
VIP Member
Apr 4, 2005
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I was noticing that no one posts stories in the stories section of the members. It looks like there were some really HOT sneaker stories posted years ago, but hardly any in the last few years. And there have been none this year. I would love to read some new ones. I might even try to come up with one soon.

Luv my Keds,
I wrote a few stories in the 90's as did Mule, Kedrule and a few others but it seems that we said what we needed to say.

Mule says he's retired and that the story farm is empty but still he offered to write a stort story if we'd supply some idea's (see this thread ) but no one has even responded.

I'd love to read something new and I've on 2 occasions had story contests and there were no submissions. I don't see what else can be done to make it happen. However I'm prepared to try almost anything.


What if it would just make a Keds girl happy? I wonder if that might work?
LOL I will try to come up with one soon, untill then here are some potential story subjects. Of course any involving kissing, licking or being intimate with their sneaks. Maybe a girl catching another girl doing any of the above.

Kiss my Keds,
House sitting?

House sitting?

Anchorfan said:
Ever read the 'House-sitting For My Mistress' saga online?
No, I don't think so. Is it on sneaker-planet?

Luv my Keds,
Ashley said:
Is it on sneaker-planet?

I'm not sure. I don't enjoy full access... to the site, I mean. It's somewhere on the web for sure. Try asstr if you want. I know it has some Keds licking in it. It has a bdsm flair though... don't know whether you'd be into those aspects.

I'm lazily in the process or writing a Keds story, per your request :icon_mrgr I'll post it when I finish it.
Ashley Goes To College

Ashley Goes To College

(We join our preview already in progress)

‘Hey, I like your Keds,’ I told her.

‘Oh?’ Ashley quipped, pausing a moment, before looking down at her sneakers. ‘Thank you.’

‘It’s rare,’ I further explained. ‘You hardly see anyone wearing them these days, I mean.’

Ashley listened as I babbled.

‘I’m sorry. I know it sounds weird, but I just have a thing for sneakers I guess.’

‘Really?’ asked Ashley. ‘Like a fetish?’

‘Yeah, ever since I was a kid.’

Ashley let the concept marinate for a while. I was about to apologize and diffuse the whole situation. After all, I didn’t want to freak out my roommate the very first day!

‘Do you like to wear them too,’ inquired Ashley, ‘or do you just like it when others are wearing them?’

‘Both,’ I replied.

‘Do you have any of your sneakers here,’ she asked.

‘Of course,’ I replied.

Ashley nodded her head affirmatively and paused for a few seconds. ‘Well, let me see them.’

I thought about it for a second before scampering off to my bedroom. After a minute or two, I returned with three boxes of sneakers. I set them down on the coffee table in front of us, and began opening the first box.
Ashley Goes To College - Part 2

Ashley Goes To College - Part 2

‘You’ll probably recognize these,’ I stated as I unwrapped a pristine pair of optical white Converse All-Stars. ‘They’re your classic sneak, sporty and chunky, with plenty of rubber.’

‘So it’s the rubber you like then?’ inquired Ashley.

‘Sort of, but I also like the whole image. They’re fun, casual, understated, unpretentious…’ I offered, looking for more words to better convey my adoration for classic canvas. I resisted calling them delicious.

As Ashley studied the canvas hi-top, she asked what else I had brought to show her. I opened the second box and pulled out a nice, new pair of white Converse Jack Purcells.

Ashley immediately chimed, ‘Oh, I like these.’ After studying the Jacks for a few moments she added that they felt heavy and sturdy. ‘Now these are chunky,’ she added, borrowing my term as if she were genuinely paying attention.

Ashley held the rubbery sneaker up to her face in order to smell it. ‘Man, that’s really pungent. Here, smell it,’ she prompted, as she held it up for me to smell. I tried to act nonchalant as I sniffed her offering in an almost patronizing way. After all, I didn’t want to look the part of an anxious pervert. Ashley may not have known it but I knew the smell intimately. I knew every detail about my sneakers.

‘And this is a pair of Keds Champions,’ I interjected as I produced the third and final pair of sneakers I had brought to show Ashley.

‘Those are just like mine,’ she said almost condescendingly.

‘Well, they are,’ I retorted plainly. ‘But they’re best example of your classic canvas sneaker. I mean, look at the delicately patterned sidewall, how it meets the canvas upper, almost seamlessly. Look how the beige rubber soles complement and somehow contrast beautifully with the virginal and innocent white canvas… look how the blue label stands out, proudly, a flag of quality, the culmination of a perfect simple design…’

I trailed off, sensing Ashley’s near disbelief and obvious amusement at my perverse adoration for my sneakers. ‘I didn’t think you’d get it,’ I volunteered, as almost to absolve her.

