
Staff member
Jul 17, 2003
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Hi Everyone,

I recently purchased a pair of vintage 1992 "They Feel Good" canvas champs on eBay. Due to some post office snafus, I received them about 19 days after they arrived in my po box. Excited, I got home and cracked open the bubble-envelope mailer to discover...

The Keds were WET! they were stuffed with paper towels to keep their shape, and these were quite damp too... but that's not the worst part... sitting in a dark envelope, these shoes have grown moldy. It's not super gross overgrowing fuzzy mold, just a few 2mm black fuzzy dots scattered around on the canvas, and a little bit on the inside.

What do you guys think? How can I salvage these? I imagine it will probably wash out, but what's the best way to wash keds from this timeperiod? I remember some members experiencing yellow glue seeping out onto the canvas after washing, but I'm not sure if that was from a newer series. Should I bleach them?

I'd love to get some input from those of you with a bit of experience in this, it'd be a shame to have to let these rare brand new keds go.

As an upside, I can promise that if I can get these clean, I'll certainly be able to return the favor with some girlfriend photos. :icon_cool
Re: Wet Keds Package!

It may have been the post office. Write the seller and ask if they were sent that way. I believe you can buy that fabrease stuff for the wash now. It may take out the smell.
Re: Wet Keds Package!

Website 2, Give them a soak in a bucket of water with some Nappy-San.. (nappy soaker not washing powder ).. Stir them around so the nappy stuff goes inside the shoe... Either rinse off by hand or machine rinse.. Let them dry in the sun leaning against a wall so they drain quicker.... Nothing like a bit of sun to kill mold and bleach them a little..... Careful with the bleach it can rot older cotton stitching.. Use bleach very spareingly... Works for me.. :icon_bigg:icon_bigg Walk softly people..
Re: Wet Keds Package!

I can't imagine why the seller would send them wet... I'm pretty sure it was the post office.

I'm not really interested in pursuing for damages, the survival of the goods is mostly the priority...

So is washing safe? Does this series not have the glue seepage issue?
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