
This is one of my all time favorite, Adidas Superstar sneaker portraits that we made. It's my g/f sporting those delicious, now well worn, & trashed sups with tube socks. I think there are around 8-10? in this series we made. In fact we shot this shortly after she got the Superstars. Enjoy!


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Re: Superstars with Socks *cute*

Adidas superstars are the sneaks that made me start searching on the web for pictures of sneakers. I remember when my cousin came over wearing them, and went out and made my sister buy a pair. I wish I did more than just stare at them, but alas, I didn't start masturbation until I was about 8.

I still have the images of them both coming home wearing them imprinted in my mind.

Damn I've had this fetish for a while. My mom had a pair of reebok princesses she used to wear while mowing the lawn, i.e. very worn and smelly. I remember asking her for them a couple months after I learned how to talk. Not to mention my mom's best friend's tretorns, I always nuzzled her feet when she came over.
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