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May 28, 2014
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Nothing is quite as bright as a brand new pair of white canvas Keds. Based on your observations, on average, how long do girls keep their new white Keds looking "new"? A week? A month? A few months?

What was the quickest you ever saw a girl get her new white Keds dirty? Was she upset?

Have you ever watched a girl in nice white Keds trying to navigate a wet or muddy area? Is it a turn on to watch them plan each step doing the famous female 'tip-toe' routine?
Re: White Canvas Keds

Depends on the girl....I figure those who wear them daily or near daily that the new look disappears quickly...say a week or so. Those who wear them for special occasions have their Keds new look for quite awhile but get very upset if even the littlest of dirt takes hold. Another observation is this: girls that wear them daily or near daily wear them out within a few months with the shoes with holes where the big toe makes contact, the rubber separating from the canvas, and as a general rule tend to be a bit dirty.
Re: White Canvas Keds

I have noticed the holes near the big toe area with the 'every day' wear girls. And, yes, those tend to be more on the dirty side.

With the 'special occasion' girls, can you think of a time where she ended up in some dirt/water/mud when she didn't want to? How bad did the Keds get it? What was her reaction?
Re: White Canvas Keds

My girlfriend has accidentally stepped into mud a couple of times while hiking. She usually wears canvas Keds champions with laces and white socks. Once when she stepped in, her shoe got stuck and her socked foot came out coz she leaves her laces slightly loosely tied. She tried to push her foot in but failed and eventually I had to rescue her shoe. The sock was brown with mud so she took it off and walked back down the trail with just the shoe on. She does get a hole where her big toe pokes against the canvas and in this case mud has oozed into her shoe making them squelch. Plus when she took off her shoe, her foot was brown with mud just like her sock.

Another time after she had ankle surgery, she had to wear a brace on her left foot and walk with a cane. As her foot wouldn't all the way into her shoes, she took to wearing her old canvas slip ons like mules with the backs crushed under her heel. On her way back, it started raining heavily and water got into her shoes through the open back. By the time she reached home, her shoes were completely soaked as she couldn't hobble fast enough with her cane. Her feet got heavily blistered from that incident so that she could not wear closed back shoes for a while. Her old slip ons were ruined and she threw them away to buy a new pair. But the new ones have a very stiff back so she ended up cutting the back and the sides of the shoes leaving just the toe portion like a slipper. She occasionally still wears them around the house.
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