Much to my surprise, Ashley quipped, ‘No, I actually get it, believe it or not. It’s good to be passionate in your likes.’ She paused a second or two, before asking, ‘Do they fit?’

‘Which ones? The Keds?’ I wondered.

Ashley looked plainly at me. ‘Yeah, the Keds.’

‘Well, they fit just fine, but…’

‘Good,’ interrupted Ashley. ‘Why don’t you put them on?’

‘Why?’ I asked a tad embarrassed by all of this.

‘Because you obviously like them the best,’ Ashley continued, as she reached for the white Jack Purcells, grabbing the left shoe first. ‘I think I’ll wear these.’
Please more of that story!!!! That is hott!!!!!!! I love making my wife talk about the rubber when we play sneaker love games together. I love when Ashley asked "oh so its the rubber that you like?" what a hot question!!! Also I love smelling my wifes(or many girls) sneakers. I love licking and smelling her chucks or jack purcells while we are fucking, the best is cuming together while both of our tongues are licking one sneaker together and smelling it at the same time. But back to it, please post the end of that story!!!


Found this story on the web

Hi all!! How's mudding? well all although i promised this week's KEDventure would be with my red canvas KEDS i thought about Debbie and Bunky and wore my new Tretorns w/ blue plaid trim and decided to suck my girlfriend Alice into my venture w/o her knowledge. Alice is 29 and a brunette who also wears keds, but unlike me she takes GREAT pride in keeping hers clean, fresh, and white. knowing that i called her up and asked her if she wanted to go to the park for a walk and get some excercise. she agreed, asked what i was going to wear, i told her then i picked her up. I was wearing a grey sweatshirt w/ white shorts, no socks and my brand new Tretorns, which i must admit felt very comfortable. Alice came out wearing a blue sweatshirt white shorts and white Keds w/ white socks which weren't brand new but in great shape. It rained 2 days ago w/ almost an inch of rain falling. I threw my s/o's football in my car before i left. We then went to the park and we walked 2 laps around the perimeter. while walking we saw abunch of college guys playing touch/tackle football on the field and i began telling Alice that my s/o had left his football in my car and mentioned that we should play catch she laughed, but agreed and thought it would be fun. i went and got the ball and started my plan..hehehe We went to an ajoining field and as we walked in the grass to the field i could feel the wet grass beneath my feet. I kept looking at my Tretorns but the wetness had no effect on them they must be treated w/ scotchguard or something at the factory we began tossing the ball back and forth and everytime i threw it i would send it a little closer to a real soggy, and muddy area of the field. i could tell Alice was getting a little p.o'd because she tried tip toeing to p/u the ball. after about 20 minutes the mud started showing on the sides of her Keds over the rubber and were getting very splatterd w/ mud droplets. My Tretorns were also finally getting wet and muddy. It was now time. i told her to run deep and i would toss it as far as i could. she started running and looked back and i told her to keep going she kept looking back and i told her to keep going if she only knew that i had no intention of throwing the football i told her one more time and BINGO she ran straight into the deepest, muudiest puddle on the field and as soon as she realized it she tried to stop but she was in too deep and as she turned she fell right on her ass i was laughing so hard i thought i was going to have a heart attack. boy was she pissed at me she told me to come help her up i pretended to be upset and said i didn't want to ruin my new sneakers but she said tough shit and that i had just ruined her white shorts and her new Keds. well i "reluctantly" walked into the mud to help her and stared at her w/ a pissed off look on my face as i stared to sink in the mud w/ my new Tretorns s the mud was covering my sneakers it began oozing in my lace holes and over the sides ohh it felt awsome i was really getting hot between looking at her Keds and my Tretorns after sploshing around a little i went and helped her up. she tried to pull me down but i wouldn't let her, but after i helped her up and turned, still laughing she pushed me down i figured i would let her get even because she wouldn't know that i was enjoying it sooo much. i rolled around a little and Alice said what the hell are you doing so i got up and we both walked out of the mud laughing and we were both covered pretty good and she was still a little p.o.'d but i told her to lighten up and that i would buy her a new pair of shorts and sneakers. we then strolled back to my car me in my brand new muddy Tretorns and Alice in her muddy socks and Keds the best was when i dropped her off she apoligized for making me ruin my new sneakers and getting me all muddy... if she only knew!! She never did catch on, so one day this week i'm going to buy her new shorts and Keds and i'm sure knowing Alice she'll feel bad and do the same for me. ......... . keep KEDventuring and have fun!!!!!!

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