doing the same and stopped stroking Kelly's legs long enough to pull her camisole off over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra and her breasts bobbed as she tossed her top aside. Bending her knee, Kelly lifted her right leg and gently put the toe of her orange Ked on Shannons left breast. Shannon put both hands on the shoe and started to rub her chest with it going back and forth between her nipples. She let out a small moan.
Holding Kelly's foot with her left hand, Shannon's right hand started to creep down to her panties. She opened her mouth and grasped kelly' shoelace with her teeth. She pulled it and then working with her tongue, undid the lace on Kelly's orange Ked, all the while gently rubbing herself in her panties. She pulled the shoe off and as Kelly put her foot back on Shannon's chest, She brought it to her nose for a sniff. She inhaled deeply and then stuck her tongue inside and licked the insole. Kelly giggled and Shannon handed it to her and said "here, you try." Kelly took her Ked and held it to her nose while Shannon started to rub Kelly's sock-clad foot on her chest. After a few breaths, Kelly smiled and said "here Barry" and held out her Ked for him. He got up and took the offered shoe. He looked at the sole and it showed a little wear. She mustn't have had these for long he thought. Turning it over and looking inside he noticed the orange trim around the insole and spied the tag. Hmm, size ten, I thought they'd fit me... He noticed that she had at least had them long enough to put some toe impressions inside.
"Have a sniff" Kelly said. Shannon was removing Kelly's sock and brought her toes to her mouth. Barry had a sniff and it was great. It smelled like rubber, and a bit moist from the dancing. He took another and watched as Shannon sucked on Kelly's toes. She was wearing dark blue nail polish. He had a third sniff and suddenly realized his pants were being undone. Kelly finished unzipping him and pushed his jeans down. She had his boxers follow them to his ankles. He was hard as a rock already and she didn't waste much time stroking him before she took him in her mouth.
Shannon, who had been sitting up on her knees now put her left leg out and sat down on her right leg while still holding Kelly's bare foot. She started kissing Kelly's leg. While Kelly had a hold of Barry with her mouth and her right hand, her left reached down and pulled up her skirt to reveal light blue cotton panties. She put her hand inside and started to rub herself in time with her sucking on Barry's cock.
Re: Story I'm working on

Loving the story so far. Just one piece of constructive feedback. It would be a lot easier to read (physically) if you had more "white space;" that is a full blank line to separate the sentences into paragraphs.

White space is a fetish of mine, and I personally tend to overdo it. But as a good rule of thumb, every time a speaker stops talking and the next speaker begins, it's probably time for a blank line. In fact if a speaker launches into a long monologue, it's OK to insert white space there too.
Re: Story I'm working on

Thanks for all the effort! I'm ready for more awesome reading!~ Great stuff!~:icon_wink
Re: Story I'm working on

You must have put an awful lot of time into this story. Its working out well so far. It has a ring of reality to it blended with fantisy. Thanx for putting so much time in it.
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Re: Story I'm working on

A very nice variation on the 'two-and-one' scenario. I liked the surprise element of both girls turning up at his room.

I'm going to start posting a story here too. Thanks for the inspiration.

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