
VIP Member
Apr 21, 2003
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And they say that men have a fetish.

According to my very fashion-conscious niece, there is no such thing as "too many shoes." Yet she owns nary a Ked. When she moved back to Ireland, she packed a whole large suitcase with nothing but shoes. That was her emergency kit so she could make do until she could catch up with the 4 huge boxes she shipped ahead. I'm not sure, but I think she took 4 pair to wear on the plane.

When paleontologists dig up the average human household millions of years from now and they get to the closet, they are going to conclude the male of the species was bi-pedal, and the female of the species was centipedal.

Women fall in love with shoes the way men fall in love with electronic or mechanical things. However unlike a man who will pay $200 for a $100 electronic gadget that he absolutely needs, women will pay $100 for a pair of $200 shoes she doesn't need.

Nonetheless, there has to be a reason why the average mall has two electronic shops and 78 shoe stores.

Frank Lloyd Wright was a great architect who said, "Form follows function." Frank never designed women's shoes. In the feminine footwear world, form follows fashion, and it doesn't matter if the form is incompatible with human anatomy.

A woman will wear shoes if they look good no matter how painful they are. I am beginning to believe that a woman would wear a barbed wire necklace if she thought it looked good.

Read the postings in Zapos where women rate their shoes, "I just love these shoes. If you put a band aid on each heel and big toe, you can wear them for 15 minutes before hobbling with pain. I only have to see my podiatrist once a month when I wear them."

In ancient China, mothers bound the feet of girls so as they grew up the foot would take on a grotesque hunched up bone structure. This was a sign of beauty and a fetish (apparently) for Chinese men. Today, mothers no longer bind their daughter's feet. The girls do it themselves.

I do not know who invented the high heeled shoe, but I suspect that it was the Marquis de Sade. The timing is about right. If the Inquisition had known about high heels, they would have certainly used them.

As an engineer who has studied anatomy, I can tell you that a woman in high heels is structurally unstable, One good gust of wind or a slight tremor, and she’s coming down.

Imagine if they built cars like this. Tiny, training wheel like rear tires that are on stilts so that the car is level with normal front tires installed. It may give the illusion of being fuel efficient as it looks like it is always going downhill, but other than that it look downright silly. There must be a reason NASCAR steers away from this type of design.

And then there are sneakers. Everybody knows what a sneaker is. However, nobody ever really says the word anymore. First they were sneakers and then they became tennis shoes, running shoes, athletic shoes, walking shoes, aerobic shoes, and cross-trainers. Sneakers were cheap shoes. Every time they got renamed, they became more expensive.

Nor are they just a slab of rubber with a canvas upper anymore. Some have a pneumatic system that makes the pressurization system on a 747 looked like it was installed by a weekend plumber. Some have metallic suspension systems made of titanium alloys that are a cross between the technology used in the Space Shuttle and the Golden Gate Bridge.

However, the most important advance in sneaker technology is the logo. It also helps to have the product hyped by someone getting paid so much that he doesn’t need the outrageous fee they pay him to do the commercial.

So much for commenting on women’s footwear. I love women, but if I live another 60 years, I still won’t understand them. There are literally some things man was not meant to know. Women’s fashion is one of them.
Re: Women and Shoes

Chances are that those women's fashions were designed by a male 😉
Re: Women and Shoes

Don't tempt me. I wonder what features I would put into the ideal sneaker if I designed it. Some things I would not put in are: platforms and an extra wide sole at the heel.
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