Re: The Ongoing Adventures of Sneakerboy

Part 2 is up.
Re: The Ongoing Adventures of Sneakerboy

WOW! Can't wait for episode 3
Re: The Ongoing Adventures of Sneakerboy

We are trying to get a few posted right away then they'll probably be weekly.
Re: The Ongoing Adventures of Sneakerboy

WOW! Can't wait for episode 3

Yes . . . the episodes are quick but great! Who is the author?

Some constructive criticism . . . is on episode 1 the story keeps flopping back and forth between first person (I, me, my) and third person . . . (he, his). And, also as a P.I.A. some spelling errors - heal should be heel.



But, great stuff and potential for an on-going story.

This is the sort of thing that would be great to have illustrated as a comic by Scotty!

Keep up the good work.
Re: The Ongoing Adventures of Sneakerboy

It was actually written years ago in the first part. Editing is new to me so forgive the errors. I think you'll like the next couple episodes.
Re: The Ongoing Adventures of Sneakerboy

PS if you have time we could use a proof reader. There are a bunch that need to be checked.
Re: The Ongoing Adventures of Sneakerboy

Hey Seeker, I know I haven't posted recently due to internet situations, but if you still need a proofreader, I'd be willing to help out.
Re: The Ongoing Adventures of Sneakerboy

Likewise - proofer available!

Would love to help out.
Re: The Ongoing Adventures of Sneakerboy

Okay use the contact link belowand shoot a mail that way I have your addresses. I'll in return send you the next 2 chapters.
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