
Bronze Member
Jun 15, 2008
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yesterday i was at work and went to lunch with a couple guys i was working with and we had had some pizza. as we were leaving one of the girls that worked there had come in. she looked like she was around 17. i happend to notice she was wearing a pair of white leather keds. i only glanced for a second though. the bottoms had the old style soles and they looked pretty dirty and brown and even worn down.
Re: white leather keds on young girl

Sounds to me like ya got dinner and dessert!! I love those occasional treats in a world needing more Keds gals...thanks for sharing!!
Re: white leather keds on young girl

sorry no pics though. it would'nt have come out anyway. all i had was the camera on my phone plus there were other around anyway.
Re: white leather keds on young girl

No prob! It's amazing how a pair of white keds will pull me out of the ho hums in just a second. In my parts they are so freakin few and far between. At least one of us got a good view out of their day!! :icon_wink
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