
Bronze Member
Dec 4, 2003
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what was it like? the first time you wore keds, that is.

i was 13. this was back in the early 90s when all the girls were wearing them. of course, this wouldn't be so significant if i was a girl. but: i bought a pair of white canvas champs that were -- one size too small (i'd miscalculated the conversion from men's sizes to women's). but i found that if i was determined enough i could get into them. and i was determined enough.

pantyhose helped slip me in, and i had pantyhose readily on hand.

until i got out of high school i had a secret pair of keds hidden in my closet and every so often i would lock the bedroom door and slip them on (mercifully, i'd replaced those first ones with ones that were the correct size). i would open the window and hide next to it in my pink skirt and stockings and keds and smoke.

when i went to college i, for some reason, stopped wearing them. but when i graduated i became interested again. that was during the wedge-heel dark ages and i never got in to those.

some time last year i discovered that the wedge was gone and, the moment my wife left town on a business trip, i went and bought a pair of pink canvas keds. i picked up some hose and a pack of the same yucky brown cigarettes that i used to smoke and...well...everything was just as i had remembered...except the cigarettes, they're a lot more expensive than they used to be. i don't regularly smoke anymore, but my wife travels every so often and i have a little fun with keds when she's gone.

we were looking at her old yearbook once and there was a pic of her from about the same time that i was starting to wear them. she was in a pair of black keds. she said, "i begged my mother for white but she got black ones instead. i can't believe i used to wear those!"

oh well, i still love her anyway. besides, it's not something i've really ever wanted to share with her.
my first...

my first...

My first experience with shoes in general goes back too far to mention. I do recall also in highschool being the hayday of Keds. It was more the late 80's though. I had a girlfriend that picked up on me liking them and teased me to no end. Her sister, 2 yrs her junior, wore them too. It was really just all to much for my newly found horomones to bear.

I too used to have a secret collection in my closet that reached about 40 pairs. I sold them to a fellow member almost 8 years ago before I got married.

Good thing the wife wears them!

You guys make me feel old. :icon_cry: I first wore Keds back when it was cool for boys to wear Keds- back when they made Keds for guys. My first Keds were high-tops similar to Converse Chucks. Yes, Keds use to make shoes like that. This was in the early 1950s when I was 7 or 8. Later, during college I wore their low-cut oxfords for guys called "Surfers". These were similar to the girl's Keds but made heavier and more rugged. I regret that somehow between then and now it has become "uncool" for guys to wear canvas oxfords because they were comfortable and good looking shoes.
I have to say I feel a bit old as well. My story is a bit different. Back in the sixty's when I was going to grade school I was bought keds just like my sisters with the only differene she got white and I got black or navy.
The oldest memory I have of my attachment to keds was in the late 70s. I vaguely remember being on the playground seeing someone (I don't remember if they were a boy or girl) wearing keds. For some reason I kept looking at the blue label and I really liked it.

When keds became popular in the late 80s and all the girls were wearing them, I was in high school and it seemed that ANY girl who wore keds turned me on. I had a male friend who also bought keds at one time when they sold them for men and I had to buy my own pair. Living with my mother, I thought that would be a challenge until I finally got enough guts to buy a women's pair through the JCPenney catalog.
I'll never forget the day UPS brought them to my door! I pulled them out of the box and I still remember having rapid and short breath because of it! They didn't have as much toe room back then and I remember first worrying that they wouldn't fit after I tried them on, but they were a little snug but fine for me to wear.
A couple of times that year I got a couple of comments from girls at church like "Those are girls' shoes!" but I just told them that they make them for men too and that was the end of that. It was then I met my girlfriend who would eventually become my wife. She always loved me even though I wore white and black keds almost exclusively. I also shaved my legs, and wore women's colored socks.... remember how cute keds looked with colored socks, especially when the girls wore two pair of socks with the colors inverted? She later told me she didn't have any clue I was transgendered. Hmmmm...
I think it was the femininity in women who wore keds that drove me to liking them. I don't care at this point because I'm (pretty much) past caring what other people think, although maybe I'll get gutsy enough to wear pink or other feminine colors eventually!


Geeze. You guys shouldn't worry about being old or different or anything! You are all awesome as far as I'm concerned. Geeze. I am so different sometimes from others and I hate being the odd one out. One of the reasons for joining Seeker's (other than constant need to j/o over keds) is because I can be myself and not care what others think.

Love all the Keds stories you guys are posting.. Everyone join in!
I was in highschool in the early eighties. I dated a girl on the drill team in large part because they wore Keds or knockoffs to perform. I remeber a pretty girl named Kelly showing up to class in May of 1982 wearing a pair of light blue Keds. I was struck by how many people were commenting on her shoes. There must have been a 10 minute coversation about her new Keds and the other colours she said were available. Over the next week or so of school, three other girls showed up in Keds in that class. That marked the beginning of a good 15-20 year run for Keds in my life.
My girlfriend in college wore Keds almost exclusively. She knew about my fetish and used to take me shopping with her when she bought a new pair of Keds. She'd make a good show of trying on a few pair and modeling them for me. She "talked" me in to buying a pair on one trip and I would wear them around our apartment. It was a few years before I worked up the nerve to wear them out in public. I actually had a liason weekend with her a couple of years ago and she arrived in a pair of Pink Keds for me. I hadn't seen her in over 10 years.
I was planning to go to the park with a female friend of mine who used to wear Keds when we were together. On Sat, I went by to pick her up and she was wearing a pair of vans. I asked her to change them and she got pretty testy with me. I found myself getting angry and booted her out of the car. Anybody ever responded to the Keds issue like that before? I hate vans and cons. Actually I loathe them. I just didn't want to be around her in the vans. I'm not sure the relationship is repairable. It seems strange to me that I would have had such a visceral reaction to shoes. I am usually pretty easy going. For some reason, on that day, I decided I didn't want to be around anyone who didn't value Ked like I do. Comments?
I have never reacted the way you did but I do get angry with my wife when she won't wear Tretorns for me. I keep it inside though because I have a fear that if I make too big a deal out of it she will never wear them again!

I hate to say it but I think you overreacted unless you and her had agreed that she would wear keds for this meeting (still I would not condone kicking her out of the car.) I doo understand the frustation though 🙂
Oh my! I accually ended up getting divorced over my x not wearing keds so booting the bitch out wasn't that bad! LOL
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